Saturday, May 7, 2011

Yeah, So?

What would be my response to Michael Moore's accusation that the Obama administration "executed" Osama bin Laden?


  1. Do we really care if OBL was shot with his hands in the air or firing an AK47? It does'nt matter,he's dead....really dead.

  2. I take offense to your comment which suggests Michael Moore is some kind of terror apologist.

    When you say "yea, so" you're making the SAME accusation, so why put "executed" in quotes?

    This really is quite a lame Michael Moore bash (IMO).

  3. Dervish dude come on, I like Michael but he stepped on his dick with this one. Bin Laden had to die and if you ask me he got off easy.

  4. I'll just say that Mr. Moore's sympathies were somewhat askew here.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Michael Moore is not sympathetic to OBL being killed. That's your second lie (or gross misperception) regarding what Michael Moore said. I'm not saying I believe Michael Moore is absolutely correct in what he said, but he makes some very good points. He certainly did not "step on his dick".

    When the meme began circulating that "justice was served" I was a little confused. In my mind justice being served indicates the holding of a trial.

    There are some that suggest OBL wasn't behind 9/11. Even Dick Cheney said "We've never made the case or argued the case that somehow Osama bin Laden was behind 9/11".

    I guess we'll never know now. Perhaps that is why he was executed.

  7. Maybe a SEAL 6 team could covertly sneak into an In and Out Burger and croak Michael Moore.

  8. Michael Moore is the biggest hypocrite in the galaxy. He rails against capitalism but has a huge portfolio. He calls everybody else a bigot and then refuses to hire minorities himself. I'll bet that if Michael Moore ever saw a Muslim or Arab on a plane, he'd get the hell off so fast that your head would spin.......And I agree completely with President Obama. Justice WAS served.

  9. So Liberals can't own stock without being accused of being hypocrites? Give me a break. I'm surprised you didn't say he's a hypocrite because he hasn't given away all his wealth and taken a vow of poverty.

    I don't believe this nonsense regarding him not hiring minorities. Michael Moore is a good man for whom I have nothing but the utmost respect.

  10. Mr. Moore lied on more than one occasion about not owning any stock. Not only did he own stock, he owned the stock of dreaded pharmaceutical and medical companies. AND he even owned some Halliburton for a while.

  11. Get this, wd. On "Bowling for Columbine", "The Big One", "Canadian Bacon", "Pets or Meat", "Roger and Me", "TV Nation", and "The Awful Truth", Michael Moore hired 134 producers, editors, cinematographers, composers, and production coordinators. You know how may of them were African American? THREE! Yeah, that's right, after bitching and moaning about the industry's 5% hiring rate for African Americans, this clown hires them at at barely a 2% clip. If this isn't hypocrisy, then I don't know what is.

  12. Chris Wallace asked National Security Adviser Tom Donilon an interesting question today.If its legal and proper to shoot an unarmed man in the face,why is echanced interrogation such as waterboarding deemed illegal?
    Donilon was caught off guard and danced for a few minutes while never giving an answer.

  13. Let me guess, the source of your information is someone who doesn't like Michael Moore? Same as your info regarding ACORN. I'm inclined to believe you don't know what hypocrisy is.

    Anyway, it sounds like Rusty agrees with Michael Moore. Torture is wrong and so is shooting someone in the head when you could have taken them into custody (if that is what happened).

  14. It's from a meticulously researched book by Peter Schweizer called "Do As I Say" (and, no, he apparently doesn't like Moore). It came out in 2005 and Moore has never sued him.......As for ACORN, I gave you numerous smoking guns that showed the way that these people treat their own workers. I even gave you testimony from the court records. You just don't want to believe that there are bad/hypocritical liberals out there.

  15. Liberalism is just Communism sold by the drink.

  16. Peter Schweizer is a Right-wing hack with an agenda. I'm not saying his accusations (or the other accusations against ACORN) are 100 percent incorrect. I researched those ACORN allegations, and found that there was a kernel of truth there (more on that later).

    Peter Schweitzer spins the info to make it seem more negative than it actually is. For an example read the Wikipedia entry for his book. Peter included allegations against Nancy Pelosi that turned out to be true, but omitted some very important facts quite clearly indicated that she isn't a hypocrite AT ALL.

    I suspect the same thing is true regarding Michael Moore. I'd have to hear his explanation first before condemning him over facts in a book put out by a right-wing hack with an agenda.

  17. Regarding ACORN... The "facts" you presented in a prior discussion were from Right-wing sources with an obvious agenda of sliming ACORN. All good lies contain a kernel of truth, which after much research I found. ACORN, before it was killed by the Right, consisted of 1,200 neighborhood chapters in over 100 cities across the US. The allegations were true regarding a few idiots who were in charge of 2 of these chapters. The liars you quoted spun these small transgressions perpetrated by a handful of stupid people as an indictment of the ENTIRE organization.

