Sunday, September 25, 2011

I've Abandoned My Child! I've Abandined My Child! I've Abandoned My Boy!

What would be my answer to the question, "So, what was your reaction the first time that you got to see Geena Davis topless?"


  1. I have never seen this movie. Which one is it? I did not think she had ever done that.

    I'm guessing the post title is a line from whatever movie you are referring to... so, what we really have here is another vauge post from Will Hart where everyone has to guess what the hell he's talking about. I give up.

  2. What, do you have me on speed-dial now?......It's from "There Will Be Blood", the Daniel Day Lewis baptism scene.

  3. I've seen this movie (although I don't recall if I saw 100 percent of it). I never saw Geena Davis in it (topless or clothed). IMDB doesn't list her as being in this movie (and they also list the actors who were in the movie but not credited).

    I also don't recall any nudity in "There Will Be Blood". IMDB says the movie is rated "R" for "some violence" (nudity is not given as a reason for the "R" rating").

    The IMBD Parent's Guide says, under "Sex & Nudity", "a man and woman kiss for a long period of time". The website "Kids in Mind" says, "A doctor examines a boy wearing period underwear. Two men swim in an ocean, we see their bare chests and one of them is shown under water wearing long john-type underwear. A young woman wears a low-cut dress that reveals cleavage".

    A website called "kids in mind" and they DON'T warn the parents that a woman is TOPLESS in the film? They'd REALLY be falling down on the job if that's the case.

    Finally, I don't recall Geena Davis EVER doing a nude/topless scene. I think you're thinking of different actress and a different movie.

  4. I just watched the Batism Scene, and there is zero nudity in it. Geena Davis isn't in it. Either this is Will's idea of a practical joke, or he was totally wasted when he watched it.

    John Myste will probably love this post... it seems as though he is a big fan of the stupid ones.

  5. Well Will, as I never saw G.D. in the buff I can only imagine my reaction.

    I'm sure it would be a rather large smile... :)

    wd -- lighten up would you?

    The more I reflect the conclusion I come to is you Mr. Delusional Progressive is the "stupid one."

  6. Geena Davis topless?

    I seem to miss all the fun

  7. John Myste will probably love this post... it seems as though he is a big fan of the stupid ones.

    I do like stupidity, Dervish, your quips included.

  8. My "quip" isn't stupid, it's truthful. Geena Davis isn't in "There Will Be Blood". Also, there is no nudity in the movie.

    "Rational" Nation thinks I should "lighten up" and accept it that Will saw Geena Davis topless in this movie, even though Geena Davis has never appeared in a movie topless. Not this movie, not any movie.

    No surprise though that "Rational" Nation thinks ignoring reality is just the ticket, as the ideology he subscribes to endorses that course of action heartily.

    Beach Bum, you didn't miss the fun because what Will describes is purely a product of his imagination (it never happened).

  9. Ok. I got curious about the hoopla and had to look to see if she was ever nude in a movie or half nude. If you really want to see her topless, go to google images.
    Many actresses don't like using their own bodies for nude shots, so even when you think you see one nude, there's a good chance its a body double anyway. But does that really matter?


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