Tuesday, June 21, 2011

At Least She Ain't Got Locusts

While it may be true that Sarah Palin is a dullard, at least the woman/her supporters can say that she never, EVER, refused to support an anti-lynching bill because she thought that it would cost her votes in the South. They can also say that she never interned tens of thousands of innocent American civilians, attempted to pack the Supreme Court, used the IRS as a weapon against her political opponents, or came up with a policy that was so flagrantly unconstitutional (the NRA) that it was voted down 9-0. Nope, folks, none of that stuff was even remotely Sarah Palin. Hm, I guess that the woman just flat-out isn't progressive enough.


  1. Nor did she ever say she could see Alaska for her house (one false claim), nor did she ever call Obama "Sambo" (a fake news story that was eventually rescinded).

  2. There's something kind of unseemly in taking somebody who's already deeply flawed and unlikable and trying to make that person look even worse. And, yes, it's even more frigging unseemly when they make stuff up.

  3. Stupid... really stupid post. If I were you I'd delete this out of embarrassment. And dmarks persists with his lies about a Tina Fey SNL skit even though I (attempted) to set him straight on this? Why keep telling the same lie after you've been informed of its inaccuracy?

    Shame on both of you for this.

  4. There's something kind of unseemly in taking somebody who's already deeply flawed and unlikable and trying to make that person look even worse.

    Wasn't that the original modes operandi of this blog?

    Contra O'Rielly,

    Hmmmmmmmm .......

    Seems you did it, and now wanna bitch about others doing it.

    There is a word for people like you,

    Starts with an H,

    Jesus used it all the time if I remember right.

  5. Anon: Wasn't that the original modes operandi of this blog?

    Is "Paranoiac Stooge Talk" a reference to Keith Olbermann? It certainly would not surprise me if it was. I did a Google site search of Will's blog and counted a total of 33 posts bashing KO. Not a lot, percentage wise, but still a large number (an indication, I believe, of some kind of unhealthy obsession).

    See my blog post, "Countdown to Keith Olbermann", for a list of all the anti-Olbermann rants Will has composed.

  6. WD: The lies are found in those who claim that Palin actually said this statement. Not in my pointing out this problem. You can't "set me straight" by lying yourself.

    Really, the only people who should be ashamed are those who think that Palin actually said this.

    An older version of this was the fake quote from Dan Quayle about Latin America in which he said he never studied Latin.

  7. The percentage of US population who believes Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house must be infinitesimally low. Anyway, I believe these people are misinformed, stupid, or both. They aren't liars. IMO people who try to smear the left by suggesting they are deliberately trying get people to believe that a JOKE from an SNL skit is true... they should known better; it's bullshit; they should be ashamed.

  8. Anonymous, I don't believe that I've ever referred to O'Reilly, Olbermann, Hannity, Maddow, etc. as "worthless pieces of excrement", "media whores", "white trash", etc.. And I've been very specific in my criticisms. Hell, if I've been inconsistent at all, it's because I've gratuitously dumped on Palin, too (calling her an idiot and just in this piece, a dullard).............A stupid post, wd? Why, because I had the audacity to point out that your great progressive hero wasn't all that great or progressive after all?...It was a rather good post, I think.

  9. Sarah Palin was, and never will be president! You don't know that she wouldn't do things that would turn out to be a hell of a lot worse. Sarah Palin was only governor for HALF A TERM... and then she quit! I don't think it's valid to compare a president from the 30's who had to make some tough decisions (and, YES, made some mistakes) to a quitter from the present who did not.

    There is no such thing as the perfect politician. To get ahead in politics you've got to play the game... and sometimes do some distasteful things.

    So, to answer your question, YES, your audacity offends me. The "audacity of a dope".

  10. Tough decisions? TOUGH DECISIONS? Are you fucking kidding me? Whether or not to support an anti-lynching bill. That is pathetic. And, yes, Sarah Palin is a dope who only served half a term (I suspect that she quite because of legal problems that would have bankrupted her). But according to that guy from "The Atlantic" who Lawrence O'Donnell had on, she was actually a pretty good governor (and maverick) who took on her own party. AND the oil companies. Now, she's obviously taken some bad turns and has in many ways been her own worse enemy but, like I said, she's never used the Constitution as toilet paper. What she ultimately would have done is immaterial.

  11. No way would she run for President, she'd take a cut in pay and lose what little popularity(not notoriety) she has left.

