Saturday, July 16, 2011

Some Facts About Medical School Accredidation

1) There are currently 134 medical schools and 28 osteopathic schools in the country.............2) There are also 18 chiropractic programs, 17 optometry programs, 8 podiatry programs, 63 dental programs, and 132 pharmacy programs (a PhD is now required by most states in order to be a registered pharmacist).............3) Medical school accreditation is currently overseen by the LCME, the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, osteopathic school accreditation by the American Osteopathic Organization.............4) The LCME is made up of 17 individuals; medical educators, administrators, practicing physicians, public members, and medical students.............5) 6 of the individuals on the LCME are from the AAMC, the Association of American Medical Colleges. 6 additional members are from the AMA's Council on Medical Education.............6) Most state boards of licensure require that U.S. medical schools be accredited by the LCME as a condition for licensure of their graduates.............7) Accreditation by the LCME is a 5-step process; application school status, candidate school status, preliminary accreditation status, provisional accreditation status, and full accreditation status.............8) The U.S. Department of Education recognizes the LCME for accreditation of programs of medical education leading to the degree of M.D. in the U.S..............9) Eligibility to take the USMLE, the United States Medical Licensing Examination, requires LCME accreditation of the applicant's school.


  1. In order to change the accreditation process, you're going to have to petition, not only the AMA but the LCME overall, the Association of Medical Colleges, all 50 state boards of licensure, and the U.S. Department of education. Good luck.

  2. If I had a magic wand and/or ultimate power, I would make it so Nurse Practitioners with a doctorate in nursing practice (as opposed to research, administration, etc.) could function as General Practitioners. In my opinion, they are every bit as smart and effective as MDs who specialize in internal medicine.............Right now, I believe that they actually can practice without MD supervision (unlike a PA who always needs a doctor present). I'm just not sure if they can be a GP, or that all insurances would cover it. Me, I'd have zero hesitation in going to one.

  3. That sounds like a decent plan Will, so long as you aren't suggesting that we lower the standards.

    However, short of the magic wand solution, it looks like the wealthy and powerful have a lock on doctor accreditation. So I guess the only real solution is to give up.

    I'm sure dmarks and the others who believe we should be ruled by the wealthy elites approve.

  4. I have no doubt that a DNP could pass the USMLE.

  5. WD "I'm sure dmarks and the others who believe we should be ruled by the wealthy elites approve."

    Talk about a whopper. This is the opposite of what I believe.

    I don't know about the others, but you have no idea what my beliefs are.

  6. dmarks: I don't know about the others, but you have no idea what my beliefs are.

    I think I do. You're one of those true believers in the mythical "free market". You think that if we "let the market decide" everything will work out awesomely for everyone (and if it does not work out that way for some it's because they didn't work hard enough).

    Unfortunately that isn't the way things work in the real world. You THINK you aren't in favor of the wealthy elites ruling, but the end result of the worldview you advocate is plutocracy (rule by the wealthy elites).

    This is why you (subconsciously perhaps) hate democracy (which your ilk usually refers to as "mob rule"). You denigrate our elected representatives by referring to them with the pejorative "ruling elites", and you say democracy does not belong in the workplace (unions).

    I don't know how anyone could be MORE in favor of the wealthy elites ruling and MORE in denial about it at the same time.


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