Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Time For Brinksmanship is OVER!

Where are the statesmen these days; the Everett Dirksens, the Howard Bakers, the Lee Hamiltons, the Warren Rudmans, the William Proxmires? I mean, I know that I sometimes have a tendency to glorify the past, and that the past, in and of itself, wasn't always so hunky dory but, COME ON! Remember back when Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill got together and majorly extended Social Security? If those two stubborn individuals could get together and solve a major problem, are you telling me that Mr.s Obama and Boehner can't (Boehner especially needs to step it up, confront the Republican base, and lead)?....................................................................................................I'm telling you, folks, my buddy and I (a couple of self-described "blue-dogs") got together a couple of weeks ago, pen and paper in hand, and we, the two of us, were able to come up with nearly 300 BILLION in deficit reduction. And, while, no, I don't want to say that it was easy (we had to raise SOME taxes and cut SOME programs), it wasn't exactly rocket-science, either (I mean, do we really need a military base in Aruba?). You'd have to think that if he and I could do it, those pinheads down in Washington.......


  1. I think the time of the radically Right Republican should be over. We need to VOTE THEM OUT next time.

    Boehner doesn't need to step it up, he needs to get lost. Seriously, we need to bring back Nancy Pelosi. He has a sex scandal much worse than Anthony Weiner's... so he should resign already.

    I don't care for Blue-Dogs either. Get rid of them too. It's time the Progressive Democrats were heard. It's the only way we can hope to save our country.

  2. Will, I'm coming off a drunk Saturday night so right now I sincerely mean this but maybe we should let the house of cards collapse. The dems are playing politics to their base about needed cuts and the repubs are sucking huge dick with the rich about basic tax increases.

    Then you have the those in a whole other surreal reality that not only want to continue the wars but keep troops stationed in those countries permanently, no matter the billions being spent.

    Let the house of cards fall, maybe after the fact that nebulous group of independents who let things get out of control will realize what happened and take control.

  3. It sounds like you want to "get rid of" everybody who doesn't agree with you/Keith Olbermann/Bernie Sanders. Yeah, that's the ticket, wd! And you do know, don't you, that in order to be the Speaker of the House, your party actually has to be in power for that to happen?............Hey, double b, maybe Beck was right after all. Maybe we really SHOULD be buying gold! LOL Not from his frigging company, though, right?

  4. Will: It sounds like you want to "get rid of" everybody who doesn't agree with you... you do know... to be the Speaker of the House, your party actually has to be in power for that to happen?

    To answer your two questions: (1) As many as possible, and (2) Really? Are you sure? ... Actually, I was talking about after the 2012 elections. That is when I'm hoping Nancy Pelosi will return as speaker.

    I'm sick of the Boner and his lies about a "jobs agenda". The Republicans are liars. I received an email today from Newsmax. They wanted me to participate in a poll. One of the questions asked was "What do you believe Congress' top priority should be in 2011?"

    The choices were: (1) Cutting spending, (2) Cutting taxes, (3) Paying down the national debt, and (4) Improving the nation's security.

    Jobs isn't on the list.

    BTW Will, the time for brinkmanship is just getting ramped up. Expect more of it for the foreseeable future.

  5. WD said: "I think the time of the radically Right Republican should be over"

    No worry. The radicals are shut out of the party and out of power.

  6. dmarks, the radical Republicans have taken over the party. How many moderates are there, two? If what you say is true would we would not now be worrying about actually defaulting on the national debt. I believe your statement shows quite clearly how clueless you are (at least as far as politics is concerned).

  7. "dmarks, the radical Republicans have taken over the party."

    I reserve the term "radical" for actual radicals on either the left or the right. I don't do what you are doing, which is to call people radicals just because I disagree with them.

    "How many moderates are there, two?"

    I think I see what you are getting at. That everyone is either a moderate or a radical, and there is nothing in between.

    By this definition, 62% of Americans, those who are not in the 35% of moderates, are radicals.

    I have a clue, alright, enough to know that in reality, radicals are shut out of politics.

  8. dmarks: I think I see what you are getting at. That everyone is either a moderate or a radical, and there is nothing in between.

    As usual you think wrong. Suggesting we default on our national debt isn't radical? Refusing to negotiate unless you get exactly what you want isn't radical? I could go on, but I've got better things to do with my time then debate undebatable facts.

  9. "Suggesting we default on our national debt isn't radical? "

    Why not cut waste spending? Then there is no worry.

    Yes, go on. You have better things to do than attempt to debate by asserting dubious opinions.

  10. I don't agree with the spending cuts proposed by the Republicans. I would be in favor of other spending cuts.

    The cuts proposed by the Republicans would also harm poor and moderate income people -- and kill the recovery... which is the Republican plan for victory in the upcoming presidential election. Tank the economy and blame Obama.

    Why not raise taxes?

  11. BTW you didn't answer the question. Do you think that using the threat of a default on our national debt isn't radical? I doubt many people would agree with you on that.

  12. Everett Dirksens, the Howard Bakers, the Lee Hamiltons, the Warren Rudmans, the William Proxmires?

    ya,,, you got that right


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