    It would be the biggest and dumbest move of her life.

  12. A plurality of the tea party people say that the woman isn't qualified (to run for President). If she frigging can't get THAT segment.....

  13. Sarah wasn't running just grifting;

    PS: she quit her bus tour halfway through, without going to South Carolina, Iowa, and a supposed stop in New Hampshire.

    She will never run for several reasons;

    Cut in Pay,

    Have to actually WORK for something for once, unlike her star status McCain handed her for free.

    Way too many skeletons in the Palin closet that the ruthless operatives will hang out for everyone to see.

    Rove for one would gladly top his McCain fathered a black child during the 2000 R primary in South Carolina with some of the ways he could twist and distort the skeletons from Palin's life(including her prodigy, see Bristol Palin's explaination as to how she got pregnent in the book Bristol wrote).

    The media (minus fake news) would play those clips and try to get her to respond, she ain't goinna open herself up for that.

    Palin ain't running, just trying to keep her mug in the MSM no matter how much she bitches about exactly that.

  14. According to Lawrence O'Donnell tonight, even Fox News is starting to criticize her (and her them). The woman just might have to look at syndication soon.

  15. "Rove for one would gladly top his McCain fathered a black child..."

    I've heard this claim before, but the source is ellusive. Is there any valid source that completes this claim?

  16. And WD, the leftists who went around claiming that Palin said she could see Russia from her house smeared themselves by being so ridiculous. I have done no smearing.

    A typical quote from a history channel forum, by a leftist Palin-basher:

    "yeah and she can see russia from her house. and knows which news paper she reads. brilliant mind and sarah palin should never be used in the same sentence. "

    This leftist smear of Palin has been so prevalent that it has ended up refuted on Snopes

    I am insisting on the facts here, no "smears". You have no idea what you are saying on this one, WD. Give it up.

    This is like those who falsely claim that Gore never claimed to invent the Internet while at the same time saying that he really did invent it.

  17. Sarah Palin has been very good for Bush's image. Prior to the fame of Palin, Bush was known the most embarrassing politician of renown in America. I love Sarah Palin and hope she remains a strong voice for her party.

  18. Just because this is on Snopes does not mean it's a "leftist smear" or that it is "so prevalent". All it means is that some idiots have trouble distinguishing between reality and an SNL skit.

    A Snopes page isn't proof that "leftists" are spreading this misinformation at all (the Snopes page suggests no such thing). I'm still waiting for that proof, which I seriously doubt dmarks will ever deliver. He thinks if he just says it often enough THAT is all the proof he needs.

    As for the Right-wing smear that Al Gore said he invented the internet (a phrase that did not come from an SNL skit) Snopes says, "Al Gore did not claim he invented the Internet". What he did claim was "he was responsible, in an economic and legislative sense, for fostering the development of the technology that we now know as the Internet".

    Snopes concludes that "to claim that Gore was seriously trying to take credit for the invention of the Internet is, frankly, just silly political posturing...".

    What those on the left say about this is that Al Gore legislatively helped bring about the internet because he "sponsored the 1988 National High-Performance Computer Act (which established a national computing plan and helped link universities and libraries via a shared network) and cosponsored the Information Infrastructure and Technology Act of 1992 (which opened the Internet to commercial traffic)".

    Your lie that the left denies the quote, "while at the same time saying that he really did invent it" is utter bullshit.

    You really are a piece of work dmarks... thinking you can slam the Left for an SNL skit about Sarah Palin being a "prevalent leftist smear" when it is neither prevalent nor leftist, AND also slam the Left for an actual Right-wing smear of Al Gore using some convoluted BS about the left saying it's both false and true.

    As for the "Sambo" claim, it isn't a "fake news story that was eventually rescinded". Snopes says "It may or may not be true, but a definitive determination can't be made...".

    So your Sambo claim is refuted by the same source you used to "debunk" the other SP "quote"... are your arguments always this weak dmarks?

  19. WD: I provided the proof of this leftist smear of Palin. How many more examples do you want?

    "As for the Right-wing smear that Al Gore said he invented the internet"

    Actually, this is factual. Gore claimed on CNN that he created the Internet while in Congress. Saying that he claimed he invented it is a fair paraphrasing.

    "What he did claim was "he was responsible..."

    The word he used was "created". "Invented" is a fair paraphrasing.

