Monday, May 30, 2011

Miscellaneous 72

1) Sarah Palin obviously exploited that motorcycle rally today. But, come on here, folks. Mrs. Palin is hardly the first candidate (or potential candidate) to exploit a situation for political gain. Bill Clinton (as part of his reelection run in 1996) went in front of a bunch of businessmen and said, "You probably think that I raised your taxes too much. Well, let me tell you something, I think that I raised them too much, too." Thank God, isn't is, that he never spoke in front of......*&^%$&#*&%^@!%@............2) As for MY assessment of Mrs. Palin, I find her to have a middling intellect, AT BEST. I also thought that the woman ran a terrible (divisive at times) campaign in 2008 (those "palling around with terrorists" and "death panel" lines were particularly abysmal) and, in many ways, YES, she brought a lot of the misery on herself. But, come on here, some of the vitriol of late; "media whore","trailer trash", "classless piece of excrement", "trashy wench", "right-wing slut" (oh, wait a minute, I forgot, that's Laura Ingraham), it's really starting to scare me, people. I mean, really, where was it ever written that we have to hate people THAT MUCH?............3) And to those who think that #1 is a bad analogy, THIS - I thought that businessmen (especially those from the corporate world) were the devil, and that by showing you how Clinton was basically willing to suck their ^&^&*^) for votes, you'd see it as a damn good analogy. Guess that I was wrong. I guess that your hatred for the hapless Mrs. Palin trumps basically everything.............4) Compromise (at least on paper) seems like such an easy thing to do. One person wants a top tax rate of 45%, the other one a top rate of 40%. You cut the difference and decide on 42.5%. OR, one guy wants to cut 40 billion off of the defense department budget, the other guy only 20 billion. Again, you cut the difference and cut 30 billion. I mean, I know that not every issue is as easily negotiated as this but, I ask you, why does it ALWAYS have to be Armageddon?............5) Some idiot just referred to me as a "Rush-sucking winger". Nice one, huh? Never mind the fact that I a) never listen to Mr. Limbaugh or b) don't particularly care for Mr. Limbaugh. I guess that they, the progressives, feel that they can say pretty much anything now, huh?


  1. Let me ask one question about your analogy in #1. Was Clinton invited to speak before the businessmen? If so, your analogy is severely weakened because Palin was not invited to the motorcycle rally.

  2. In the scheme of things Palin is subatomic, even a majority of republicans find her unqualified to me president. Only the seriously moronic believe Palin could ever anything other than a reality star along the lines of Snooki. I wish Palin and her family well but come on.

    "right-wing slut" (oh, wait a minute, I forgot, that's Laura Ingraham

    Ed Shultz needs to get a grip, it ain't like he is a ratings giant. I don't like Ingraham but old Ed's head is inflating at a dangerous pace. He could eaily find himself sharing a desk with Keith over at Current TV.

    I ask you, why does it ALWAYS have to be Armageddon?

    Because the love for power and excessive greed has overruled all commonsense among the powerful and their are plenty of what Lenin called "Useful Idiots" on both side of the politcal divide.

  3. No, Jerry, she wasn't invited. But I did see organizer, Artie Muller, the night before (the rally) on CNN and he said that he had no problem with her participation. Was she exploiting it for political gain (as opposed to just respecting the troops). I don't know. I can't read her mind (and have no desire to - yikes, huh?). My suspicion is yes.............Double b, I saw an analyst this morning (a Republican, actually) who referred to Palin and her antics as Trump Squared. I think that that pretty much summed it up. As for Ingraham and Schultz, I'd like to banish then both to the outer reaches of cable obscurity.

  4. You've really jumped on the bash the Left for the Right-wing slut comment, haven't you? Even though it was just Ed Schultz who said it. And he admitted he was wrong to do it. And he apologized.

    Of course I do not expect anyone on the Right to cut Mr. Schultz any slack... but you're not a Right-winger. Or Right-leaning... or at least you profess not to be.

    As for Bill Clinton (if this anecdote you fail to backup with a link to a news story is true)... he did what he thought he had to in order to get re-elected. Personally, this is one of the things I dislike about Clinton. He was a moderate/right-leaning Democrat...