    I believe ACORN also had quite a few management problems... and so you could blame those people too -- for not stepping in and setting things right with those local chapters... but that was in the past. When ACORN called it quits it was under new management (CEO Birtha Lewis). The transgressions you highlighted (from your biased sources) didn't take place under her watch. ACORN clearly did considerably more good than bad. The conclusions reached by the sources you linked to were clearly partisan in nature.

    They wanted to get rid of ACORN because the organization represented the rights of, and encouraged poor and lower middle class people to vote. They knew no voter fraud was taking place. ACORN didn't steal the election for Obama. All that was a total lie.

  18. A hack with an agenda - as opposed to, say, Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, Al Franken, Ed Schultz, and Randi Rhodes (that drunken rant against Hillary was classic), who AREN'T hacks with agendas? Give me a frigging break. And which of the facts against Mr. Moore has Mr. Moore himself tried to refute? This book has been out for 6 years and wholly crickets from the douche. Did Mr. Moore hire only 3 African-Americans for those projects or not? Did he own Halliburton stock or not?......And as for my "biased" sources, when was the last time that you gave me anything that wasn't Media Matters, The Dialy Kos (advertising t-shirts with Sarah Palin's face in the cross-hairs), Thom (don't call me Phil) Hartmann, or The Nation? That all you frigging give me is partisan slant.

  19. Hey, don't blame me for ACORN losing its funding. Blame your good old buddy, Barnie Frank. It was him and others like him who high-tailed it.

  20. When I said "biased" I meant biased in favore of the ultra wealthy. I see nothing wrong with being biased in favor of the middle class and working America. Apparently you do.

    Is Michael Moore required to keep track of every interview given in which he is discussed, every article, book or "documentary" put out in which he is dissed -- and continually issue statements correcting the lies the Right is spreading about him?

    I don't believe he owes us an explaination regarding the fabrications and half-truths in Peter Schweizer's book.

    Did you read the Wikipedia link I provided earlier? Basically this Schweizer douche tried to make Nancy Pelosi look bad with a lie of omission. He didn't tell the whole truth but carefully selected his "facts" to paint her in a bad light.

    I'd be very surprised if this wasn't the case with all (or most) of the examples of "Liberal hypocrisy" he cites.

    I believe MM did own Halliburton stock, and regarding that I don't give a shit. FYI I've never quoted Randi Rhodes. I don't listen to Randi Rhodes. I've got nothing against her, but there aren't enough hours in the day to listen to or watch every Liberal pundit.

    You're slamming Thom Hartmann for having the same last name of now deceased actor? WTF? This isn't a vaild criticism of the man. Probably the best you could do though. Which is probably why you never resonded to my blog posting in which I defended Mr. Hartmann against your wildly incorrect charges of his being a partisan hack.

  21. When I said "biased" I meant biased in favor of the ultra wealthy. I see nothing wrong with being biased in favor of the middle class and working America. Apparently you do.

    Is Michael Moore required to keep track of every interview given in which he is discussed, every article, book or "documentary" put out in which he is dissed -- and continually issue statements correcting the lies the Right is spreading about him?

    I don't believe he owes us an explaination regarding the fabrications and half-truths in Peter Schweizer's book.

    Did you read the Wikipedia link I provided earlier? Basically this Schweizer douche tried to make Nancy Pelosi look bad with a lie of omission. He didn't tell the whole truth but carefully selected his "facts" to paint her in a bad light.

    I'd be very surprised if this wasn't the case with all (or most) of the examples of "Liberal hypocrisy" he cites.

  22. I believe MM did own Halliburton stock, and regarding that I don't give a shit. FYI I've never quoted Randi Rhodes. I don't listen to Randi Rhodes. I've got nothing against her, but there aren't enough hours in the day to listen to or watch every Liberal pundit.

    You're slamming Thom Hartmann for having the same last name of now deceased actor? WTF? This isn't a vaild criticism of the man. Probably the best you could do though. Which is probably why you never resonded to my blog posting in which I defended Mr. Hartmann against your wildly incorrect charges of his being a partisan hack.

    Also, I didn't say I "blame you" for ACORN losing it's funding. How about addressing what I acutally did say insteading of accusing me of blaming YOU -- when I did say (when this topic was discussed before) that Barney Frank was wrong on this one.