    "Your lie that the left denies the quote, "while at the same time saying that he really did invent it" is utter bullshit."

    I am being completely factual here. The "bullshit" is coming from you for claiming that there's some substantive difference between someone claiming that he invented the Internet and that he created it. I suggest you read Gore's actual quotation before you make a much of a fool of yourself as the boob who took false credit for creating the Internet.

    "As for the "Sambo" claim, it isn't a "fake news story that was eventually rescinded". Snopes says "It may or may not be true, but a definitive determination can't be made...".

    The Snopes story is incomplete. The people claiming that Palin made the Sambo statement eventually rescinded the story themselves. It's a hoax.

  20. dmarks: Gore claimed on CNN that he created the Internet while in Congress.

    No he didn't. The CNN quote is on the Snopes page I linked to. I read it, then posted the Snopes conclusion, which is...

    Clearly [Al Gore] was not claiming that he "invented" the Internet (in the sense of having designed or implemented it), but that he was responsible, in an economic and legislative sense, for fostering the development the technology that we now know as the Internet. To claim that Gore was seriously trying to take credit for the "invention" of the Internet is, frankly, just silly political posturing that arose out of a close presidential campaign.

    Gore never used the word "invent", and the words "create" and "invent" have distinctly different meanings; the former is used in the sense of "to bring about" or "to bring into existence" while the latter is generally used to signify the first instance of someone's thinking up or implementing an idea. [End quote from Snopes]

    dmarks: The "bullshit" is coming from you for claiming that there's some substantive difference between someone claiming that he invented the Internet and that he created it.

    I quoted Snopes, THE SAME SOURCE YOU USED! I don't know how, on one hand you can quote Snopes to "prove" your point, and on the other call a Snopes conclusion bullshit.

    dmarks: I am being completely factual here.

    No, you're lying. And it's a pretty weak and easily disproved lie. Give it up dmarks... I doubt anyone buys your BS.

    dmarks: I provided the proof of this leftist smear of Palin.

    You provided no proof. "A typical quote from a history channel forum" isn't proof. Firstly, I doubt such a quote exists. Secondly, (if it does exist) this is an example that proves MY point... which is that some idiots have trouble distinguishing between reality and an SNL skit.

    Quotes from message boards (with no links, btw, so we only have your word that they are genuine) are not proof of a "leftist smear campaign". That is something that, IMO, exists solely in your imagination.

  21. dmarks: The people claiming that Palin made the Sambo statement eventually rescinded the story themselves. It's a hoax.

    Frankly I don't really give a shit (I don't know if she said it or not). I'd never heard of this before... I was only telling you what Snopes said -- because you're the one who insisted they are an authoritative source.

    Now you're saying Snopes is right, but only in regards to the Sarah Palin "debunk". They're wrong in regards to the two links I gave.

    So, (let me get this straight) Snopes is right when you link to them -- but Snopes is wrong when I link to them??

    And what about your proof about the Sambo story being rescinded? We should simply take your word on that?

  22. Hey anonymouse,you friggin nincompoop...Palin did'nt quit her bus tour....she got called for jury duty in Alaska.
    Does it at all bother you blockheads when you make fools out of yourselves?

  23. The Queen of Quit;

    quit again;

    The quiter in chief;

    quit again;

    nuff said ....

    Now watch how twisted rusty's pink panties get.

  24. Mouse,you're just too damn witty..I swear you're the funniest guy around..."the queen of quit,"..."the quitter in chief,"...talk about your knee slappers...thast gold Jerry,gold I tell you...and then to throw in a "nuff said"...over the top.
    Mouse you're in Daniel Tosh territory.

  25. PS; the queen of quit could have easily requested a one-time delay in service for a couple of months...courts generally allow citizens to do so.

    The supposed "jury duty" is simply her cover story this time.

    She lies alot;

    Her lie about death panels; Former Alaska GOP Gov. Sarah Palin’s Facebook allegation that the Democrats’ health-care overhaul would include “death panels” to decide whether seniors and disabled people were worthy of care was named “Lie of the Year” by fact-checkers at Politifact.com.

    Palin lied when she said the dismissal of her public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, had nothing to do with his refusal to fire state trooper Mike Wooten; in fact, the Branchflower Report concluded that she repeatedly abused her power when dealing with both men.

