Monday, October 31, 2011

46 Hours Without Electricity

My God. What am I going to do in a REAL emergency?


  1. Will, hope you're ok but welcome to the world liberals would have us living in...

    Remember last week when Zip warned us all of impending doom because of a new Berkeley study on AGW?

    Zippy lied about his global warming study, Imagine that, a liberal lying to

  2. "But today The Mail on Sunday can reveal that a leading member of Prof Muller’s team has accused him of trying to mislead the public by hiding the fact that BEST’s research shows global warming has stopped.

    Prof Judith Curry, who chairs the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at America’s prestigious Georgia Institute of Technology, said that Prof Muller’s claim that he has proven global warming sceptics wrong was also a ‘huge mistake’, with no scientific basis.

    Prof Curry is a distinguished climate researcher with more than 30 years experience and the second named co-author of the BEST project’s four research papers.

    Her comments, in an exclusive interview with The Mail on Sunday, seem certain to ignite a furious academic row. She said this affair had to be compared to the notorious ‘Climategate’ scandal two years ago."

    "Like the scientists exposed then by leaked emails from East Anglia University’s Climatic Research Unit, her colleagues from the BEST project seem to be trying to ‘hide the decline’ in rates of global warming.

    In fact, Prof Curry said, the project’s research data show there has been no increase in world temperatures since the end of the Nineties – a fact confirmed by a new analysis that The Mail on Sunday has obtained.

    ‘There is no scientific basis for saying that warming hasn’t stopped,’ she said. ‘To say that there is detracts from the credibility of the data, which is very unfortunate."

    "Yesterday Prof Muller insisted that neither his claims that there has not been a standstill, nor the graph, were misleading because the project had made its raw data available on its website, enabling others to draw their own graphs.

    However, he admitted it was true that the BEST data suggested that world temperatures have not risen for about 13 years. But in his view, this might not be ‘statistically significant’, although, he added, it was equally possible that it was – a statement which left other scientists mystified.

    ‘I am baffled as to what he’s trying to do,’ Prof Curry said."

  3. I suppose he wasn't misleading us though because I'm sure you Will just like the rest of us sat down and drew our own graphs, right?

  4. Umm volty Judith Curry has backed off the comments in the article you quote with dishonestly disconnects the two graphs to make it seem no warming has taken place even though it has.

    Too bad the truth is the study by Prof Muller is standing upo to peer review unlike you right wing wacko's ....

    BTW, Will welcome to living on your own for a couple of days. 46 hours isn't much, In the sticks I bet they still don't have the wires connected.

  5. SEE volty;

    Curry seems to want to distance herself from her criticism. On her own blog she says:

    I told Rose that I was puzzled my Muller’s statements, particularly about “end of skepticism” and also “We see no evidence of global warming slowing down.”

    When asked specifically about the graph that apparently uses a 10 year running mean and ends in 2006, we discussed “hide the decline,” but I honestly can’t recall if Rose or I said it first. I agree that the way the data is presented in the graph “hides the decline.” There is NO comparison of this situation to Climategate. Muller et al. have been very transparent in their methods and in making their data publicly available, which is highly commendable.

    My most important statement IMO is this: ‘To say that there is detracts from the credibility of the data, which is very unfortunate.’ My main point was that this is a very good data set, the best we currently have available for land surface temperatures. To me, this should have been the big story: a new comprehensive data set, put together by a team of physicists and statisticians with private funds. Showing preliminary results is of course fine, but overselling them at this point was a mistake IMO.

    BTW here is the REAL chart from the berkeleyearth website;

    The actual chart

    not some hacked up chart to try to fool people dumb as you are.

    .... wanna try spreading MORE disinformation?

  6. Judith Curry protests that she was misrepresented by the article in the Daily Mail, and several readers have mentioned that David Rose, the author of the article, is just the man to do such a thing. It’s easy to believe that she was indeed the victim of his malfeasance.

