Sunday, June 19, 2011

Miscellaneous 84

1) Just for the sake of argument, let's just say that Congresswoman Bachmann DOES win the GOP's nomination. How many of those rank and file Republicans (sane Republicans, in other words) who SAY (and/or tell pollsters) that they're going to vote for her, when it literally comes down to it (when they're all alone in that voting booth), actually will. I don't know, folks. I'm thinking that there might be a few of 'em (common sense eventually taking hold of them) who don't.............2) And don't get me wrong here. I am in no way saying that Obama is perfect. That man is FAR from perfect. But, come on! If this woman doesn't scare the be-Jesus out of you (her votes, her statements),then nothing will! Thankfully, folks, this scenario is quite unlikely.............3) Can you see it, though? At the same time that she's conducting an investigation on un-American activities among the Democrats, she's also vetoing an increase in the debt-ceiling. Palin on frigging steroids, for Christ!............4) And on the other side of the craziness divide, you've got all of these progressive bloggers somehow trying to pin the breakup of the black family on, yep, you got it, REAGAN!!!!! Never mind the fact that this phenomenon started occurring well before Mr. Reagan ever got to Washington. Yeah, that's right, folks, the black family was essentially intact prior to the 1960s. Did its dissolution then occur BECAUSE of the 60s (the sexual revolution, the fact that the Great Society may in fact have created at least some dependency)? I don't know. These are correlations. And as we all know, correlations can never prove causality. It is, however, interesting, no?............5) While there may have been a lot of good things to come out of the Great Society, one of its policies, in particular, may not have been quite so good. When they started allowing female welfare recipients to live with their boyfriends and not lose any of their benefits - that, I'm afraid, is something that may have sent the wrong message. Thankfully (I believe), it appears that society has gotten a lot tougher with these guys/serial impregnaters.


  1. "she's also vetoing an increase in the debt-ceiling."

    Why not just cut the waste spending so the ceiling doesn't have to be increased?

  2. I don't think that there is any amount that Obama, Boehner, Reid, and McConnell (yeah, I purposefully left Pelosi out - the Bachmann of the left) could come up with that would satisfy this lady. She's going to vote against it no matter what. And I think that as President she'd veto it no matter what. Huntsman just entered the race today. Here's to hoping that he brings a little bit more sanity to it.

  3. 1. She's a 2-faced liar that loves pork too much to last to the final round...and I ain't talkin' BBQ, neither.

    2.I have my issues with Obama as well, he's still hands-down far better than anything that the republicans can offer at this time. It's laughable

    3. Can she and her colleagues stop voting themselves raises every damn time you turn around. Shit, a normal person has to work for MANY year to get a decent retirement. Those assholes get one from word go.

    4. Reagan just started a ball rolling that some of his biggest fans currently in office want to keep pressing and thus, reverts back to Reagan. Honestly, their fascination with that asshole is practically homosexual in nature.

    5. The problem with putting otherwise good social programs together is that they become lax over time and become abused. Agreed, they need to just put the dick down, for Christ's sake.

  4. I agree, CDM, that Mr. Reagan was an overrated President (I give him a B- and I DON'T have him in the top 10). But there do seem to be some people on the far left that want to blame him for EVERYTHING (kind of like Hannity and Limbaugh want to blame Obama for everything). In discussing the breakup of the black family over at RN's, somebody tried to blame him for that. It was like, dude, come on.

  5. Will: Not only that, but Reagan's policies caused a growth in the Black middle class.


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