    Palin lied when she repeatedly claimed to have said, "Thanks, but no thanks" to the Bridge to Nowhere; in fact, she openly campaigned for the federal project when running for governor.

    Palin lied when she denied that Wasilla's police chief and librarian had been fired; in fact, both were given letters of termination the previous day.

    Palin lied when she wrote in the NYT that a comprehensive review by Alaska wildlife officials showed that polar bears were not endangered; in fact, email correspondence between those scientists showed the opposite.

    Palin lied when she claimed in her convention speech that an oil gas pipeline "began" under her guidance; in fact, the pipeline was years from breaking ground, if at all.

    Palin lied when she told Charlie Gibson that she does not pass judgment on gay people; in fact, she opposes all rights between gay spouses and belongs to a church that promotes conversion therapy.

    Palin lied when she denied having said that humans do not contribute to climate change; in fact, she had previously proclaimed that human activity was not to blame.

    Palin lied when she claimed that Alaska produces 20 percent of the country's domestic energy supply; in fact, the actual figures, based on any interpretation of her words, are much, much lower.

    Palin lied when she told voters she improvised her convention speech when her teleprompter stopped working properly; in fact, all reports showed that the machine had functioned perfectly and that her speech had closely followed the script.

    Palin lied when she recalled asking her daughters to vote on whether she should accept the VP offer; in fact, her story contradicts details given by her husband, the McCain campaign, and even Palin herself. (She later added another version.)

  26. Palin lied when she claimed to have taken a voluntary pay cut as mayor; in fact, as councilmember she had voted against a raise for the mayor, but subsequent raises had taken effect by the time she was mayor.

    Palin lied when she insisted that Wooten's divorce proceedings had caused his confidential records to become public; in fact, court officials confirmed they released no such records.

    Palin lied when she suggested to Katie Couric that she was involved in trade missions with Russia; in fact, she has never even met with Russian officials.

    Palin lied when she told Shimon Peres that the only flag in her office was the Israeli flag; in fact, she has several flags.

    Palin lied when she claimed to have tried to divest government funds from Sudan; in fact, her administration openly opposed a bill that would have done just that.

    Palin lied when she repeatedly claimed that troop levels in Iraq were back to pre-surge levels; in fact, even she acknowledged her "misstatements," though she refused to retract or apologize.

    Palin lied when she insisted that the Branchflower Report "showed there was no unlawful or unethical activity on my part"; in fact, that report prominently stated, "Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act."

    Palin lied when she claimed to have voiced concerns over Wooten fearing he would harm her family; in fact, she actually decreased her security detail during that period.

    Palin lied when asked about the $150,000 worth of clothes provided by the RNC; in fact, solid reporting contradicted several parts of her statement.

    Palin lied when she suggested that she had offered the media proof of her pregnancy with Trig to "correct the record"; in fact, no reports of her medical records were ever published; and the letter from her doctor testifying to her good health only emerged hours before polling ended on election day, even though there was nothing in it that couldn't have been released two months earlier.

    Palin lied when she said that "reported" allegations of her banning Harry Potter as mayor was easily refutable because it had not even been written yet; in fact, the first book in that series was published in 1998 - two years into her first term - and such rumors were never reported by the media, only circulated as emails.

    Palin lied when she denied having participated in a clothes audit with campaign laywers; in fact, the Washington Times later confirmed those details.

    Palin lied when asked about Couric's question regarding her reading habits; in fact, Couric's words were not, "What do you read up there in Alaska?" or anything close to condescension.

    Palin lied when she mischaracterized the "$1200 check" given to Alaskans as the permanent fund dividend check; in fact, that fund had yielded $2,069 per person, and she claimed otherwise to obscure the fact that Alaskans also received a $1200 rebate check from a windfall profits tax on oil companies - a tax widely criticized by Republicans.

  27. The queen of quit seems to be the queen of lie as well.

  28. OK, we all should lighten up. Palin is entertaining and a delight. We all know this. She is not very intelligent and she is lost in her proffession. We all know this. Some of us think she is hot, though I am not one. Some of us consider her politics on parr with more intelligent republicans, like Mitt. I am one.

  29. Do not mean to imply that their politics are the same. I only mean they are at the same level.

  30. Damn mouse,you may want to think about getting some sort of life.
    Stalking Palin is just a little on the sick side,creepy in fact.

  31. Stalking Palin is just a little on the sick side,creepy in fact.

    Stalking is for low life cretins like you, rusty;

    I just googled "Palin Lies" and copied the page with the most lies.

