Saturday, June 18, 2011

Miscellaneous 83

1) Julian Assange - yes, he's paranoid. But that doesn't mean that people AREN'T after him. Just sayin'.............2) I hate to say it, folks, but what happened to Congressman Weiner was basically a bums-rush. I mean, think about it. The guy didn't face any sort of charges. No proceedings or procedures ever took place. He just got frigging ganged up on and hung/left, and all over a few frigging pictures! It's all kind of disgusting, in my opinion.............3) And, yes, I understand, he, Weiner, lied to the leadership. I totally get that. But, so, too, did Bill Clinton (that blankety blank lied under damned oath, for Christ!). And none of the Democrats EVER called for him to step aside. I mean, I know that Mr. Weiner isn't popular and all but, damn, a little consistency, please!............4) Question - can the Obama Presidency be saved? Answer (mine) - I sure as hell hope so....Not that I'm always/necessarily a cheerleader of Mr. Obama, mind you, but, come on! The President does well, the country does well. You gotta root for him a little bit, no?


  1. You're asking for consistency out of politicians? The word is not even in their vocabulary. It doesn't matter if they have an R or a D after their names. Consistency is something they don't care about.

    Why? Because the general population doesn't care about it.

  2. Will, if THIS president does well it pretty much means the end of our country as we know it.

  3. Volt, did you say the same thing in 1993 when Hatch and Gingrich offered up something pretty identical to Obamacare? I mean, yeah, he bailed out the auto companies but a) Bush 2 started it rolling and b) it might have been 1929 all over again if he hadn't. I honestly don't see why the right sees this guy as the 2nd coming of V. Lenin.

  4. Will,I dont think the right see's Olbama as the second comming of Lenin at all,the right just see's him as an incompetent failure.The right see's him as Jimmy Carter all over again.Look around you Will,run away unemployment,staggering debt,a housing market in the shitter,we're in at least four wars,the guy flushed 800 billion down the toilet,$4 a gallon gas.
    Joe Main Street is'nt buying those "we created or saved three million jobs" or if we had'nt spent the stimulus money "it would have been worse then 1929" bullshit lines any more.
    Yea,this guy inherited a recession,but he has'nt done one single thing to improve fact his policies have made it worse.

  5. I agree, Russ, the incompetence argument definitely works better here. I would only add that the Congress hasn't exactly been cheerio, either.

  6. Will, to be honest I wasn't much of a political animal in '93. That said, I was against Hillary care.

    Secondly, I don't see Zero as the second coming of Lenin. He simply isn't that bright. His ideology has paved his way through academia.

    But his policies ARE paving the way for the second coming of Lenin.

    They say the best and most efficient form of government is a benevolent dictatorship. The problem is they don't STAY benevolent.

    However good and pure you or the left may believe Obama to be, (Obviously I don't) he is amassing way too much power in the administrative branch, and the ones who come after him may not be as good or pure.

  7. I also thought the Weiner thing was ridiculous and am glad I'm not alone. He committed no crime yet was forced out of the House because he violated the other representatives' sense of moral sanctity--this from the same body that in recent years has featured Congressmen lusting after 16-year-old pages.

    He ought to have admitted to sending the photo in the first place and then publicly told Nancy Pelosi to let him worry about his district (where, by the way, 56% of his constituents wanted him to remain in office).

    And then they're making him go to therapy? For what? For being attracted to women other than his wife?

    He didn't even do anything really wrong and they're making it out to be like he's a serial rapist.

  8. Voltron: There's no such thing as the "administrative branch." There is, however, an executive branch of which President Obama is the head.

    And yes, between authorizing tax cuts for the wealthy, opening the coasts to offshore drilling, and stripping the healthcare law of its public option (and thus ensuring that the bill does not actually create any government-run healthcare system), he's really taking us down the long, dark road to Leninism.

    Obama would be considered a conservative in any industrialized country other than the United States.

  9. You read my mind, BrightenedBoy. a) He loaded up the stimulus with tax cuts. b) He gave up the public option early on (on that one I agreed with him). c) He met the Republicans more than 1/2 way on the spending cuts during the lame duck. And d) like you said, he agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts. It sounds to me like it's the Republicans who aren't compromising much.

  10. And just what did the 800 billion accomplish? Oh yea,wait a minute....let me get this right...."we saved or created three million jobs," "if we had'nt spent the money it would have been worse then 1929," "if we approve the stimulus unemployment will not exceed 8%."
    Total and unmitigated bullshit.

  11. 300 something billion of that was tax cuts, Russ - something that the Republicans should have liked. As for that 8% comment by Obama, yeah, that was dumb, no question. You simply cannot predict the economy to that degree.

  12. Will,you just cant spit out the truth on this one.....can you.The stimulus was a total failure.Other then Krugman,who thinks it should have been much more most economist are saying it did not do much if anything to stimulte the economy.For christ sake 1.5% growth."the jobs we thought were shovel ready were'nt quite shovel ready."

  13. Bright said: "And yes, between authorizing tax cuts for the wealthy"

    By extending the Bush tax cuts, Obama authorized tax cuts for the middle class. The wealthy were a small percentage of those who had less of their money plundered

    "tripping the healthcare law of its public option "

    The fascist "public option" for ruling elites to control healthcare was something Obama wanted and fought for, actually.

    "Obama would be considered a conservative in any industrialized country other than the United States."

    In actual fact, he is leftist (left of center).


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