    It looks like the author of the article took statements OUT OF CONTEXT to give global warming deniers the same sort of ammo Breitbart used James O'keefe to get with his highly edited ACORN tapes which the right wing then LIED about 24-7 for months and some still do like Dummy Marks.

    Funny but when you check the ORIGINAL sources they do not say what Volty says with his post of a dishonest Daily Mail article which Judith Miller says isn't very truthful.

  7. Why the dishonest second hand source and NOT a correct first hand source?

    Oh right your peddling your very partisan hard right fringe agenda driven position,

    Easy to see how much your "factioids" are affected by your far right fringe position.

  8. Well Zip,

    Has Muller backed off this quote:

    "However, he admitted it was true that the BEST data suggested that world temperatures have not risen for about 13 years. But in his view, this might not be ‘statistically significant’, although, he added, it was equally possible that it was – a statement which left other scientists mystified.???

    If it's not true, why does the lead guy say the temperature hasn't risen in 13 Years?

  9. It seems Ms. Curry doesn't backtrack quite as far as your claiming Zip.

    From her blog AND your post...

    "...I agree that the way the data is presented in the graph “hides the decline.”..."


    AND Muller himself:

    "he admitted it was true that the BEST data suggested that world temperatures have not risen for about 13 years..."

    Game over Zippy. You lose.

  10. No volty becaus the muller paper isn't the entire game dummy,

    it is only one part the Koch brothers were paying for, which is suspect in and of itself.

    BTW good thing Cain ain't a democrat candidate with his moving goal posts on the allegations of his sexual problems while running a lobbying organization for the restaurant association;

    To Wit:

    Cain Timeline (Work in Progress)

    I'm trying to put together a Herman Cain harassment timeline. This is a work in progress because I'm having a hard time keep track of it all. So bear with me.

    1. Politico allegations are false. Story is crap.

    2. Yes, there were allegations. But they were false.

    3. Yes there were allegations that were false and I don't know what money was paid.

    4. I don't know whether money was paid. And it would be wrong for me to find out whether money was paid because it's confidential.

    5. There was a in-depth investigation. And I was cleared. But I don't know anything about it.

    6. Here's the gesture that led to my getting accused of harassment.

    7. Okay, I remember some discussion of a settlement number.

    seems he has a truth problem, like most of the right wing eh volty?

  11. With Herman Cain melting down, and Perry looking rather questionable in his New Hampshire speech looks like the GOPers are stuck with Mitt the ultimate flip flopper as their candidate.

  12. Of course I suppose if you really want to spend billions or trillions of dollars we don't have, put millions out of work and make our nation a third world country on the offhand change this crap "might" happen, more power to you.

    But even if you're right, you might also think about how historically cold periods have brought about death, disease and starvation while warm periods have brought health and prosperity.

    Think about the millions of poor downtrodden all over the earth could be fed by extending the growing season for crops and extending the productive land all the way up into Canada...

  13. Are you lefties really that worried about Herman Cain?

  14. Sorry, I didn't notice we were changing the subject...

  15. Not you Rusty, talking to Zip.

    He does seem awfully worried about Cain doesn't he?

  16. Worried?

    Right, with a changing story like that?

    Rusty your should be doing stand up instead of fixing the bets for your corporate masters.


  17. PS as for changing the thread, you started by hijacking the thread with your dishonest daily mail story volty.

  18. Hey 37,you never did answer the question.

    Who exactly are the members of the "corporate bastards club of wall street?"

    You make an assinine statement and when question about it you run away.

