Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A REALLY Rocky Picture

As for Slade Leeds and his metaphysical certainty (clarity, I believe that HE referred to it as) - that, folks, was nothing more than a stoned man living in a quarry. And the fact that the son of a bitch couldn't even dress himself (nicely), for Christ, damned, I'm saying, if his turning into stone alone wasn't sturdy....There, now if we could only put his smarmy/neutered face on a statue of sorts......


  1. "There, now if we could only put his smarmy/neutered face on a statue of sorts...... "

  2. You win the grand prize for breaking the code, Volt. Johnny Moo Moo - wasn't that supposed to be me, according to Clif?

  3. Shit,Clif,Mike,Worf and LC had me pegged as Moo Moo.

  4. It's a shame, I really liked Johnny but if what I've seen on the innertubes is true he was an evil person.

  5. WD,you were'nt around for this party.

  6. Will: Maybe wd was Johnny Moo Moo.

    I may not have been around for the party, but I know what happened. I couldn't be Johnny Moo Moo because Johnny Moo Moo is dead.

  7. Nice try, wd, but I think that Johnny Moo Moo was actually one of those dreaded centrists.

  8. (1) How could I have been him then? (2) I must have been thinking of a different Johnny Moo Moo. Because that guy is definitely dead.


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