    I think it's likely I'm going to end up feeling the same about Barack Obama. They both made the same mistake after their first two years in office -- after the midterms. They both thought they had to move to the Right... and they were both wrong.

    WJC didn't raise taxes enough... so fu@k him (for saying that... if he did, and it sounds like something he would have said).

    This analogy of yours is totally false. I think it's pretty obvious that the hatred for Barack Obama on the Right is a lot worse. I do not recall any posts from you saying you're "scared" about the amount of hatred being directed his way. Palin is a grifter (as Sue said). THAT is what the Left is reacting so negatively to -- not the fact that there are policy differences between her and the Left.

    Palin is doing this all for her own personal enrichment. If not she would not have quit her AK governor gig. Our future is dependant on the politicians we elect to lead us. We can flush our future down the drain by continuing down the path to ruination (by continuing to elect Republicans) or we can go in a more progressive direction. So, HELL YES, I object to Sarah Palin interjecting herself into the process when all she's doing is lying to people in order to fatten her bank account.

    Because of this ALL of the vitriol directed at her is, in my mind, fully justified (all the vitriol you list... I'm not down with death threats, if anyone has made any). She is getting wealthier by the day, so I don't see how you can classify her at all as "hapless". What a fu@king joke your use of that term is... and it shows where your sympathies lie (and an example of why I tend to agree with your critics).

    Most businessmen are not the devil (this factoid is you misrepresenting the Left as usual). I think a lot of the overpaid CEOs are sociopaths, but a majority of the blame for what they get away with can be placed firmly on the shoulders of the Republicans (and Conservative Democrats). They are just playing by the rules set up by the Republicans (and Conservative Democrats).

    Also, obviously you DIDN'T GET IT when Mike told you that describing Clinton’s pandering to these business-types as him sucking BLANK was in extremely bad taste (and a reference to the Monica situation)... This from someone who professes to be a fan of Clinton??? I wonder why it is there are some people who think you lean further to the Right than to the Left.

    Clearly you don't guess you were wrong. Or you wouldn't be repeating here something you posted on Sue's blog. I'd guess you thought it was such a good idea that you had... that you had to post it here. FYI: you ARE wrong.

    Clinton was trying to get re-elected (although I do not agree with how he went about it). Palin is trying (and succeeding) in fattening up her bank account. She knows she will never be president. HOW can you see no difference?

    Also, if Palin enters the race she will cause all the Republican candidates to move to the Right, including the Huntsman fellow you were fawning over in your last post. Is this something you want?

  5. wd, I swear, I have never been to a right leaning blog that has ever been this vicious to Obama. I've been to Linda's blog and, yes, she's been rough on the President (and I defended him, thank you very much). But nothing like the stuff that gets spit out over at Sues's.......As for those nasty signs at the tea party rallies, of course I denounce that garbage. But I also denounced the stereotyping of the tea party by the left. That, in my mind, was also wrong.

  6. "One day after Sarah Palin announced her bus tour, a group sponsoring a Memorial Day weekend event she plans to attend said they never invited her.

    “She wasn’t invited. We heard yesterday she came out with a press release she was coming to Rolling Thunder,” Ted Shpak, national legislative director of Rolling Thunder, told “Andrea Mitchell Reports.” Shpak is one of three members of Rolling Thunder’s current leadership who says he had no idea Palin was coming until it was posted on her website.

    On Thursday, the former governor of Alaska and potential GOP presidential candidate announced her bus tour on her political action committee’s website, The tour is to begin in Washington, D.C., where Palin plans to participate in the Sunday motorcycle rally sponsored by Rolling Thunder Inc., a group that raises awareness of prisoners of war and those missing in action.

    “She’s not invited to speak. We’re not endorsing her … (but) we can’t stop her from coming to ride, if she wants to ride,” Shpak continued."

    -from Andrea Mitchell reports

    There’s a problem with this story, but to be fair to everyone, it seems to be an honest case of an internal miscommunication at Rolling Thunder. After I read this story last night, I got in contact with Christine Colborne, who handles the media for Rolling Thunder. She explained that Shpak didn’t know that Palin had been indeed invited to ride at the event. The invitation came from a retired board member, Michael DiPaolo, who had connections in Alaska and got Palin to agree to attend."
    -Ed Morrissey at HotAir

    I guess the haters gonna hate eh?

