Sunday, July 3, 2011

The "Idiocy" of the Far-Left's Perception of "Moderation"

Ann Coulter and wd actually DO have one thing in common. They both have this cartoon-like/stereotypical mindset of what it is to be a moderate. They both, for instance, see moderates as wishy-washy and considerably absent of conviction. They also apparently see us as moderate on literally EVERY SINGLE ISSUE! Talk about pretty disturbing, huh?......................................................................................................I mean, just look at me. I'm decidedly pro-choice, pro-gay-rights, and was totally opposed to the Iraq War FROM DAY ONE (I even once said that a boxed-in Saddam Hussein was actually a slight net-plus!). I also opposed Mr.Obama's surge in Afghanistan. Yes, on some of the more monetary and energy issues, I do tend to be a little more skin-flint, preferring instead to look both ways PRIOR to "indulging"....................................................................................................But I am open-minded and willing to change my mind (I was, for instance, initially against raising taxes on the wealthy, but, after studying economic trends and listening to fellows like Greenspan, I ultimately changed my mind on it). You just have to convince me via reasoned arguments and evidence, that's all (and, no, I'm not at all referring to the partisan drivel from "Daily Kos", the "Weekly Standard", etc.)......................................................................................................P.S. Yes, I stand by my argument that ad hominem attacks such as "worthless piece of excrement" and "media whore (no, putting the word, media, in front of whore doesn't make it any less offensive)" have zero place in legitimate political discourse. And I'd be saying that same exact thing if the object was a Democrat OR a Republican. You see, folks, that's yet another characteristic that us "moderates" have; consistency.


  1. THAT is exactly what Ann Coulter said; Moderate (when it comes to abortion rights, gay rights, raising taxes on the wealthy, etc.) = Radical Left enablers. The 2 of you should really go on a date sometime.

  2. No thanks.

    I just heard while watching the pundit programs tonight that Barack Obama might cave and cut Medicare and SS. I'm sure you and Marcus will be quite happy.


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