Thursday, June 16, 2011

The First Crush is Always the Greatest

Luscious Liz Montgomery - Imagine this bearin' down on ya' round about midnight? Youza, huh?


  1. Damn! She was hot!!

    Maybe it was because I was a kid at the time but there is something about how women looked in the 60's that ladies simply cannot touch now.

  2. OK, I'll play along. The TV shows I've watched and enjoyed AND the actresses I thought were hot in them are...

    Stephanie Zimbalist in Remington Steele (1982-1987)

    Lucy Lawless in Xena: Warrior Princess (1995-2001)

    Mariska Hargitay in Law & Order: SVU (1999-present)

    Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live (1997-2006) as the Weekend Update host or as Sarah Palin. (I don't have a thing for Sarah Palin. I just think Fey's portrayal of her was hysterically funny).

  3. I started watching CSI Miami because of Khandi Alexander, now I stay tuned because of Eva La Rue, man she's built!

    Sanctuary has Agam Darshi and Royal Pains has Reshma Shetty. Both Indian hotties.

    Leverage is worth watching just a bit more because of Gina Bellman.

    Shamefully, I watch the 4th hour of Today because of Hoda Kotb. That woman just gets better with age.

  4. Tina's Palin IS funny, but I've heard many leftists bash Palin for actually saying that she could see Russia from her house.

  5. dmarks said: I've heard many leftists bash Palin for actually saying that she could see Russia from her house.

    I doubt that very much. I've never heard a single Leftist say that. You can see Russia from some locations in Alaska... which is what Palin actually said. She never said she could see Russia from her house.

    What Palin actually said was still stupid though. Palin thought this fact somehow gave her some foreign policy experience.

  6. I have an opinion here. Tina Faye is the hottest chick in glasses this side of Ashleigh Banfield. That's it!

  7. WD: It did happen on Shaw's blog. It was "Truth" who said this of Palin.

    I caught him on it, and his defense was that Palin is so stupid or something like that that it doesn't matter what she actually said when you are quoting her.

    In other words, accuracy in quoting doesn't matter... just make up stuff.

    "What Palin actually said was still stupid though. Palin thought this fact somehow gave her some foreign policy experience."

    Stupid? No. At worst, this is not worth a lot, really.

  8. This issue has always torn me in both directions. No, I don't particularly like Palin very much. But neither do I like some of her smarmy, holier than thou critics (I wouldn't put Truth in that category, btw). The best thing for all involved is if she just went back to Alaska, IMO.

  9. Truth's pretty cool in other regards, but when it comes to Palin, like many, he goes off the deep edge.

    Over at Progressive Erupts, they ranted about Palin's letting her daughter be on a dance TV show.

    Well, for one:

    1) The daughter is an adult. There was no question of Palin "letting" her daughter be on the show. Sarah could do nothing about it.

    2) Not longer after this, Geraldine Ferraro was eulogized on that same blog. If there had been any consistency, Ferraro would have been bashed for having a family that commits actual crimes. But of course there was no consistency, only hypocrisy.

    3) Daughters going on TV shows.... doesn't matter. Just like the fact that Palin wears boots. Doesn't matter also.

  10. I don't understand why the producers of the show (a show I don't watch BTW) asked (and paid) Bristol Palin to be on their program.

    The show is "Dancing with the STARS". Bristol Palin isn't a star. That isn't a criticism... a "star" just is something she is not.

    As for your claim that people at PE were criticizing SP for "letting" her daughter go on the show... I don't believe it. Certainly not without any proof. I think you're misremembering what you read (on this and regarding what Truth said about SP).

  11. You don't have to be a star to be on "Dancing With the Stars", wd. You haven't figured that out yet?

  12. WTF are you talking about Will? The program is "Dancing with the STARS"... it's right there in the title for Christ! Are you saying this because Tom DeLay was on the program? FYI, it was Tom DeLay himself, not one of his kids! (if he has any).

    I was over at my parent's house a while ago and my mom was watching this. I said the same thing to her (that Bristol Palin isn't a star) and she agreed with me. Like I said earlier, I don't watch it, so I don't know how I could have possibly "figured that out yet".

    Are you saying my mom's dumb? If so I take offense.

  13. WD said: "As for your claim that people at PE were criticizing SP for "letting" her daughter go on the show... I don't believe it. Certainly not without any proof."

    You tend to disbelieve what is true, and deny what is true.

    Here's proof from Shaw herself, bashing Sarah Palin specifically for letting (allowing) her daughter go on the show:

    "Allowing her unfortunate unwed daughter to bump and grind and make a fool of herself on DWTS is appalling, and in such hideous taste as to make one wonder what the hell Todd and Sarah were thinking in suggesting that would be a grand idea for Bristol."

    It is in the comments here

  14. dmarks: You tend to disbelieve what is true, and deny what is true.

    No, I'm just inclined not to believe anything you post since you're mostly wrong.

    You can't criticize me because you neglected to provide any proof when you first made the allegation. That's really weak.

    Anyway, I think Shaw has a point. If SP had said she didn't think it was a good idea, I'm sure her daughter would have listened. But that family will do anything for money, even if it is in hideous taste.

  15. "No, I'm just inclined not to believe anything you post since you're mostly wrong."

    Another statement that shows you have no idea what you are talking about, and have the reading skills of Mr. Magoo. There's the proof that Shaw said this.

    Your statement: "As for your claim that people at PE were criticizing SP for "letting" her daughter go on the show... I don't believe it. Certainly not without any proof."

    And you were proven wrong, as with this and other things, where you base your opinion of whether or not something is true on hunches rather than fact.


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