Monday, October 10, 2011

You're Not in Kansas Anymore, Bitch

I try really hard not to root against people (well, except for maybe when Notre Dame is playing). But when I heard that Headline News's, Nancy Grace, was going to be a contestant on "Dancing With the Stars".......Not that I ever really watch that idiotic program, mind you, but, damn it, the fact that this Grace character may in fact end up getting a little of her own medicine (i.e., rudeness and sharp criticism), I just might have to Youtube it a little....You know, so I can watch the biotch fail (yeah, that's right, America, Rush Limbaugh, etc., I hope that Nancy Grace fails!)!!!.


  1. I watch the show with my wife. Nancy was nailed last night during the performance episode by the bald English guy. She was pissed!

    But tonight she somehow made it through to next week.

  2. Hey Will,there was news on the net a few weeks ago that while dancing one of Nancy's titties flew out.

    Cut her some slack,I think she was right about Tot Mom and this Knox girl from Seattle.

  3. Hey Will, WTF do you mean by "that idiotic program"?

    My wife and I ballroom danced for 12 years. :)

    Not only is it fun it is athletic as well. ;)

  4. Double b, I used to go out with a girl that made me watch "Dancing with the Stars" (we're no longer seeing each other).......Yeah, Russ, I heard about that "wardrobe malfunction. Would have much preferred to have seen it on Ashleigh Banfield, though (subbing for that biotch, Behar, tonight - boooiiinng!!).......I apologize, Les. I guess I just can't get beyond the concept that these individuals are actually "stars". I mean, come on, Tucker Carlson?

  5. Will: I used to go out with a girl... we're no longer seeing each other...

    Could she could no longer put up with your misogyny?

  6. So, because I engage in a little locker room humor on my blog, you've concluded (if pigeon-holing was an Olympic event, you would absolutely medal, dude) that I'm misogynistic? How frigging typical of you, creating a disparaging caricature of somebody who merely disagrees with your political views.......And neither do you know me from shinola, wd. 'Cause if you did, you would have never said anything that stupid and derogatory. I took care of a sick and dying wife (neurofibromatotis and ultimately brain cancer) for 6 years, dude. Compare that to scoundrels like Gingrich and Edwards.......And just for the record, I use the b-word less in an entire year than the young girls who I work with use it against each other in a week. You really need to get out more and disparage a little less.

  7. So, is the answer "no"? Also, for the record... I take care of my dog, but that doesn't mean I think we're equals.

    And it seems you judge women based on their looks all the time. Pointing out the ones you think are good looking... and if a woman is the source of an opinion you disagree with, and you write a post on it, and you think her looks are lacking... you usually say so.

    Joy Behar comes to mind.

    And I remember you encouraging Rusty to continue to disparage Debbie Wasserman Schultz's looks.

    But you are right, I don't know you... so it is possible that all that adds up to nothing...

  8. What a ridiculous analogy; your dog and my wife (a beautiful woman who lost her looks because of the the disease and who I continued to love in spite of it).......Yeah, I sometimes make fun of people (it's called humor, dude). But all of those "progressives" on Sue's blog don't (Chris Christie and Clarence Thomas's wife both got made fun of for their weight)? Give me a break.

  9. I've heard Christie made fun of for his weight, but I've never seen/heard Thomas' wife made fun of. I suppose it's happened though... but it's not something I would do.

    Also, the "misogyny" line wasn't meant (completely) seriously... unlike the "partisan stooge" insult you're constantly lobbing at me. And the latest one about me having "literally no moral principles"... you really believe that's the case?

    btw 1: You've got a real problem with Sue's blog, don't you?

    btw 2: What's up with all the personal details? You're not supposed to do that on the internet. I considered offering my condolences regarding your wife, but... I doubt you'd take them seriously, since I have "literally no moral principles", and therefore, why the hell would I care?


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