Saturday, June 25, 2011

Look What I Just Did, Ma!

Maurice Prendergast is one of those artists whose popularity, with the public and critics alike, I've never quite been able to fathom. For instance, I just ran into a couple of his specimens at the Cape Ann Museum in Gloucester and, as much as I hate to be cruel here, they looked like a couple of "works" that a grammar schooler could have polished off, and polished off in haste. But, hey, what do I know, right - the frigging guy's stuff goes for millions now?...............................................................................................P.S. Please, this is in now way a knock on the Cape Ann Museum. The frigging place is awesome. In addition to Mr. Prendergast, the museum's permanent collection also includes paintings/etchings by Childe Hassam, Winslow Homer, Edward Hopper, Charles Hopkinson, Joseph Solmon, John Sloan, and Margaret Fitzhugh Browne (amongst the finest portrait artists of the 20th century). Seriously, if you ever do make it up to Cape Ann, you really ought to check it out. Eight bucks - and it's good for the entire day.


  1. I have thought similar things about other artists. And I've seen an elephant who can put them to shame.

  2. Might you be thinking of Jackson Pollack, perhaps?......Elephant art - WAY better than elephant dung!


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