  19. Who exactly are the members of the "corporate bastards club of wall street?"

    Bernie Madoff, Alan Stanford, John Corzine, Raj Rajaratnam, Steve Cohen, Rajat Gupta, Hank Paulson, Lloyd Blankfein , Gary Cohn, Daniel Sparks, David Viniar, Thomas Montag, Lee Farkas, Angelo Mozilo, Andrew Gissinger, David Sambol, Eric P. Sieracki, Mike Perry, Darrel W. Dochow, Phil Graham, John M. Reich, Scott Polakoff, Alan H. Fishman, Kerry Killinger, Richard S. Fuld, Jr., Bart McDade, Brian Marsal, George Herbert Walker IV, Vikram Pandit , Richard Parsons, Robert Rubin, E. Stanley O'Neal, John Thain, Christopher Ricciardi, Alan Schwartz, James Cayne, Richard A. Marin, Matthew Tannin, Ralph R. Cioffi, James Cayne, Alan Greenberg, Thomas H. Bailey, Edward M. Liddy, Charles Prince, Robert B. Willumstad, Martin J. Sullivan, Maurice R. Greenberg, Frank Zarb, Joseph J. Cassano, Robert H. Benmosche, John H. Fitzpatrick, Donald H. Layton, Morris W. Offit, Kennedy Thompson, Robert K. Steel, Raoul Weil, Mark Hurd , Andy Mattes, Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina, Alan Greenspan, Jeffrey Immelt , Raymond W. McDaniel Jr., Linda S. Huber, Stephen W. Joynt, John Bogle, Pat Milano, Douglas Peterson, David Jacob, Yann Le Pallec, Catherine Mathis, Alex J. Matturri, Jr., John Weisenseel, Patricia Barrett-Foor, Lourie Barrett-Foor, John Strangfeld, Roland E. Arnall, Clifford Sobel, Steven Freiberg, Matthew Audette, Donald Layton, Steven Freiberg, Robert Druskin, Mitchell H. Caplan, Jim Chanos, Dan Loeb, John Gywnn, David Ganek, Anthony Chiasson, Stephen A Schwarzman, Samir Barai, Jeff Tarrant, Ted Seides, James Tomilson Hill III, Hamilton E James, John Snow, Jamie Dimon, Neel Kashkari, Daniel Sparks, Thomas Montag, David Lehman,

    to name but a few, most work nameless selling crap to investors like Goldman Sachs did ;


    The People vs. Goldman Sachs

    which lays out in rather good detail just how corrupt the entire system of wall street has become.

  20. BTW nice attempt top derail the discussion AWAY from Herman Cain's ever growing scandal;


    Pow! Bam! Herman Cain Appears To Have Accepted Campaign Support From Tax-Exempt Org Founded By Aide

    and his second ever growing scandal;

    You know, this one he keep changing his story on;

    Herman Cain: Oh, THAT Sexual Harassment Settlement!

    that might just get much more interesting .....

    Herman Cain Accuser Wants To Come Forward

    You know the scandal where he is accused by two women of sexual harassment while running the lobbying organization;

    National Restaurant Association

    before he left that group and became a publicly paid spokesman for the Koch brothers.

    Herman Cain's Koch Connections

    Hmmm Herman Cain was a lobbyist, I wonder why the corporate owned right wing media cannot figure out how to discuss that very important fact for the American Voter?

    Seems something the voter should know don'cha thunk?

    Also don't worry the wanna be flip flopper in chief, Mitt Romney has a scandal of his own brewing;

    Mitt Romney Entwined with Players In Stanford Ponzi Scheme

    Which of course allows the Mittster a 21st cen way into the corrupt bastards club, if his 20th century membership from Bain Capital where he stole jobs away from hard working Americans so he could make million in profits.

  21. Drip drip drip, it just keeps getting better;

    Well, it turns out that the Times has confirmed that Herman Cain's then-employer, the National Restaurant Association (he was CEO), paid out $35,000 (one year's salary) to a woman who accused him of sexual harassment. But is apparently not the one woman who is asking the NRA and Cain to release her from her confidentiality agreement so that she can tell everybody exactly what it is she said Cain did. Which would obviously be great for Cain's campaign at this point.

    If I was wondering who was pushing this story so hard the Times is investigating, well look for the people behind Romney.


