Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Note to Herman Cain 1

Dude, this new tendency of yours, to chalk up everything stupid that you say as some sort of a joke (the latest, obviously, your idea to put an electrified fence on the border with Mexico) - it's getting a little stale, man. In fact, if I were you, I wouldn't EVER use it again. Think first, BEFORE YOU SPEAK - that would be my advice to you..............................................................................................P.S. That 9-9-9 plan of yours - Fox News's Dick Morris just endorsed it last night Ya' still think that it's spectacular? Huh? LOL


  1. Sick, sick, sick! I would vote for Perry before I would vote for Cain.

  2. I would vote for Perry before I would vote for Cain.

    I would vote for neither based on the brain dead ideas they both push,

    9-9-9 is simply transferring the tax burden further on to the backs of the poor and middle class(what is left of it) than even Reagan got away with.

    Perry is such a faux Texas cowboy even Romney can put him down. Somebody should clue Perry in when Romney is intellectually handing you your tuchus, glaring with your mouth open, like it is a fly trap, isn't a response, unless you have none.

    Bush Jr with no class at all.

  3. No, please Mr. Cain you keep on joking! Keep talking trash about Hispanics and the Florida wonderboy republicans have such high hopes for will end up a token just like you.

  4. There is no Bush Jr. That's not his name.

    OK, Bush the dumb one

    Better? ;)

  5. Much better, Will. Bush Jr. is just offensive.

  6. Besides, I kind of like the other Bush. I wouldn't vote for him or anything, but I kind of like him. His son, however, nope.

  7. John, I DID vote for Bush 1 (in '88, I voted for Perot in '92). It was the last time that I voted Republican in a Presidential election. And short of the Republicans nominating Buddy Roemer......

  8. That was a joke, btw.....Although, I did see him on Lawrence O'Donnell's show last week and he did come across pretty good. Hell, even Mr. O'Donnell seemed impressed with him (maybe simply by comparison).

  9. Will; Perot was just a spoiler by that time, so a vote for him was a vote for Clinton.

  10. so a vote for him was a vote for Clinton.

    Only if you wanted Bush to win.

    Others saw that election differently at the time, then you do now.

  11. Actually, for me, Clinton was my second choice. I say this in that, while I liked, respected, and admired President Bush 1, there was also a level of detachment that I ultimately found discomforting. Maybe if he had stayed on as Clinton's Secretary of Defense (like Alan Alda did for Jimmy Smits in the "West Wing") or something.

  12. #37: I saw the election as it was then. Perot by that time was a spoiler, drawing votes away from Bush to help Clinton win. This had nothing to do with "if you wanted Bush to win".


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