Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Note to Condoleeza Rice 1

I actually agree with you, ma'am. Saddam Hussein - he was a "threat".....TO IRAN!!!!!!!


  1. Condi Rice is another bush administration war criminal.

  2. Will: Bush Sr understood this going back to his tenure with the CIA during the Reagan Administration. Hussein was established as a "counterweight" to Iran. Reagans white house provided money, weapons...including the chemical one...and other tacit support. Maybe Bush Jr didnt appreciate this but he must have felt his reasons outweighed these facts. (rolls the eyes sacasticly.)

  3. I don't find war crimes funny. Perhaps you think it's funny because they've gotten away with them? Despite what GWB believes, I'm convinced that history will not judge the bushies kindly.

  4. Russ, I agree, the war criminal charges aren't at all helpful. They're right up there with the Nazi garbage.............Marcus, I've heard that Mr. Bush Jr. didn't even know the difference between a Sunni and a Shiite. Quite an argument against monarchy, isn't it?

  5. Polk, McKinley, Churchill, LBJ, Nixon, and even Obama are war criminals, too - technically speaking.

  6. You're right Will... we shouldn't talk about it. Presidents (and their administrations) should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want... because questioning them isn't helpful.

  7. wd, I've said before that I wouldn't mind additional inquiry into water-boarding, etc.. I wouldn't even mind Mr. Cheney being forced to answer some questions. I just tend to look at the broader scope of history and try to save the really vitriolic labels for Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Amin, etc..

  8. War crimes aren't funny. But since Rice wasn't involved with any, the claims are indeed laughable.

    Rusty has the right attitude: laugh at claims that are a complete joke.


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