    Took a whole two minutes, unlike the hours you waste stalking people rusty.


  32. anon said: "Palin lied when she suggested to Katie Couric that she was involved in trade missions with Russia; in fact, she has never even met with Russian officials."

    One can be involved with trade missions (planning, approval, etc) without actually meeting with foreign officials. You slipped up on this one, blew it. So this claim easily is proven to be a lie by you. I wonder how many other of your claims are bogus?

    "I just googled "Palin Lies" and copied the page with the most lies."

    Oh that explains it. You quickly plagiarized someone else's page without crediting it, and more importantly, without giving it any critical thought. You are clearly scoring more points than Palin on the moron meter, sorry.

    So, anon, who is the liar here? You, or the page you are taking credit for?

    We can start with the very first one. She did take a pay cut when she took office, and it wasn't until several years later than the pay increased.

  33. Um dippy shi-ite, she went from $125,000. a year to;

    making 12 million in two YEARS.

    So your lie;

    it wasn't until several years later than the pay increased

    Is total bunk,

    Palin reportedly received $7 million from Harper Collins to write her autobiography Going Rogue, and that occurred the first year. The book was released Nov 17 2009, she resigned for the money July 2009, so she was raking in the millions in mere months unlike the lie you wrok d(ummy)marks.

    She got $100,000 per speech she gave, as much for a couple hours work as she got for almost ten months doing the job she asked for before she cut and ran from the responsibility she wanted till she didn't.

    BTW your claim that the Couric quote is a lie cannot be proved, please link to the PROOF it is a lie, not your made up supposition.

    Please a link with real proof it is a lie or admit your making up proofs again.

    Like you have done in the past.

  34. Anon: It is your lie. You are being intentionally misleading. The issue is her government pay (as part of the issue of wasting government money).

    Any money she earned on her own had nothing to do with it.

    "mere months unlike the lie you wrok d(ummy)marks."

    You are lying. All of the money came from a private publisher, not the government.

    "Like you have done in the past."

    Name one example, or shut up shithead.

    Are you one of those who thinks that Palin really said she can see Alaska from her house?

  35. Any money she earned on her own had nothing to do with it.

    Wrong again liar;

    She couldn't take 7 million when she was governor.

    You have proved NOTHING but throw around lots of accusations.

  36. Anon: It is your lie. You are being intentionally misleading. The issue is her government pay (as part of the issue of wasting government money).

    Wanna try again;

    You lied when you claimed;

    it wasn't until several years later than the pay increased

    I showed in 5 months she was collecting 7 million for a book, which laid bare your lie.

    So you try CHANGING your statement to something you did not say, which is itself a second lie.

  37. You are lying. All of the money came from a private publisher, not the government.

    Is a meaningless statement since we were discussing hiow much money she made, after she stopped getting paid from tax payers money,

    You try to divert attention from your LIE by stating something that wasn't in dispute.

    ALL the money she received after she quit half way through the term is going to come through private sector monies since she was no longer employed by the state government.

    But since your trying to move the goal posts, IE change the lie your spreading, by substituting what you first lied about by a different claim IE new lie, your nothing but a right wing troll ... even if you lie again and claim your not.

  38. "Like you have done in the past."

    Name one example, or shut up shithead.

    Make me little one.

    Are you one of those who thinks that Palin really said she can see Alaska from her house?

    No shi-ite fer brains,

    Tiny Fey did say that statement when she characterized the twit on SNL just like w-deverish has shown even though your refuse to accept the truth of that one also.

    So you continue claiming things that aren't true because you made the untrue supposition, and claim people who don't accept your make up proofs as liars, but people who actually LINK to real proof you refuse to accept.

    Nice try at dodging the LIE that Palin didn't nake millions till years later;

    She did take a pay cut when she took office, and it wasn't until several years later than the pay increased.

    She lost her government pay,



    She should have lost her pay, for quitting on a job she asked for.

    Any pay she got HAS to come from the private sector since she has held NO government position at any level since then so the second part of your statement has to be about PRIVATE PAY.

    it wasn't until several years later than the pay increased.

    Which I showed as a lie since she was making 7 million in five months, not several years later which you falsely claimed.

