Friday, September 23, 2011

I'd Be a Gazillionaire

What would be my answer to the question, "So, how much money would you have if, for every time that Dick Armey uttered 'the fact of the matter', you got a nickel?"


  1. I've never heard Dick Armey say this. Then again, I never listen to Dick Armey speak.

  2. If you were a Gazillionaire I'd be in favor of taxing your wealth at a 70 percent rate.

  3. Will: No, no, 77.65%. Get it right.

    If that is the amount you'd like to pay I'm sure your money wouldn't be turned down.

  4. If the U.S. government ever taxed me that much, I would either move to Singapore or give away EVERYTHING to a charity of MY choice. I'm pretty sure that I could spend the money a hell of a lot better than a bunch of idiots and their $16 muffins.

  5. I'd cheer your departure. Then I'd lock you out of the US permanently. Would you go if you knew you could never ever return?

    As for the $16 muffin myth, the guy whose ID is a string of numbers debunked that story. I clicked the link he provided and read all about it.

  6. It is NOT a myth. The Justice Department paid $4,200 for 250 frigging muffins. Are you saying that the Washington Post is lying?......And you can't lock ANYBODY out, Mr. dependency.

  7. I haven't read the Washington Post story... but it does appear as though they got the facts wrong.

    The United States can't deny entry to any foreigner attempting to enter the country?? Come one Will, that's just silly. Of course we can!


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