Friday, October 14, 2011

Ready, Aim, Vote?

That new voter ID bill down in Texas; the one that Governor Perry just recently signed, the one that apparently accepts a gun ID, but not a university ID - I am sorry, my good conservative colleagues, but I ain't even got a reasonable defense for this one. And the fact that it's so damned nakedly obvious; college students being largely a Democratic voting bloc, gun owners largely a Republican one. This, folks, IS voter suppression - straight up and, yes, as much as it pains me to say it, the progressives are flat-out correctomundo in their outrage. ......................................................................................................P.S. How 'bout this for a suggestion? Starting now, whenever a person goes down to city hall to register to vote, YOU TAKE THEIR FRIGGING PICTURE! Yeah, it might cost a little more and all, but at least it will eventually lay to rest this whole idiotic/divisive issue. Eventually, I'm saying. In the mean time, though, please, let the college students use their damned IDs (older Americans their Social Security cards, etc.), OK?


  1. They will not take you up on your suggestion of taking a picture upon voter registration because their goal is voter suppression, not the elimination of voter fraud.

  2. I miss so much news! I did not even realize this. And I am in Texas!!! It's people like me that are the problem, you know, good people who only pay half attention and then do nothing.

  3. Too painful, Jerry. Every time I try I see something else horrific.

  4. Like I said, gentlemen. You totally got me on this one. This is bad, really bad.

  5. Hey,you want to vote in a gun...simple solution.

    Why are libs so damn against voter ID's? Just think,if you had to show a picture ID to vote in Chicago the turn out would be reduced by half.

    Hey Will,I read that your home state is spending upwards of 250 million dollars per year just for public employee's overtime.Damn,are they milking that cow.

  6. Malloy's all over it, Russ. The guy's a pit-bull and I bet that even you might vote for him.

  7. Yeah, I think that that's a pretty fair characterization. LOL


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