Saturday, October 15, 2011

Life in the Indecisive Lane

Elston Lane isn't just one of the best high school football players in the country. The Miami-Northwestern wide receiver is also one of the most intelligent. I mean, just take a look at the fellow's offer sheet. It includes such prestigious universities as Vanderbilt, Northwestern, Virginia, Wake Forest, SMU, and Georgia Tech. So, not only is this kid on the cusp of a great career in college (and possibly pro, too) football, he's also looking at a potentially free ticket to a much better life AFTER football.......................................................................................Unfortunately (and, yes, as is the case with so many of these youngsters), Mr. Lane (and, yeah, I DO feel kind of strange calling a 17 year-old, "Mr.") is also a very confused individual. I say this, folks, in that, not only has he already committed and decommitted (to SMU), he's committed and decommitted TWICE (the second time to Vanderbilt). My suspicion is that he's probably waiting for an offer from Miami (the "U" being his childhood favorite - their impending sanctions from the NCAA apparently not a concern to him) BUT, out of fear that the scholarships from a lot of these other schools will soon dry up, he decides that he has to commit elsewhere. The problem, of course, is that a lot of these other schools (SMU and Vanderbilt, in particular) ultimately end of getting shafted once he decides to decommit.............................................................................................Look, folks, I understand that this fellow is just a kid and all but, come on, two schools?...And where in the hell are the adults in his life? I mean, there's gotta be somebody around this kid who could teach him the meaning of the word, commitment. There's gotta be!

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