Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Question For the Folks 1

Are there really people out there who care (really care, I'm saying) about what John McCain and Anthony Weiner write on "Twitter"?


  1. Why these two specifically? There are, I believe, other politicians who use twitter. I wouldn't know since I don't use it, but I'm pretty sure many more use it.

  2. At this point Weiner is wishing he never heard of twitter.

    As for McCain....thanks for your service sir,now please go away and take Lindsey Graham,Joe Lieberman and your chunky daughter with you.

  3. OK, so I did a google image search on "Meghan Mccain" and some images came up where, perhaps she looks a little chunky. But WHO CARES???

    If you disagree with her opinions why not say so? What do her looks have to do with anything? Rusty made a big stink over Ed Schultz's words, but with this statment I think he's made it clear that was just an excuse. He doesn't give a shit about being respectful toward women.

    If you think that Ed Schultz's words were misogynistic I don't know how you can argue that Rusty's criticism of a very good looking woman (for being "chunky") isn't.

    But I guess it's one of the requirements if you want to be a Republican. You've gotta be a vain superficial greedy asshole to join the club.

  4. wd, I picked these 2 simply because they were the last 2 I that heard about twittering. And it was like, "Who cares?"............I gotta say, Russ, I have to agree with wd on this one. Why take the gratuitous swipe at her weight? I mean, come on, that's Glenn Beck caliber behavior.......Not that I'm perfect, either, mind you. I made a big point about the fact that Ashleigh Banfield was way, WAY, hotter than Joy Behar.......And, I gotta tell ya' here, I kinda like Meghan McCain. She reminds of the way her that father USED TO BE, back when us moderates liked and supported him.

  5. Rusty calls em like he see's em.Meghan is chunky and Debbie Wasserman Schultz is really friggin ugly.Just the truth.

  6. Hey,if you like chunky Meghan's your dish...if you like ugly with greasy hair Debbie's there for you.

  7. I'm always respectful to women like you WD.

  8. I'm not a prude, Russ (you know that!), but now it looks like you're being mean just for the sake of being mean. Let the progressives show their true colors with their vitriol toward Palin. Don't try and replicate it, for God's sake, toward Meghan McCain.......Or even toward that Florida woman.

  9. Whew! that was a close one Will. Rusty ALMOST went down the ugly hateful path the Liberals are gleefully skipping down in regards to the hapless Palin. It's a good thing you stopped and shook him until he came to his senses. Next up: a contrite apology from Rusty.

  10. Willy mean and crude is rusty's main schtick, .... even though you try to repeatedly pretend it isn't.

  11. For christ sake its liberals who have kept Palin in the spotlight for the past two years.Their absolute hate for her has made her a multimillionaire.She trades on their hate and they continue to feed her.
    There is no way she's running,she's the female Trump.Donald got his show renewed to the tune of 500 million,from NBC of all people.Just how much coin do you think she's gonna make from this bus trip? If the MSM and liberal bloggers just ignored her there would'nt be a Palin.She's playing them like a violin.

  12. There's another side to Rusty, wd and anonymous. When I told him a while back what I did for a living (I work with Alzheimer's patients), he said something that was extremely kind (none of my liberal colleagues have ever done that). And in many ways he's just a regular guy who likes talking about sports, pretty girls, etc. (to that I can relate). Yeah, he pushes the envelope from time to time. But we all do (I forgot that I myself had called Palin an idiot). I think that when the dust settles, Rusty will see that those above comments were probably a little much (and maybe retaliatory).

  13. For christ sake its liberals who have kept Palin in the spotlight for the past two years.

    An unmitigated falsehood, Palin has used the media quite well,

    The truth is, SHE is the one seeking the limelight when it suits HER purposes.

    Sarah Palin was the one who decided to quit a post she ran for, early for mere monitary gain, no liberal input there either.

    But from your rant you want to make it seem all her actions are merely a liberal conspiracy to enrich her?

    Ludicrus at best.

    Their absolute hate for her has made her a multimillionaire.She trades on their hate and they continue to feed her.

    wrong both in reality and how our economy actually works.

    Liberals do NOT make News Crop business decisions as to who Fox News hires and how much they get paid, Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes do.

    The speaking engagements she gets paid for are not booked nor funded by liberal groups, so as usual the spin by rusty is totally disconnected from the truth.

    But according to rusty, liberals are the reason she has made millions since cut and running from the responsibilities she asked for from the people of Alaska.

    If the MSM and liberal bloggers just ignored her there would'nt be a Palin.She's playing them like a violin.

    Wrong again, Palin is the one actively seeking publicity. No liberal set her up for her Mermorial Day, weekend appearances, She did, why cannot you admit the truth?

    PS the people she is playing with for monetary gain isn't the liberals in our society, cause they aren't the ones she is suckering all the money out of.

    For some reason rusty wants to "blame liberals" for her actions, I wonder why he cannot allow Sarah palin responsibility for her own actions?

    Talk about tin foil hat conspiracies...... LOL

  14. That is total nonsense, Rusty. She has her fans. Liberals aren't responsible for the gullible fools who are forking over their money thinking she is something other than a huckster.

    I've never watched her reality program, seen her on fox nooz, read a book ghostwritten for her, or in any way contributed any money to her coffers.

    I blame Bill Kristol.

    BTW Will, I just learned on Rachel Maddow's program that Anthony Weiner tweeted some weiner pix. Are you sure that isn't what your post was all about? One hell of a coincidence if you just happened to bring up AW and hadn't heard of this.

    If you did hear about it and this was what your post was referencing... why the guessing game? I am very surprised Rusty didn't bring up "Weinergate" immediately.

