Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dean Wormer to wd

"Being rigidly ideological, seeing absolutely everything in clear-cut dichotomies, falling prey to the most obscene and paranoiac of conspiracy theories, constantly impugning the motivation of people who have the temerity to disagree with you, labeling those people, using hyperbole as if it were a frigging salt-shaker, being the proud possessor of a highly malleable moral compass, defending the indefensible (or at the very least not speaking out against it) exposing oneself to only things that reinforce your paradigm, and listening to movie soundtracks is no way to go through life, son."


  1. [1] Untrue.
    [2] Who the hell are you talking about? A character from the film "Animal House"?
    [3] The quote is fake.
    [4] You're an asshole. Not for the bulk of this bullshit, but because of the last sentence. I don't give a crap about your opinion of me, but saying there is something wrong with listening to soundtracks is just idiotic.
    [5] The opinion of a moderate extremist does not concern me.
    [6] Using your blog to personally attack someone (not disagree with anything specific they said) is fucked up. You've got problems dude. Must be the fact that Olbermann is now on a channel you don't get.

  2. [1] Will occasionally speaks the truth... this isn't one of those times.

    [2] Rusty is so deluded he has no clue what the truth is.

    [3] Will would NEVER author a post saying anything derogatory about his buddies Rusty, dmarks, Voltron or ecc102*... when they do say something Will doesn't quite agree with he...

    ...respectfully disagrees, insists they are joking (if the something disagreeable is racist or misogynist) or admires them for their refreshing conservatism.

    *We must not forget ecc102, or he'll likely throw a hissy fit.

    [4] Movie scores are awesome. But only people with superior taste in music listen to them, which explains Will's dislike of them.

  3. I see (due to a lack of a response) that this is a hit and run post targeting yours truly and Will isn't going to defend his bullshit ad hominem insults.

  4. It was a frigging joke, wd; a play on words from "Animal House". I did one for Alan Keyes and I decided to do one for you.

  5. Will: ...a play on words from "Animal House".

    I've never seen it.


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