  23. The Tea Party dupes are tools for the Reich-wing which is serving up Fascism by the ladle.

  24. Michael Moore TWICE told interviewers that he NEVER owned stock. That was a bald-faced lie. He denigrates the American movie business for only hiring African-Americans at a 5% clip (for production related jobs) and then proceeds himself to hire them at a 2% clip. AGAIN, this book was written in 2005 and Mr. Moore has never refuted the 3 out of 134 figure. What, because this author possibly gets one thing wrong, that means that everything he writes is wrong? Fine, we'll hold that imbecile Olbermann to that same standard. He accused Fox New's Major Garrett (formerly of Fox News) of not reporting a White House denial - this when Mr. Garrett reported it not once but twice. And Olbermann also accused the Baltimore Sun's David Zurawick of being a right-wing ideologue - A BALD-FACED LIE!!!!

  25. So, being slanted and biased in one's presentation is OK as long as your goal is a loft one, the ends justify the means? The black family survived slavery, Jim Crow, and lynching, but it couldn't survive the 60s. Atta boy with your helping of the poor people. Impugning people's motivation is bush-league. Not everybody who disagrees with you is anti-poor people. They just have a different philosophy on how to meet a similar end......Thom (don't call me Phil) Hartmann was a joke that most non-partisan stooges would have enjoyed. You take offense to it. Incredible. Hero worship. It's a dangerous thing, bra.

  26. In 1995, ACORN sued the state of California to have its employees exempted from the state minimum wage. In ACORN's very own brief, they said, "A person paid limited sums of money is in a better position to empathize with and relate to the low income members and constituency of ACORN." The trial court ended up dismissing the case. These are not "kernels of truth". THESE ARE FACTS.

  27. Michael Moore isn't obligated to respond to every allegation against him from every Conservative hack that gets a book published (something I believe is quite easy).

    Thom Hartmann's radio program is the number one rated liberal talk show in the nation. If I admire someone because I think they've got it right... that's "hero worship" and a "dangerous thing"?

    I'm not even sure if you know who Thom Hartmann is... or if you're just attacking him because he's opposed to free trade.

    Regarding your lies, half-truths and exaggerations about ACORN... I already explained why they're incredibly deceptive and misleading.

  28. I repeat, In 1995, ACORN sued the state of California to have its employees exempted from the state minimum wage. In ACORN's very own brief, they said, "A person paid limited sums of money is in a better position to empathize with and relate to the low income members and constituency of ACORN." The trial court ended up dismissing the case. These are not "kernels of truth". THESE ARE FACTS. What part of this statement a lie? Be specific.

  29. Why is he a hack? Because he's a conservative? Because of ONE discrepancy in a book that YOU HAVEN'T READ? You're such a knee-jerk reactionary partisan.

  30. Peter Schweizer, when explaining why he omitted information that would have obliterated his case that Nancy Pelosi is guilty of hypocrisy, said "It's not my responsibility to go and find out how every single particular circumstance is handled on the Pelosi vineyard".

    You call this a "discrepancy", I call it an obvious lie. That, or the research he conducted for his book was total crap. Either way my conclusion is that every "fact" in his book is highly suspect.

    He clearly wasn't interested in buildling rock solid cases agaisnt the Liberals he names. He was only interested in sliming them for partisan political reasons. THAT is why he is a hack.

    Michael Moore is a patriot and an American hero.

    Regarding ACORN, what you're lying about is that what one local chapter did means the entire organization is rotten. I condemn the individuals who were directly involved, not the ENTIRE organization.

    ACORN was an awesome organization that was CLEARLY targeted by the sources you cited because they helped and encouraged lower and middle class people vote.

    Your sources are anti-democratic Republican plutocrats with an agenda. They exaggerate, distort and lie to accomplish that agenda. You think I should take anything they say at face value?

  31. "Michael Moore is a patriot and an American hero..."

    Yeah, probably to the same country that has pictures of John Kerry and Jane Fonda as war heroes in their museum.

  32. I never said that ACORN was completely rotten (that is a lie). I only said that they were hypocritical on the minimum wage and unionization. IN FACT, I DEFENDED (did I not?) ACORN over this whole James O'Keefe situation.......What, ACORN has no control over what their individual chapters do? The bastards sued the entire state of California, FOR CHRIST!!!!!!......As for Mr. Moore, he is every bit as thin-skinned as fellow douchebags, Bill O'Reilly and Keith Olbermann. He lets NO unfair slight against him go unchallenged. If the information in this BEST SELLING BOOK was inaccurate, Mr. crybaby would have brought a lawsuit so fast that you're head would have spun.......And the quote from ACORN that I gave you, dude, was from the fucking brief!! How in the hell do you distort something from the frigging record?......And as for Mr. Schweizer's inaccuracies (attaboy at sliming him for his political views while never having read the book, btw), I will bet you a weeks pay (you do work, correct?) that there are less inaccuracies in Mr. Shweizer's book than in basically any piece of trash from Michael Moore.

  33. I'm with you on Moore and Fonda, Volt. Kerry I would give a little more leeway to. At least the fellow went to Vietnam (as opposed to others like Cheney, Bush, Clinton, Biden, Wolfowitz, etc.).

