Monday, June 27, 2011

Don't Run Jon, Don't Run

By every estimation, Jon Huntsman appears to be, not just a reasonable guy but a very decent man as well. His record as Governor of Utah, the fact that he seems to be respected by people from both sides of the aisle, his recent words of respect, conciliation, and civility for Mr. Obama - all of these things are in fact what a person SHOULD look for in a political candidate, I think...................................................................................................So, the problem? The problem, folks, is that he's such a nice and reasonable guy, I was actually kind of hoping that he WOULDN'T run....Think about it, for Christ. The only way that a guy like this could ever win the Republican nomination is if he transforms himself; if he outRomneys Romney, outMcCains McCain, etc.. I mean, I don't know about the rest of you good folks, but me - I have had more than my fair share of THAT type of politician.


  1. Yea, the guy who took a $173 million budget deficit when he took office in 2003 and turned it into a $1 billion budget deficit in 2009, when he left office to be Ambassador to China is gonna solve our budget woes.

    PS he doesn't think corporations should pay any taxes, he tried but failed to do that in Utah and still increased the budget deficit by 500%.

    Yep that is the kind of pile on the poor and middle class while giving corps and the rich a free pass kind of republican we need right about now.

    He'd do for the countries debt what GWB did ....... increase it by trillions.

    Sorry of I am not interested in his kind of pro wall street republicanism.

  2. I don't know for sure, anonymous, but I suspect that most of the states have had a marked increase in their deficits over the past 4 years. I sure as hell know that CT has.............As for the corporate income tax tax, I would eliminate it altogether. a) The big guys like Microsoft and Google seemingly don't pay it anyway and b) a lot of people (not all of them conservative, btw) out there tend to think that it actually hurts the middle class more than it does the richies. But, before you jump all over me here, I need to tell you that I would compensate for any lost revenue by taxing capital gains at the same rate as regular income (indexed for inflation). This, I think, would be a far more progressive strategy.

  3. They get out of paying it... so your solution is to reward them for their chicanery?

    As for your claim that the corporate income tax hurts the middle class? I say this is pro-corporate nonsense.

    Sander Levin, a Democrat from Michigan says, "[reducing the top business tax rate to 25%] likely means a tax cut for many of those at the top and a tax increase for broad portions of the middle class... EVEN IF tax breaks for capital gains and dividends were eliminated".

    If corporate taxes are lowered to 25 percent -- raising the rate on capital gains and dividends would NOT make up the difference. But you don't want to go to 25 percent; you want to go to ZERO. That's unworkable (and part of your corporatist agenda which I've previously mentioned).

  4. The CEOs are going to get their money no matter what. High corporate tax rates end up hurting employees, customers, and shareholders.......It's not chicanery, wd. It's doing whatever's legal so you don't have to pay higher taxes (everybody does it; Michael Moore and the Kennedys included).......And I'm for MORE than simply eliminating tax breaks for capital gains. I'm actually for taxing it at the same rate as regular income. So, in my system, a guy like Warren Buffett, instead of paying basically 15% on most of his income (the current capital gains tax rate), he would be paying 40%, FORTY PERCENT (possibly indexed for inflation)!! I obviously haven't done all the math here, but it sounds like my system would potentially raise MORE revenue. And I'd be DIRECTLY hitting all of these terrible rich people, too. Yep, I'm a corporatist alright. LOL

  5. Um will I guess you didn't read real close;

    I said 2003-2009.

    The crash only happened in the second half of 2008, so Huntsman doesn't get off for the last 4 years since he hasn't been in office for 2 of them, and he was destroying their budget when the times were supposedly good.

    As for the corporate getting a free pass on taxes,


    They get the good by being in America with out having the inconvenience of being drafted, doing jury duty, etc, they then can CONTRIBUTE to the cost of running America.

    Giving them a free pass on taxes is NOT a real option, and BTW why are the rich given so many tax breaks the poor NEVER can take advantage of?

    tax breaks for capital gains

    It is income and should be taxed as such. END OF STORY

    Only the far right fringe ideology says sitting on your fat arse, getting money off the sweat of others allows you a lower tax rate then those you profit off of. It is that ideology which has bankrupted the country where the rich want all the breaks while passing the costs off to the poorer and working class.

    Tax corps, send the rates back to the Clinton Era rates with two new upper bracket rates, $500,000-1,000,000 42% (the current top rate + 3%) and $1,000,001-Whatever 45%

    To save SS, raise the top rate they tax to $250,000, and quit the silly pay private insurance corps to do what Medicare does for less.

    Funny will but you seem to toe the right wing line more and more with the post you propose.Like your claim of thinking ANY voucher program would work for senior citizens for medical insurance. And the one you keep pushing IS a voucher program.

    NO Medical insurance program is going to offer insurance rates near what a senior would get in voucher form in ANY program, which means you just like Cantor raise the costs for seniors till they are broke because they cannot afford the costs, deductibles, excluded procedures ETC. Seniors cannot afford a voucher program unless they are already rich, and since the vast majority of the citizens in the US aren't rich, the voucher program NO matter who proposes it will break them economically.

  6. I suspect, anon, that there isn't a single Republican on this planet that you'd ever ultimately approve of. Am I right? As for Mr. Huntsman and the budget, I would need to know a little more. For instance, how much of that deficit was accrued during his final 9 months in office (between the crash and when he left office)? Not to let him off the hook or anything but I think that that might be relevant. Also, did you see the Democratic Mayor of Las Vegas on Rachel Maddow's show? He seemed to like Mr. Huntsman quite a bit. I mean, sure, maybe he was trying to poison him among the Republican primary voters. But maybe he was actually being sincere. Who knows.

  7. Oh, and, just for the record, the voucher program that I support is totally different from the Ryan plan. The plan that I support comes from Dr. Ezekial Emanuel (a former adviser to President Obama!) and has 2 features that the Ryan plan doesn't. A) It's paid for with a special tax and B) it has health-care boards that ensure minimum standards of care. Am I a right-winger for supporting this particular plan? In your regimented mind, probably yes.


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