Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Dickness Scale 0-10

Bill O'Reilly - 7, Sean Hannity - 9, Glenn Beck - 10, Keith Olbermann - 9, Ed Schultz - 9, Michael Savage - 10, Neil Cavuto - 4, Rush Limbaugh - 9, Shepard Smith - 1, Lawrence O'Donnell - 2, Nancy Grace - 10, Rachel Maddow - 8 (a 10, though, on the smarminess scale), Laura Ingraham - 10, Monica Crowley - 10, Al Franken - 8, Anthony Weiner - nope, not even going there, Mitch McConnell - 8/9, John Boehner - 8, Nancy Pelosi - 8, Joe Scarborough - 3, Anderson Cooper - 0, John King - 0, Donald Trump - 9 and some change, Michele Bachmann - 8, Barney Frank - 7, Ann Coulter - 8 (she does make me laugh once in a while), President Obama - 4, Joe Biden - 4, Mitt Romney - 7, Sarah Palin - 9, Newt Gingrich - 9, Al Gore - 8, Bill Clinton - 5 (sorry, I just can't hate the guy), Mike Huckabee - 8, Hillary Clinton - 5, John McCain (2000) - 1, John McCain (2008-2011) - 9, Mike Malloy - 10, Bob Gates - 1, Dick Cheney - 11 (sorry), George W. Bush - pass, for now, Markos Moulitsas - 9, Bill Maher - 7, Colin Powell - 2, Donald Rumsfeld - 9, Chris Matthews - it depends on a) the day and b) my mood, Michelle Malkin - 9, Jon Huntsman - 2 (SO FAR)


  1. Interesting, but on this Fourth of July weekend its nice to know one of the few rights we have intact in this country is the ability for all Americans to act as big a dick as our talents will allow.

  2. I like the difference you gave the two McCains.

    I think Maher should be given a 10 or 11, due to his bashing the group of people Rahm Emanuel calls "f**ing retards".

    Good choice not giving Weiner a length... er score.

    I'd give Hillary a lower score. And drop Lou Dobbs into the list with a 10. I was listening to him the other night and was reminded of him.

  3. Chuckles...Will sometimes I wonder where you come up with this stuff...Guess we all need a laugh from time to time

  4. And I'd rank Hannity as less of a dick than O'Reilly.

    There's the O'Reilly sexual harassment scandal, and his denying being a conservative. Hannity's more of a straight shooter on this.

  5. Lou Dobbs! I forgot about him. Definitely in the 9-10 range.

  6. Lou Dobbs seethes with hatred of brown people and foreigners, as so many who are against free trade do.

  7. My Admiration Scale...

    Bill O'Reilly: -6, Sean Hannity: -8, Glenn Beck: -10, Keith Olbermann: 11, Ed Schultz: 7, Michael Savage: -6?, Neil Cavuto: -1?, Rush Limbaugh: -12, Shepard Smith: 2, Lawrence O'Donnell: 9-10, Nancy Grace: -2, Rachel Maddow: 8, Laura Ingraham: -7, Monica Crowley: -1?, Al Franken: 11, Anthony Weiner: 10/5 (pre scandal/post scandal), Mitch McConnell: -11, John Boehner: -8, Nancy Pelosi: 9, Joe Scarborough: 0-1, Anderson Cooper: 0?, John King: -10, Donald Trump: -6, Michele Bachmann: -7, Barney Frank: 8, Ann Coulter: -8, President Obama: 7, Joe Biden: 7, Mitt Romney: -8, Sarah Palin: -10, Newt Gingrich: -11, Al Gore: 9, Bill Clinton: 5, Mike Huckabee: -10, Hillary Clinton: 5, John McCain: -5, Mike Malloy: 3, Bob Gates: 1, Dick Cheney: -15, George W. Bush: -14, Markos Moulitsas: 7, (The politically incorrect) Bill Maher: -1, Bill Maher: 7, Colin Powell: 1, Donald Rumsfeld: -14, Chris Matthews: 3, Michelle Malkin: -8, Jon Huntsman: -2.

    A question mark means I don't have enough information to make a determination (the number, if there is one, is a guess).

  8. dmarks: Lou Dobbs seethes with hatred of brown people and foreigners, as so many who are against free trade do.

    WTF? I oppose free trade, yet I'm in favor of treating undocumented workers fairly. They are the victims of a system that encourages them to break our immigration laws.

    You may be right about Lou Dobbs, but you're way wrong in regards to the second part of your statement.

  9. WD: I said "so many" not all. And most of these are on the right, ranting about Chinese and Mexican workers.

    As for the illegal aliens, I for sure want to treat them fairly. I am probably considered to be on the fringe for them, perhaps even to the left of you.

    I leave for now the part about trade. We disagree strongly on it.

    I stand by the second part of the statement:"...seethes with hatred of brown people and foreigners, as so many who are against free trade do."

    I could provide countless quotations for you, starting with Pat Buchanan, and going down to just about every time a conservative blog posts about immigration and trade.

  10. Ted Nugent belongs there with about an 8 by him. I used to like him, but he just keeps getting nuttier by the year.

  11. I seriously doubt that Mr. Nugent could ever pass a competency test, CDM. And, yes, it's a little unnerving that an individual like that is out in the public "packing".

  12. Geraldo Rivera. I don't know, a 7 maybe? It depends on the day, I guess (kinda like with Matthews).

  13. I don't recall Nugent ever threatening people with his firearms and bows, so he remains no worry for me.

    If anyone has any information to the contrary, I'd be glad to hear it.


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