    Then you make up a new claim about public vs private pay,

    The issue is her government pay (as part of the issue of wasting government money).

    which couldn't be in contention since she was in a public sector job, Gov of Alaska, before she quit half way through her term, then she could opnly be in the private sector after she quit half way through the term she asked for.

    The statement is a slimy attempt at diversion, but actually shows how dishonest you actually are.

    You are trying to reframe the debate away from a complete lie you made which has been shown to becom[pletely untrue, so you divert away from the factsd by trying to claim something that was NEVER being discussed a typical right wing troll tactic.

    YOU lied;

    YOU got caught,

    NOW YOU dishonestly try pathetically to divert attention from your LIE

    She did take a pay cut when she took office, and it wasn't until several years later than the pay increased.

    with a pathetic claim that was never in the orginial discussion;

    The issue is her government pay (as part of the issue of wasting government money).

    typical of right wing trolls

  39. Will: Tough decisions? TOUGH DECISIONS? Are you fucking kidding me?

    I am not fucking kidding you. It was a tough decision because supporting it may have cost him the presidency. And then all the good he did in his future terms never would have happened. Would the bill even have passed if he had supported it? Would the support have cost him the presidency? I don't know. I think not supporting it probably was a mistake... although I don't know all the facts -- are you a scholar on the subject?

    BTW, seeing as lynching is murder, wasn't it already illegal?

    What Sarah Palin ultimately would have done is VERY material. It's the basis of your entire post! You're comparing her to FDR and saying she's better because she didn't make similar bad decisions (that is, if one is to accept that all the decisions you list are bad). But she was never in a position to make these types of decisions!

    This is why I label your post a straw man... and I stand by my original assessment of this post as extremely stupid.

    Although... Sarah Palin did use her power as governor to go after her sister's ex-husband -- and get him fired. I say that situation is comparable to your "used the IRS as a weapon" charge. So that, I'd say, is one locust she is guilty of having.

  40. "Although... Sarah Palin did use her power as governor to go after her sister's ex-husband -- and get him fired"

    Who as it turns out was a raging drunk, drunk on the job. If it had been anyone other than Sarah Palin getting rid of an obviously bad cop, you'd be cheering.

  41. It sounds like you're justifying, wd. And it isn't at all becoming. Passifying a bunch of knuckle-dragging Southern racist rednecks isn't a tough decision at all. It's a cowardly, weaselly decision that Harry S. Truman never would have made. I simply cannot believe that you're defending him (FDR).............All of the good things that FDR did? Oh, you mean when his policies caused the unemployment rate to tick back over 20% in 1938, the NRA that even frigging John Maynard Keynes knew was idiotic, the interning of thousands of woman and children because of the color of their skin - those good things, you mean?............Palin went after somebody who she felt was harassing her family. It was NOT the way to go about it. But it pales in comparison to the unconstitutional things that FDR did.............And it absolutely IS immaterial, what Sarah Palin MIGHT have done. We judge people on their record, period, not on a partisan paranoid's flights of fancy.

  42. Will, what is not becomming, IMO, is the re-write of history you did with your last comment. FDR pulled us out of the (Republican caused) Great Depression. He literally saved capitalism. I'm not defending any of the criticisms you lay out in your post (with the exception of what you call the "attempt to pack the Supreme Court", which I'm not convinced was an entirely bad idea). I said FDR MADE MISTAKES. WTF, am I debating Will Hart or dmarks?! Please stop twisting my words.

    Also, I never said we should IMAGINE what SP might do in a similar situation, so you can stuff the "partisan paranoid's flights of fancy" bullshit. I said it isn't vaild to compare them AT ALL.
    YOU opened the door to a "flight of fancy" when YOU compared them -- and judged Palin to be superior. Of all your posts this is by far the DUMBEST for that reason. You pretend as if Palin passed some test for not doing anything as bad as FDR, when she was never in a position to!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. dmarks: ..Sarah Palin getting rid of an obviously bad cop, you'd be cheering.

    If he were "obviously bad" then his boss should have fired him. His boss refused. Sarah Palin abused her power as governor to carry out a personal vendetta. Which is why she was investigated. As governor SP was quite corrupt. This is but one example.

