Sunday, October 9, 2011

Too Many Sheets to the Wind

I have an idea, folks. Let's compare the Tea Party to a uniform group of nasty, racist, redneck 1960s Southerners; a group, mind you, whose ENTIRE purpose in life was to subjugate and perpetrate violence on African-Americans. Yeah, that's the ticket!...............................................................................................Seriously, though, my colleagues, don't you think that maybe, JUST MAYBE, some of "this" has gone a little bit TOO far? I mean, don't get me wrong here. I'm not exactly a big fan of the Tea Party, either (I probably disagree with 80-90% of what they espouse - or at the very least my interpretation of it). But, come on! Do we really have to start heaving around the most vile analogies and stereotypes humanly possible? The way that I see it here, if it's wrong for this Herman Cain numbnuts to go around saying that a lot of black people have been "brainwashed", then it's also wrong for these so-called progressive "thinkers" to compare the Tea Party, COLLECTIVELY, to the erstwhile Ku Klux Klan....No?


  1. I attended two tea party rallies, and there was nothing racist about it. In fact, the attendees were more racially diverse than I typically see out and about in the general population. And the most outrageous signs were a couple of signs being waved by a couple of leftist provocateurs.

  2. In a post titled No Vacancy Will said, "The human brain deals with incoming information in essentially two ways. One is through assimilation. This is when incoming information matches with a person's preexisting mindset and is absorbed accordingly".

    I think this is what is happening here. Will watches Fox News and they say the Left lies about teabaggers being racists. Will likes and agrees with this criticism of the Left, so he assimilates the information.

    The racists in the tea party are a minority... but they're a minority that the rest of the tea party ignores and denies the existence of... which is the real crime... and also the real charge the Left has been making.

    Maybe you can find some Lefties that say the teabaggers are all racists, but they are a minority.

  3. This post has NOTHING (wrong again, wd) to do with watching Fox News, wd (I actually watch MSNBC and CNN just as much as I do Fox). It was inspired by that little ditty that Sue has in the margins of her blog - something that OBVIOUSLY didn't trouble you.

  4. Will: ...something that OBVIOUSLY didn't trouble you.

    No, it didn't "trouble" me. Why the hell should it? It's true of some of them for certain. Then there are those that completely deny the fact that there are racists in their ranks (which is hardly any better).

    The placard doesn't say "ALL Tea Baggers Same Shit Different Decade".

    I don't have a problem with it at all.

  5. The implication (and only a complete and total idiot wouldn't have noticed this) is clearly one of a collective condemnation. The doodad says, "Tea Baggers". It doesn't say "SOME Tea Baggers".......And there are assholes in ANY movement. Most of the union people that I've had to deal with in my personal and professional life have been TOTAL assholes. But I would NEVER try to imply that all people in a union are typified by this.

  6. Will said: "But I would NEVER try to imply that all people in a union are typified by this."

    Most members are victims, really, in the union against their will.

    Only a minority are bad apples... and these are typically the ones you find out on picket lines insulting and harassing actual workres.

  7. Will: The implication (and only a complete and total idiot wouldn't have noticed this) is clearly one of a collective condemnation.

    A 4/14/2010 NY Times Tea Party poll found...

    ·25 percent [of Tea Partiers] think that the Obama administration favors blacks over whites -- compared with 11 percent of the general public.

    ·They are more likely than the general public, and Republicans, to say that too much has been made of the problems facing black people....................

    In other words... these people are more likely to be racist, indifferent to the societal problem caused by racism, and selfish.

    I collectively condemn the Tea Party movement. And, I'm thinking I should place that placard on my blog.

    Will: I would NEVER try to imply that all people in a union are typified by this.

    I think you just did. You said, "*MOST* of the union people that I've had to deal with... have been total assholes".

    Sounds virtually identical to the charge made on the placard you saw on Sue's blog... except your charge is wrong while the one on the placard you are objecting to is correct.

  8. w-dervish: Sounds virtually identical to the charge made on the placard you saw on Sue's blog...

    A virtually identical TYPE of charge, that is... one that indicts entire groups of people.

  9. I said (and, again, linguistics, dude) that most of the people that I'VE met (I was relaying MY experience) have been assholes. AND I quickly qualified it by saying that I would never judge all people simply based upon MY experience. That was the whole point of the point, for Christ sakes.

  10. I'm willing to conceded that there may be a significant difference (although I would personally like to look at the methodology and do an analysis of variance of my own and also try to replicate the findings) in racism between the tea party and the general public. But even using the numbers that you've provided here, SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT DON'T THINK that he favors blacks. Why, pray tell, would you condemn these 75% for the backwardness of the other 25? Well, other than the fact that you're a partisan stooge, I'm saying.


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