Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Objectively BSing

Rachel Maddow has said in the past that she doesn't have an "agenda". She said so in one of her commercials in fact. Ya' buyin' it? I'm not buyin' it. I mean, COME ON, the hard-core story-lines alone, for Christ; the incessant way in which she frames these issues, the Republicans always on the defensive side, etc.............................................................................................Of course, if you're one of those folks who's constantly in need of additional proof, how's about this; the woman's MOST RECENT COMMERCIALS? I mean, have you seen them? They have her standing in a frigging hard-hat, next to all of these mega public-works projects. "This is what our fore-fathers have given us. What are we giving to our kids?" Her AGENDA here is obviously that we need to spend more on infrastructure spending..............................................................................................Now, this isn't to say that I totally disagree with her, mind you. We in fact DO have bridges, schools, etc. that are "under code". And, yes, folks, infrastructure spending, done wisely, CAN stimulate our economy (we probably should have had MORE of it in the stimulus and less in terms of tax-cuts). But to answer her question here, "Hm, let's see. Well, we HAVE given them the "big dig", the "bridge to nowhere" (thank you, Senator Murkowski), all of those West Virginia roads that basically lead to nowhere (thank you, Senator Byrd). And what about all of that money that constantly gets pumped into the Transportation Department, all of those state and federal gas taxes that we pay. Surely, Ms. Maddow, we must be building something out there."........................................................................................You see what I'm saying here? And, yes, this is what precisely bugs me about Maddow. She's supposed to be this towering intellectual figure, right? And all that the woman ever does is drop these sugar-coated positions and, zero, NADA, in terms of point/counterpoint (wasteful/pork-barrel spending, for instance) or cost-benefit analysis. At the very least, folks, it makes for some very boring television....................................................................................................P.S. Some people are probably going to ask me, "So, why do you pick on Rachel Maddow more than you do Sean Hannity?" And, yes, folks, that in fact WOULD be a fair question. I'm harder on Maddow BECAUSE, not only does she profess to be smarter, SHE FRIGGING IS SMARTER! The woman should totally know that a lot of what she claims on her show to be the end of the discussion, is just the beginning of the discussion and that, while, no, the answer isn't always in the middle, a little honest give and take usually does help.


  1. "Her AGENDA here is obviously that we need to spend more on infrastructure spending"

    If she wants more money freed up for infrastructure, she should push to repeal "prevailing wage" acts, which require government to pay much more than the fair value for such projects.

  2. Wouldn't that cause he to piss off yet ANOTHER favored interest group?

  3. The "prevailing wage" situation is pretty outrageous on multiple fronts:

    1) It smacks of contract corruption: contracts awarded on politics.

    2) When infrastructure budgets are gouged like this, bridges fall apart (like in Minnesota) and schools don't get built.

    3) It favors contracts going to businesses that force employees to give campaign contributions to Democrats. Is that really fair? You will say "yes" if you are a Democrat. But imagine if the contracts instead went to businesses that forced employees to give money to Republicans?

    4) All above issues aside, it is very wasteful. The government should contract with the best businesses that provide the best deal.

  4. Is this one of the reasons why the "big dig" went so completely over budget?

  5. Well, the Big Dig was union-only, which tends to mean shoddier work that is priced above the fair-market value of the wage.

    Here is an article about recent project, and union protesters demanding that the government overpay for it. It is all part of this effort to make sure government construction work is shoddy, takes a lot longer, and is badly overpriced.

  6. HOW can paying the "prevailing wage" result in overpaying? Your "logic" makes no sense dmarks.

    dmarks: You will say "yes" if you are a Democrat.

    I'm a Democrat. I say "no". Neither Unions nor Corporations should be allowed to contribute to political campaigns. Only individuals (with a cap) should be allowed to contribute.

  7. I'll go you one further, wd. I'm for public financing of all elections.


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