    Cain: Rove attacks me to help Romney

    Cain: Rove Deliberately Working to Help Romney

    Looks like Karl wants Cain out of the picture before he has to run a nasty campaign in south Carolina, like he did to John McCain.

    But claiming Cain had a black baby in robo calls and word of mouth won't work against Cain like it did against McCain.

    ... so Rove uses this as a pre-emptive attack.

  22. Looks like KKK Karl tried to stab me in back

  23. You would be the expert on assinine statements Rusty..........we will have to defer to your expertise

  24. Pipe down there numbers guy I dont need no help from you or Karl torpedoing me own campaign.

    Now go order a pizza and bring on the ho's!!!!

  25. btw is it considered sexual harrassment when you pay for it?

    All my ho's and doughboys are well compensated.

  26. 37,you seem to be a racist....why would you try to condemn a black man,yet you fail to mention a habitual offender like Bill it because Clinton is white? Yes 37,you show yourself as a blatent racist...its obvious that you liberal,unionist are in fact closet racist.You sicken me.

  27. I agree with Rusty lets stop talking about sexual harrassment and start talking about what a dooche bag that Rick Perry fool was, did you see that speech what a dooche.

    The Rickster definately jumped the shark, he made those libs Dukakis riding in the tank and Howy Dean screeching look not that bad in comparison.

  28. A fact was indeed proven this day beyond any shadow of doubt....#37927 not only is envious of success but also is a racist.I would not be at all surprised if 37's grandpa or great grandpa was involved in the lynching of poor black men...after all he had to learn it somewhere.

  29. KKK Karl was involved in this lynching son and thats a fact Jack!

  30. 37,you seem to be a racist....why would you try to condemn a black man,yet you fail to mention a habitual offender like Bill Clinton...


    Herman Cain is currently running as a candidate for the GOP Nomination to oppose President Obama next fall;

    Bill Clinton is not.

    Damn rusty if that is the best argument against looking into the spreading Cain sexual harassment scandal you have, Cain is toast.

    Try to bring up Clinton 14 years after the fact to defend a guy who has changed his story at lest 6-7 times in 48 hours, smacks of GOPer desperation, and means Cain ain't gonna be serious opposition for Romney.

    is it because Clinton is white?

    Ummm NO rusty, the reason is much simpler;

    Clinton isn't a freakin' candidate right now. Damn are you that desperate to hold onto the Clenis as a defense?

    Yes 37,you show yourself as a blatent racist...

    No rusty just somebody who keeps up with CURRENT events, like who is actually running, not somebody desperate to drag up 14 year old news to try top deflect from a current expanding scandal that seems to be whirling around Herman Cain right about now.

    its obvious that you liberal,unionist are in fact closet racist.You sicken me.

    No REAL defense so weak, very weak name calling before the oblivious attack of banishment for not conflating 14 year old DEAD news with the on-going scandal enveloping Herman Cain;

    weak rusty real weak, much too weak to help Cain out given the fact he has one woman who wants to break her silence, and another who reportedly received $35,000 in payment from her being sexually harassed by Herman Cain,

    Damn rusty ain't you got something from this century,

    John Edwards maybe,

    Oh wait he isn't running either.

    Sucks to have such flawed candidates running against the flip flopper wanna be in chief eh rusty.

  31. Sucks to have Karl Rove running interference for Romney eh rusty, can dig up dirt on Cain, and doesn't even have to lie about it like he did against McCain in 2000

  32. #37927 not only is envious of success but also is a racist.

    Damn are you desperate to hide the Herman Cain sexually harassed two or more women while he ran a lobbying firm four the restaurant association.

  33. .I would not be at all surprised if 37's grandpa or great grandpa was involved in the lynching of poor black men...after all he had to learn it somewhere.

    sorry rusty but NO racism, just the fact Clinton ISN'T running so his actions from the 20th century are no more Germain to the discussion about how Herman Cain is accused of sexually Harassing two or more women while running lobbying organization ...

    the only one stooping to such slimy tactics as claiming racism where there is none, is you because you have NO defense for the accusations of sexual harassment against Cain while he ran a lobbying firm.