  45. Causing the unemployment rate to tick over 20% (in 1938) is not "pulling us out of the Great Depression". Nor was his creation of an NRA (again, a policy that even John Maynard Keynes said was counterproductive) that caused a lot of small businesses to go OUT OF BUSINESS. The depression was caused by a multiplicity of factors (some of which the previous Republican Presidents should be held accountable for, others not so much), btw.............And, yes, you are a partisan. You know how I can tell? Because you ALWAYS give your "guys" the benefit of the doubt and you NEVER the give the other guys the benefit of the doubt. Mr. Maher didn't REALLY insult handicapped people. Van Jones never REALLY put his name on that petition. Michael Moore never REALLY refrained from hiring minorities. ACORN never REALLY petitioned the State of California to try and pay below the minimum wage. The Kennedys never REALLY tried to stop those windmills from going up on the Cape. Keith Olbermann never REALLY lied about Major Jacobs. Oh, and, yes, FDR, refusing to endorse an anti-lynching bill because it was a "tough decision" - THAT'S my new favorite.

  46. "You don't know that she wouldn't do things that would turn out to be a hell of a lot worse." That sure sounds like a prognostication to me, wd.............As for why I wrote this "dumb post" (which I consider one of my better ones, btw), I did it because, as much as I'm sick of frigging Palin and her BS tactics, I'm even sicker of the far-left/the sanctimonious, holier than thou critics of the woman. These miscreants are always bashing people like Palin but never, EVER, put their own frigging dullards under the microscope. EVER!

  47. I AM willing to give my guys the benefit of the doubt. Because my guys are fighting for what's right (usually). I don't believe they are above criticism though, which is why (with the exception of the one item I already mentioned) I didn't disagree with you on your criticisms of FDR.

    For the record I did not say Bill Maher didn't insult handicapped people, you're misrepresenting what I said about the ACORN issue, and I never said anything about the Kennedy family and windmills or Keith Olbermann and Major Jacobs (because I don't know who he is).

    Also, the reason the unemployment rate went back up in 1938 was because FDR cut back on government spending at the insistence of the Republicans. He corrected that mistake and unemployment went down again.

    You're just upset that I rightly pointed out that this post is a straw man.

  48. I am with you, Will. We on the left should man up and put our own dullards under the microscope. Who do we have that is close to as dull as Bush or Palin? I don't wish to make a mistake and, frankly, it seems like they left all the other dullards in the dust.

  49. Unemployment going up because FDR made a weak-kneed attempt to balance the budget is a THEORY. It isn't a demonstrable fact (remember, in Economics there are only correlations?). A competing theory is that the second depression (the depression inside the depression) was brought about by the Federal Reserve's increased reserve requirement (a move that quickly shrank the money supply) and the rapid increase in unionization (the fact that wage rates and labor costs went up and crowded out money for capital investment).

  50. Oh, hi John. Dullards on the left? Hm, let's see, there's Pelosi, that idiot down in Florida who recently got bounced, Randi Rhodes, Olbermann (though, yeah, he's probably more crazy than stupid), copious amounts of bloggers, Rob Reiner, Caroline Kennedy. And I don't know exactly who it was, but whoever it was who said (in the Cap and Trade bill) that people had to make their homes more fuel efficient prior to selling them......IN THE MIDDLE OF A DANG BAD HOUSING MARKET - that person, too.

  51. Will: Giving people the benefit of the doubt simply because they agree with your leftist ideology is an immature, intellectually lazy, and borderline loathsome...

    OK. I'll take your advice under advisement... not. Thanks for all the compliments, btw.

    Will: Pelosi, that idiot down in Florida, Randi Rhodes, Olbermann... Rob Reiner, Caroline Kennedy.

    Does your gripe against Nancy Pelosi have something to do with what that liar wrote in that book about liberal hypocrisy (I forget his name)?

    I used to occassionally listen to Randi Rhodes and thought she did a good show. As for the others, my impression of them is they are generally good people.

    You know how I feel about Keith Olbermann. As for "that idiot down in Florida", I know you're talking about Alan Grayson, but I'd apply that label to the guy who took his seat, Daniel Webster. This guy's views about a wife's "place" are truly loathsome.

    Alan Grayson was someone I have a lot of respect for. Because he stood very strongly WITH the American people when he was in the House. Before that he fought against the contractor waste and fraud in Iraq. I'm not sure what he's doing currently... I should look into that.

    I'd guess he's still fighting for ordinary Americans.

  52. Will,

    Though your effort was worthy, I think you have found no competitor for Palin. She is still the queen and Bush is still the king.

    Nice try, though. I was impressed with Rob Reiner, as I did not expect that at all.


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