Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Note to Tito Jackson

I heard you the other day, bra. You said that there'll never be another Michael Jackson. I tend to agree. But I also have to ask you here, is that necessarily such a bad thing (you know, with all of that bad music, child molestation, etc.)?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My opinion of the horrible things Michael did to children does not matter. Michael is now worm food.

    The dude was seriously FUBARed after decades of living with insane parents and surrounding himself in a delusional world his fame and celebrity allowed him to afford.

    And Will, if fucked up celebrity life wasn't bad enough given the nature of human parasites out to take money by any means I must leave open the small possibility he was innocent, after all we are all innocent until proven otherwise in a court of law.

    You know as well as I sometimes its easier to pay up when faced with lengthy court cases.

  3. Settling out of court or pleading guilty suggests guilt in old westerns.

    We cannot know if he was guilty of child molestation. We can know he was a nut and is very likely guilty.

  4. I don't think Michael Jackson's music was bad. I have his greatest hits collection and another of his CDs. I think his music is good.

    Very likely guilty? No, I disagree with that. I can't say that I'm 100 percent convinced that he was innocent, but "very likely guilty" isn't something I agree with at all.

    Also... I said this in response to a previous post but nobody responded... so I'll repeat myself...

    I don't like Martin Bashir. He weaseled his way into Michael Jackson's home by allowing Michael to think his reporting would portray Michael positively. I think Bashir's reporting contributed (in some small way) to Michael Jackson's death.

  5. I was probably being too hard on the guy. Instead of saying, child molesting, I probably should have said, creepy behavior. That I think would have covered it just as well without specifically convicting him. As far as his music goes, he's a schlockmeister.............Oh, and, wd, Martin Bashir didn't hold a gun to Jackson's head and make him say stuff like, "There's nothing more natural than having a child in your bed (or was that part of the Ed Bradley interview?)."

  6. Dont friggin mess with Texas!!!!
    Texas just sent that Mexican citizen who raped and killed an American girl to meet his maker.The Obama White House tried to stop the execution.....Rick Perry said f#*k that,light him up.

  7. I'm just glad my state does not have the death penalty.

  8. I have very mixed feelings about the death penalty, gents. While I DO think that a society has a right to impose these stiffest of sanctions on it's populace, I am also greatly concerned about the unequal application of it AND the fact of "what if we're wrong?" I mean, it's not something that you can simply go oops about. Sorry, Russ, but I'm kind of leaning toward dmarks on this one.

  9. Lean what ever way you feel comfortable Will.
    I wonder what way you or dmarks would lean if an illegal raped and murdered your 16 daughter.This piece of human waste has been on death row since the mid 90's....its been a long time coming.No remorse from Rusty on this one.

  10. I'm not saying that it's never applicable, Russ. But you have got to be very, Very, VERY, sure that the person is guilty. Me, I would be just as happy with life in solitary.

  11. Hey Will,when I got home last night I was relaxing with a glass of wine and while surfing through the channels to unwind a bit I came across a rock concert that I think was filmed last year....low and behold it was The Pat Travers Band.I did'nt even know this guy was still alive,this SOB can still play a guitar....Boom Boom Out Go The Lights.

  12. I heard the Mexican government was upset because they weren't given an opportunity to assist their citizen, and that the Obama administration was opposed to the execution because they are worried that the Mexican government may now prevent American citizens arrested in Mexico from calling on the US government for help.

    This ISN'T a legitimate concern? Apparently members of the previous administration had the same concerns.

    There could be repercussions for Americans arrested in Mexico.

    As for the death penalty, I'm against it. In any case, I think being imprisoned for the rest of your life is a worse penalty than being put to death.

  13. No one really cares what you think WD....I'm guessing your family included.

  14. wd, admit it. If you weren't the butt of that joke, you'd be laughing, too, right?

  15. Rusty made a joke? I think Rusty IS a joke.

    That wasn't a joke, it was a deflection. Rusty couldn't answer the valid points I raised, so he insulted me.

    If I was going to laugh it would be because Rusty's response was so pathetic.

  16. Rusty said:

    "Lean what ever way you feel comfortable Will.
    I wonder what way you or dmarks would lean if an illegal raped and murdered your 16 daughter.This piece of human waste has been on death row since the mid 90's....its been a long time coming.No remorse from Rusty on this one."

    Despite what you might be led to believe from the news, a lot more crime is committed by native-born Americans in the US than by illegal aliens. So for those who insist on solving the problem by deporting ALL illegal aliens (only a tiny number of which commit non-trivial crimes).... why not instead deport all native-born Americans? There's a lot more crime from that group.

    And to answer your question, Rusty, it does not change my opinion on the death penalty.

  17. dmarks,you sound like Michael Dukakis.

    I think we are deporting native born prison that is.Any illegal should be deported,except of course the guy that does my lawn and our house keeper.They should stay.

  18. Rusty: I was thinking of Michael Dukakis when I was responding, in fact. But I am unequivocally against the death penalty, and say so readily. Unlike the not-ready-for-prime-time Dukakis, who quails at such questions.

  19. We differ on the death penalty,such is life.
    Next time you channel Dukakis you should wear a gigantic,over sized army helmet.

  20. Rusty, you are comparing me to the wrong governor. Why not look at 3 term governor John Engler of Michigan.... a strong conservative, a man with a record of consistently governing in the public interest.... A strong opponent of the death penalty, also.

  21. We differ on this one dmarks,thats all.

  22. Rusty: We differ on this one dmarks, thats all.

    Why don't you two get a room.

  23. We would get a room...if you'd send you old lady over.

  24. I would much prefer William H. Macy's, John Travolta's, Ashton Kutcher's, or David Arquette's "old ladies" myself. But, hey, that's just me maybe.

  25. We could get a room.... if it were in on open-shop hotel. That is, where no worker was bullied into joining the union. Then the service would be better and there'd be less chance my stuff would be stolen by the maid (because the hotel would be better able to fire slovenly workers and thieves), and I'd be able to pay a more reasonable room rate.

  26. Hatred of unions = hatred of workers (suggesting they are slovenly thieves).


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