Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Miscellaneous 77

1) There's a rumor out there that certain football coaches from the Southeastern Conference, when they're trying to recruit a youngster to play at their colleges, will actually slam a Calculus book on the table and tell that kid, "You know that you're actually going to have to open that book if you go to Georgia Tech, right?" Is it true? Probably not. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was. Go Tech! Go ACC!............2) I saw Mitt Romney on CNN tonight. He was asked yet again to explain his "conversion" on abortion rights....and yet again he looked like an absolutely disingenuous/slippery lunk-head....I don't know, folks, I'm actually starting to feel sorry for the guy - for him to flat-out want to be President THAT desperately.............3) I have a question for House Majority leader, Eric Cantor: "Dude, have you ever heard of videotape (or whatever it is that they refer to it now)? It's like, come on here, fella'. Less than two years ago you were saying that it was up to the people of Nevada as to whether or not they wanted to keep John Ensign in office (you do remember saying that, right?). And now you're saying just the opposite with this Weiner guy. Do you have ANY idea how brazenly partisan that that makes you look right now? You want my advice here? Ignore Weiner and concentrate on your own frigging repairs. I mean, seriously/Christ, why don't you just wrap this up in a bow and HAND IT to Rachel Maddow?"


  1. Will,no surprize here...the SEC pays cash money,go no further then Auburn.

    Mitt Romney would say or admitt to just about anything for the nomination....thats the reason so many republicans are turned off by him.

    What exactly would you expect Cantor to say? Most Republicans would prefer that Weiner hang around....to have him as a poster boy during a presidential election is like herpes...the gift that never stops giving.Weiner will be a eunuch a gift from above.

  2. I don't mean to imply here, Russ, that the ACC is totally clean (the North Carolina agents on campus situation). But, overall, the academics are significantly better in the ACC. I mean, you actually DO have to study at Duke, Georgia Tech, UNC, UVA, Wake Forest, Maryland, BC, etc........I also agree with you on the "pay to play" thing. Add to that the cultural aspect down south; football being basically a religion down there. In Louisiana, for example, kids literally line up to play at LSU. Compare that to, say, Maryland (a small state that puts out a lot of good high school players). Last year only 2 of the top 20 high school players in Maryland signed to play with the U of Maryland. Randy Edsall had better frigging fix that and quickly.


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