  34. Nothing racist about not bringing events from 1996 dealing with Clinton's blowjobs into a discussion about Herman Cain sexually harassing two or more women while running a lobbying firm,

    Sorry rusty but you're trying to make custard out of mustard, and that won't work.

  35. Did you see that Rick Perry cuddling that bottle of Maple Syrup like it was a some little Barbie Doll he wanted to molest.

    Good god man I love my pizza but you dont see me fondling or makin love to a damn pizza on tv, no siree thats what the ho's are for and what these rumors from KKK Karl are about.

    Now lets talk about pizza's and my 9 9 9 plan.

  36. Sorry numbers guy but it was allegedly sexually harassing 2 or more women.

    In this great country we are innocent until proven guilty.

  37. Ahhh 37,you again prove yourself as not only a hypocrite but also a racist.

    Yes you can try and cover you're racist comments,but the fact is Clinton was a habitual offender while a sitting president....he harassed a young woman in the peoples house... in the oval office for christ sake.It really does'nt matter if it happened 14 years ago or 140 years ago.Your attack against a black man for an unproven charge while protecting a proven habitual offender because he's white reeks of racism.I again had to learn it somewhere...I'd guess either your dad,grandpa or great grandpa wore a hood at one time or another.

  38. Now,I grow tied of dealing with a slimy racist...who grew from a family of racist....and yet to this very day tries to deny not only his present,but his familys past.

  39. rusty, try to keep current,

    Clinton ain't running

    Cain is, that is why he is in the news, and his breaking ever changing scandal, and the story he is selling about the allegations of sexual harassment while running a lobbying firm are news.

    Why do you think the media isn't making the straw-man comparison you so childishly want.

  40. Now,I grow tied of dealing with a slimy racist...who grew from a family of racist....and yet to this very day tries to deny not only his present,but his familys past.

    No rusty your argument here is actually weaker then the multiple stories Cain tried to sell for sexually harassing two or more women.

    Discussing CURRENT events like the scandal surrounding Cain IS news, not some 14 year old blowjob which the woman in question WILLINGLY gave according to her.

  41. Sorry rusty, but your straw-man is WEAK, as weak as the current GOPer field of candidates, must suck top have to try to sell that weak assed argument while trying to defend that field of sorry assed candidates.

  42. Is the rest of your family as retarded as your argument makes you seem rusty?

  43. Or are you the only stupid one in your family?

  44. 37,due to your violent verbal attacks towards goes without must think Rusty is a black man.

    Your anger towards blacks is most upsetting....was there something in either your past or your familys past thats caused it.

    You cannot mask your racism by NOW denigrating the entire field of republican candidates while you singled out the only black man in all your prior posts.

    Yes 37,its clear...your hatred for blacks is quite obvious...if you want to keep it to yourself,so be it,but to go on a blog to tout your racism is beyond belief.

  45. you must think Rusty is a black man.

    I no more think you are a black man then I think Herman Cain has been completely honest about the allegations from former members of the lobbying organization he ran.

    The reason I question your intelligence is the dubious logic you are using to falsely claim I am a racist because I openly question Herman Cain's honesty about the scandal surrounding him,

    If you want to claim you are at at least average intelligence then you are being as dishonorable in your posts as Herman Cain has been with his ever changing story about the allegations of sexual Harassment which resulted in the payment to at least one woman to the tidy sum of $35,000.

  46. Your anger towards blacks is most upsetting....

    No anger at all, just commenting on the recent news of allegations of sexual harassment by Herman Cain, your judgment or honesty is in question by the baseless claims you keep making.

  47. You cannot mask your racism by NOW denigrating the entire field of republican candidates while you singled out the only black man in all your prior posts.