  34. Bin-Laden is dead. Good riddence. The "so?" part is still valid, though. It is justice if he was killed after guilt by conviction of evidence. It is only revenge now. That's the difference. This tactic only feeds into the endless cycle of retribution and revenge. Why do we want to emulate Israel's enless war mentality? We are already too far under their sphere of influence.

    And the larger issue is one that we all need to be concerned about. Targeted assassination, without established guilt, is now SOP with our government. That is a very slippery slope into a truly fascist policy. How long will it take to become a political tool?

  35. THESE ARE FACTS. What part of this statement a lie? Be specific.

    I aswered this question. I was specific. Mysteriously, the comment I made is now gone. Trying to create the impression that I failed to answer your question because... I know you're right?

    The statements you've linked to regarding ACORN are lies, and Peter Schweizer is a partisan hack. I stand by those statements.

    Is Dave Dubya now going to be added to your list of people who were ticked that OBL got plugged?

  36. "Mysteriously". Give me a frigging break. Blogger was having trouble for days and you know it. Didn't you yourself lose "hundreds" of comments (not to mention an entire post of Sue's vanishing) as well?......They are not lies, chum. ACORN DID sue the state of California in 1995 and it was dismissed. They didn't want to pay their own people minimum wage (just like the Kennedy family apparently doesn't want to pay estate taxes). Disgusting!

  37. Sorry, Dave, but only people in la la land seem to have a doubt about the guilt of Mr. bin Laden.......Not a fan of the Israelis, either, huh? What a surprise.

  38. Will,
    Not only did you entirely miss my point, you added an illogical presumption that my position on Israeli Right Wing policies are about the Israeli people in general.

    "What a surprise". What are you trying to say by that?

    Look, OBL was likely quite guilty of terrorist acts. I get that. It's good that we killed him, but maybe, just maybe, it would be better if it had not happened by gunning him down unarmed. Personally, I'd think it may be more fitting that OBL rot in Gitmo as a criminal rather than being seen as a martyr. I'm sure you comprehend this perspective, even if you disagree.

    I'm not defending bin-Laden, but the rule of law and the justice we once at least made an effort to embrace.

    So, where's the proof? I'll wait.

    If corporate media say so, it must be true? If Bush/Cheney/Obama say so it must be true? Without proof we will see political motivated assassination on their word alone.

    I'll happily prefer a La La Land of due process over Orwellian government seeded hate and assassination without due process, or at the very least, reviewable evidence.

    Revenge feels so good though, doesn't it? But it may not always be the best solution.

    That is my point.

  39. "Mysteriously". Give me a frigging break. Blogger was having trouble for days and you know it.

    Blogger deleted ALL posts and related comments made on 5-11 and forward. It later restored the posts but not the comments. Your post went up on 5-7. The problems you refer to have nothing to do with my comment disappearing.

  40. Principles are great, Dave. But the real world doesn't necessarily always cooperate. From what I can gather here, it would have been extremely dangerous to try and take Mr. bin Laden out alive (we do care about the lives of the Seals, right?). And, plus, compared to what a lot of other "principled" men have done over the years (Churchill and Dresden, Truman and Hiroshima, etc.), Mr. Obama's rubbing out of this miscreant doesn't even come close.......As for the Israel thing, I apologize for the snarkiness. It just seems that the progressive wing is always so quick to jump on Israel and not ever hold the Arabs responsible (Arafat pissing all over Clinton and Barak in 2000, for example). It's a complex history and there is more than enough blame to get bandied about here.......Also, you don't think that JFK would have assassinated Castro had he the opportunity? He hated that miserable SOB.

  41. wd, dude, if you're implying that I deleted your comments, I DID NOT. Not only did your comments disappear, but so, too, did Mr. Truth's.

  42. My comment is in your spam folder. But, even though I've explained to you how to retrieve comments from your spam folder, you refuse to do it. So long as you don't tell blogger certain comments are spam, it will assume it was correct in removing them. That's why my comments keep getting deleted. It's pretty F-ing annoying.

  43. Dude, I went to my SPAM folder the other day, looking for comments. I saw that there were 25 of them there. I clicked NOT SPAM on all 25 of them. If your comment didn't come back, then it wasn't in there. Capish?

  44. You can forget it though, because I changed my mind regarding what I said. I'm going to write a post for my blog about ACORN. You can read my comments there if you are interested.

  45. Will: Dude, I went to my SPAM folder the other day...

    I guess it really is a mystery then.

  46. I don't delete comments. And I don't appreciate suggestions that I do.

  47. Yes, Will, moderates have considerably more integrity and moral consistency than Liberals and Conservatives. I got ya' already.

    Anyway, I said I thought my comment was in your spam folder, not that you deleted it.


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