    BTW Anthony Weiner said his account was hacked, and he deleted the offending pic as soon as he saw it. Andrew Breitbart says a source of his grabbed a screenshot and he has it. No doubt this known liar (Breitbart) is one of Rusty's heroes. This dick is someone the media should be ignoring.

  15. Who is Rusty retaliating against? Meghan McCain is a Republican. If I had to guess I'd say it must have something to do with her support for equal rights for gay people. Homophobia has been a winning issue (in getting out the bigot vote) and MM is trying to take that away from the Repubs.

    I can understand why he and Glenn Beck (the first person I heard say this) are upset with Meghan. Republicans need their wedge issues... they are the only things a lot of people who vote Republican care about.

  16. No, wd, it had nothing to do with that. And, NO, I haven't any interest WHATSOEVER in that story.......Yes, Meghan McCain is a Republican but she's a liberal and he also insulted that Schultz woman. I can't speak for Rusty but it sounded like he was getting back at Liberals for their belittling of Palin. And, now, of course, you guys are going to insult Palin EVEN MORE and the cycle continues blah.......Homophobia isn't the only phobia going on around here.......It didn't impress you that Rusty said something decent about my work with Alzheimers'?

  17. I'm still surpised by the fact that twitter hasn't gone the way of MySpace.

    I refuse to tweet, I have more important things do and be concerned about.

  18. And aren't you limited to a small # of characters, too?

  19. First off,I could care less what WD and anonymous think or say about me.Their idiotic post are meaningless.
    Sarah Palin the past two years has indeed fed upon the liberal hate for her and her family.She has made millions off them...and has never said thank you.
    If you dont pick at a scab...it will go away.You libs have put way more money in her pocket then FOX has.Roger Ailes knew exactly what he was doing,he used you libs like the town pump.
    Oh WD,I mentioned the Weiner, weiner story days ago...get with the program.Looks like Weiner...dont you love saying weiner....is in some deep water.Mediaite has been all over this story for the past four days and Mediaite is run by Dan Abrams...not exactly a conservative.

  20. OMG.....Donald Trump is now commenting on the Weiner,weiner story.You dont see many dem leaders coming out in support of Weiner on the weiner story.....this is way too easy.
    Do you think Weiner will be forced to resign? Will Weiner's weiner be his downfall? If it's true why would Weiner take a picture of his weiner? Is Weiner that proud of his weiner that he would put a picture of it on the net....you'd think only a real weiner would do something like that.Will liberal bloggers rally in support of Weiners weiner?

  21. You'd think he would legally change his name to Bratwurst or something.

  22. Will: It didn't impress you that Rusty said something decent...

    No. I'm sure Sarah Palin has a FEW decent qualities too. They (whatever they may be) don't change my opinion about her. Likewise my opinion of Rusty is quite low, irrespective of any decency of his he may have expressed to you.

    Regarding the gay issue... Republicans will eventually change... it is inevitable. And even though it gives Democrats the advantage (to be the non-homophobe party) I think the sooner the better. Because gay pepole deserve equal right.

    That doesn't mean I won't enjoy it while it lasts, which means Conservatives going after Meghan McCain is something I APPROVE of (because it hurts them). If Rusty believes attacking MM is getting back at Liberals... I say that's awesome. I'm sure she knew this position would get her some hate from the bigots in her party.

    To say that Liberals "made" Sarah Palin and that she'd have nothing without them... is almost (although perhaps not completely) total baloney. I'm sure it's a factor, but that's pushing the adage "there's no such thing as bad publicity" way past it's breaking point.

  23. Anthony Weiner isn't going to resign because someone hacked his twitter account. Rusty, you're an idiot.

  24. It seems as if WD is protecting Weiners weiner....bully for you WD.Your continued support of Grayson,Wasserman Schultz and now Weiner,along with his weiner is most commendable.Three cheers for you WD...you do hold true to your beliefs.

  25. Ahh,poor WD.Does'nt understand that conservatives care nothing about Ms.McCain.She is'nt a blip on anyones screen....I take that back,maybe your's and Will's,but no one else.Ms.McCain has never done anything but trade on her name.She is totally non-important.I do hope she gets that Jenny Craig gig she's been after.

  26. This whole "Weinergate" situation is SO obviously in retaliation for Democrat Kathy Hochul's win in NY-26. If you recall a special election had to be called for this seat after Republican Chris Lee resigned because he sent a shirtless photo of himself to a woman through Craigslist.

    I have NO DOUBT that the Weiner photo was sent by a Republican operative looking for paypack. I seriously doubt anyone (even a Republican) would do anything this stupid after the Christopher Lee situation. Anthony Weiner did NOT tweet this photo, whatever Rusty says (and I think he knows it).

    So, Rusty's actual criticism of Meghan McCain is that she is trading on her last name. OK, a legitimate complaint, although getting to the truth was like pulling teeth. He was much more interested in bashing her for her weight.

    I still think her support for gay rights is a component regarding Rusty's dislike. But, in regards to Rusty's bashing of Wasserman Schultz, he has NEVER posted any actual criticisms he has... only comments regarding her looks. IMO Rusty is far, far guiltier of being a misogynist than Ed Schultz. He can deny it, but his words say otherwise.

  27. Interesting that Weiner will not say the picture in question is'nt him.

    WD's blind support of Weiner without knowing any facts is quite admirable.

    Using his best Sherlock Holmes impression WD has proved beyond any doubt the Weiner/weiner picture was sent by a Republican operative.Great detective work.

  28. Rusty, I didn't do any "detective work", I just used common sense. Also, my support isn't "blind" -- I do know the facts. Anthony Weiner speaks truth to power. I'm very sure he has a lot of enemies. Also, I saw him on Rachel Maddow's show and he said he DID NOT tweet the photo. He's hired someone to look into it. We will find out in due course that I am correct.


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