    Well rusty in case you cannot understand that ONLY Herman Cain, not the entire field of lackluster candidates in the GOPer campaign is being accused of sexual harassment, then either your are intellectually stunted or very dishonest.

    Given the track record for very partisan comments I think the second more accurate assessment of your partisan objective here.

    Or as one congressman said,

    YOU LIE ... rusty.

  48. Yes 37,its clear...your hatred for blacks is quite obvious..

    Only if someone accepts your very partisan dishonest claims, otherwise all I am doing is following the news that Herman Cain has been accused of sexual harasment by at least two women, and One recieved a $35,000 payment.

    .if you want to keep it to yourself,so be it,but to go on a blog to tout your racism is beyond belief.

    Sorry but continuing such an attempt at dishonest statements like that shows you have no honor but we all knew that anyway rusty, after all you screech about the Clenis 14 years after the fact and attack people for questioning Herman Cain's honesty when he keeps changing his story.

    Your double standard is so obvious only a very dishonest partisan politrical hack like yourself would ignore it.

    Keep trying to make custard out of the mustard Herman Cain has splattered all over the GOPer race for president.

    It is almost comical rusty, in a sad way of course.

  49. Well, I was right to say two OR MORE;

    A third former employee of the National Restaurant Association has come forward to say that Herman Cain sexually harassed her during his time there.

    Herman, Herman, Herman, how did you find time to do the lobbying you were being paid to do?

  50. My goodness 37,you continue your racist rants.

    Do you wear a hood while at your keyboard?

    Was your hood handed down as a family heirloom?

  51. Rusty, I see no evidence of racism from #37.

    But he did use another nasty bit of hate speech: "Is the rest of your family as retarded as your argument makes you seem rusty?"

    Time to get educated. #32.

  52. Can we please stop talking about sexual harassment scandals and racism and start talking about real issues like my 9 9 9 plan?

    Fact, we have a black man in WH that shows racism is no longer a factor in this country so lets move on.

    Fact, I am not guilty of sexual harassment with those 3 women, sure I may have grabbed some tail in my day but those employees were well compensated.

    I've learned my lesson though instead of paying 35K to grab some tail I head on down to the strip clubs and help create jobs.

  53. Good point, dmarks, on both accounts (the lack of racism in pointing out Mr. Cain's alleged transgressions and the unfortunate use of the term, retarded, as a pejorative).

  54. I must admit, though, that the handle, "Herman Kane", did make me chuckle.

  55. Damn Herman, $35,000 to one woman who accused you of sexual harassment, $45,000 to a second.

    Neither Clinton nor John Edwards could afford your antics. Your actions cost some coin.

  56. "Neither Clinton nor John Edwards could afford your antics. Your actions cost some coin."

    I thought the amount of taxpayer dollars wasted by Bill Clinton when he committed sexual harassment on the job and then perjury in order to cover it up was in the high six figures. Or much higher. That's quite some coin.

  57. I thought the amount of taxpayer dollars wasted by Bill Clinton

    HEY dummy M, Clinton didn't spend that coin,

    Kenneth Starr and the republican lead congress DID.

    Try to get yer factiods straight Dummy M

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. linton caused the "coin" to be spent by engaging in sexual harassment and committing perjury about it.

    If he (1) did not harass the victim and (2) told the truth about it court if he did, then none that money would have been spent. Both sexual harassment and perjury are wrong, and the blame lies firmly with the person who did the wrong things.

    There's no evidence that Starr engaged in sexual harassment or perjury, so he remains blameless.

    The blame for the cost of crimes/violations/etc lies solely with those who choose to commit them. And Clinton did make this willing choice.

    I prefer to stick to the facts.

  60. linton caused the "coin" to be spent by engaging in sexual harassment and committing perjury about it.

    Yo stupid, Ken starr spend $40,000,000 of the $60,000,000 BEFORE the freakin' blowjob you dummy. Damn cannot get yer factiods straight eh?


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