Saturday, October 1, 2011

Two Possible "Unity Tickets" That I Could See Myself Supporting

a) Chuck Hagel and Joe Sestak and b) Ed Rendell and Joe Scarborough.


  1. I haven't heard that either of these "unity tickets" are actual possibilities. I wouldn't support either one, mostly because voting for either would be throwing my vote away.

    How about Joe Sestak and Ed Rendell?

  2. According to Joe Scarborough the conservative "big government" administration under bush practiced Keynesian economics. The dude's a stupid douche and the only thing I'd vote for in regards to him would be for his ass to be fired from MSNBC.

  3. You obviously don't understand the concept of a unity ticket. The goal here is to get a reasonable and conciliatory person from each party and put them together to bring the nation together. It's a concept, I think, that most sane and constructive individuals would probably find a lot of value in.

  4. And before you screech about rumors will,

    or any one else;

    check this one out;

    Katherine Harris plays the "Joe's dead intern" card, proves Peter Principle

    He is afraid of something.

    There is also the real reason he resigned from congress right before his wife divoprced him and he movbed to NYC, he has not been real forth coming about that either.

    Looks like you want to weigh Ed Rendell down before he even gets started.

    Give him sestak and I would agree with that ticket,

    but congressman dead intern, the one the MSM totally ignored in favor of the Gary Condit trumped up story,

    Those of you who don't know about Joe Scarborough's dead intern problem probably didn't start reading the internet regularly until after 2002. Certainly the mainstream press didn't cover it. You see at the time the entire village was hysterical over the disappearance of congressman Gary Condit's mistress, a woman who happened to work in his office and who seemed to remind everyone of Monica Lewinsky, which naturally made them come completely unglued. The media, with the help of the family, pretty much convicted Condit of murder in one of the most revolting displays of railroading ever seen in American politics. Even when the actual murderer was revealed years later, the worst of the perpetrators refused to back down.

    Meanwhile, that same summer, star up-and-coming Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough, recently divorced under charges of infidelity, had unexpectedly decided to resign from office six months after being re-elected. Shortly thereafter an intern on his Florida staff was found dead -- in the office -- under mysterious circumstances with allegations of cover-ups by the local authorities and the quack medical examiner. And nobody in DC even raised an eyebrow. The story went largely unremarked upon and he soon found himself a lucrative perch as a highly paid celebrity gasbag.

    the gasbag, "congressman dead intern" that nobody talks about, like they do Gary Condit, has far too much bagage to get elected and he knows it even if you don't.

  5. Well, I certainly don't want a murderer as Vice President.

  6. "Lori Klausutis was a 28-year old woman. A wife & daughter. She ran marathons. She loved & was loved. She died July 20, 2001.
    To many liberals, however, she is known only as “Dead Intern.” For liberals wanting to sting MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, the “Dead Intern” line gives them a free shot at “Morning Joe.” Regardless of the fact they are dehumanizing a woman who died far too young. And regardless of the fact that the only connections Scarborough has to her death are nebulous ones created by conspiracy theorists.
    Her name was Lori Klausutis. If you want to research her death, and try to “solve the case,” fine. But calling her “Dead Intern” to try and score political points against Joe Scarborough defiles her memory, and your own humanity".........................I got this from another blogger and I kinda like it.

  7. I NEVER said he murdered her, but then again far more questions then answers surround HER death then the one the MSM chose to sensationalize.

    And the MSM will never honestly ask the questions nor will he ever honestly answer them, it is how the modern corporate owned MSM operates now a days.

  8. The MSM protects Republicans? Try telling that to John McCain after the NY Times ran that bogus hit-piece right before the election (some stupid-assed affair that he never had).

  9. Typical will look for the exception instead of the real facts that Scarborough got a free pass while Condit had his whole life ripped apart.

    Sort of how the right wing LIE about Gore inventing the Internet, or the over hyped scream of Dean or the way Fox then everyone else faked outrage at Paul Wellstones funeral.

    Hundreds/Thousands are protesting the corporate welfare and free handouts to the wealthy ad the MSM yawns, but a coup,me old bigots show up with 18th century costumes and CNN goes Gaga all over them.

    The MSM ignored the anti Iraq invasion protests, but were willing to give the tea baggers 24/7 free air time when ever those kooks wanted to push their pro corporate agenda.

    Keep cherry picking then claiming your non partisan, very few believe you any more.

  10. Those idiots protesting got plenty of coverage. Are you fucking kidding me? And, yeah, the tea party got plenty of coverage, too. Pretty much all of it disparaging!!.....Election night 2000. Fucking Dan Rather almost creamed his jeans when it looked like the election was going to be called for Mr. Gore. The dude couldn't even contain himself.......And that is borderline slanderous to compare CNN to Fox. Anderson Cooper, John King, Candy Crowley, Fareed Zakaria, Howie Kurtz, etc. are all superb journalists who have resurrected the network from its previous carnation as the Clinton News Network.......And that bit that Obama and Brian Williams did at the correspondence dinner (in bed together). It was funny because it was partly true.......And the fact that Newsweek (once a respected publication but now being run by that Tina Brown idiot) put Mr. Obama on their cover 5-6 times in 2008 and Mr. McCain once. Another (as you frequently like to say Mikey) coinkydink?......The NY Time editorial page, Mikey - ever check it out. Not a lot of conservatives there, bra (David Brooks LOL).......Me partisan, Mikey? I just did a post defending Mr. Obama (one of many that I've done). When was the last time that EVER defended a Republican?

  11. And what are you saying here, Mikey, that the MSM tried to protect Mr. Scarborough? Maybe the difference between the Condit and Scarborough situations was the fact that the police never had Mr. Scarborough (what, they're part of the conspiracy, too LOL) as a person of interest. I mean, duh.

  12. Number guy said:

    "Sort of how the right wing LIE about Gore inventing the Internet"

    Actually, Gore's claim came from Gore himself. Not the "right wing". And he made this claim on a left-wing news channel, CNN.

    Gore claimed he "created" the internet. In this context, to say he claimed he "invented" is a fair paraphrase. He did neither (the Internet existed before he was around). He didn't create/invent it at all.

    The only lies here are from a left-wing, Gore, who looked like a boob when he falsely took credit for inventing something someone else made, and for die-hard Gore defenders who want us to forget Gore's actual quote.

    "The MSM ignored the anti Iraq invasion protests, but were willing to give the tea baggers 24/7 free air time when ever those kooks wanted to push their pro corporate agenda."

    Actually, the tea partiers strongly oppose all of the bailouts and handouts to corporations. I have photos of the many anti-bailout, anti-TARP signs. So the reality is that whatever problems they have, they are not "pro-corporate" at all.

    And yes I did watch the mainstream media and saw extensive coverage of the pro-terrorist protests who mentioned at the start of that paragraph. They were indeed "anti Iraq", anti-American, pro-terrorists, and marched as if Saddam Hussein were giving them each a check. Thankfully, informed responsible people ignored them.


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