  7. Thanks for posting that, Volt. As you know, I'm not a humongous Palin fan. But I'm beginning to dislike her detractors even more.

  8. I find it amusing, wd, that you and Mike were offended by my reference to the word, dick, but not offended by such sexist terms as media WHORE, classless piece of EXCREMENT, and trashy WENCH.......And, yes, I do like Clinton as a President. As a human being, that's an entirely different story.......No, it wasn't a reference to Lewinski. I wasn't even thinking about her at that moment.

  9. I wasn't fawning over Huntsman. I said that I was intrigued by him and impressed that even a lot of Democrats seemed to like him. And I also wondered if in fact he, too (a la McCain, a la Romney), would try to curry favor with the right. Why, dude, do you always try and slant everything?

  10. Sarah Palin is an unqualified unprincipled greedy twit. I hate what she is with every fiber of my being. I also endorse whole-heartedly everything said about her at Sue's blog.

    I'm in agreement with your "starting to dislike" sentiment though. I feel that way about the detractors of her detractors. They say we got no reason to dislike her (to the extent that we do) and be vocal about it. What really chaffs my hide about her is that she's getting rich duping gullible people who think there is a chance she's going to run for president.

    This, all the while honest hard-working Americans are being hit hard by this Conservative-caused depression.

    Not a "humongous" Palin fan, huh? I guess that implies you're an average one.

    Will on 5/30/2011 (this blog/this post): I don't particularly care for Mr. Limbaugh.

    Will on 5/23/2011 (on my blog): I detest Limbaugh and Hannity and I criticize them constantly.

    Will on 1/12/2011 (This blog/a different post) Sarah Palin is an idiot! ...the woman has basically degenerated into this mean-spirited and divisive perpetrator of hackneyed commentary.

    Will on 5/31/2011 (This blog/The comment thread for this post) I'm not a humongous Palin fan.

    IMO there is a HELL of a difference between "not particularly caring for" someone and "detesting" them. The same for not being a "humongous" fan of someone and calling them an idiot and a "mean-spirited and divisive perpetrator of hackneyed commentary". Is it legitimate to ask you if you're having trouble keeping your lies straight?

    I don't THINK that's the case... what I think is happening is that, in your silly quest to be an even-handed and consistent down-the-middler, you've decided to walk back your previous "harder line" stance. Honestly, I’ve got no respect for your position Will. Take a stand/position and stick to it.

  11. "What really chaffs my hide about her is that she's getting rich duping gullible people who think there is a chance she's going to run for president."

    Actually WD, you don't know that she isn't.

    And what is it with liberals being SOOO concerned about what other people do with THEIR hard earned money?

    You wanna bitch, bitch about the lottery. THAT'S a waste of somebody else's money. You got a better chance of being struck by lightening. (not to mention waiting behind the idiots at gas stations...)

  12. Voltron: Actually WD, you don't know that she isn't.

    I know she told Roger Ailes she wasn't running. Fox suspended Gingrich and Santorum because they're running. Fox didn't suspend Huckabee and Palin. Huckabee said God told him not to run. It's only a matter of time before Palin drops out. Unless she lied to Roger Ailes.

    If she does run the only reason will be because she thinks she can dupe more gullible fools out of their money by doing so. She will NOT be the nominee. The numbers simply aren't there.

    Will, nobody was calling Sarah Palin a literal whore. I think that would have been inappropriate (and untrue). You do know the difference between a media whore and a whore who has sex for money, don't you?

    Also, I do not have a dossier on you. Are you not aware that your old posts are accessible on the internet (unless you delete them)? I remembered that you had harsher words for Palin in the past, so I did a Google site search. It wasn't that hard.

    I like Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow... but I get no "diplomacy". Why the kid gloves when dealing with Voltron? Didn't Mike say something about you going easier on the Right-wingers because you identify more with them than with people further to the Left?

  13. Volt and I are friends (he doesn't insult me when he disagrees with me like a lot of the far left people do). That's something which seems to bother Mike.......As for Cliffy (he comments over at Sue's now), I've tried on several occasions to be friends with him, too. He isn't interested.......I understand that it's a metaphor. Leslie didn't literally mean that Palin was a classless piece of excrement....Oh, wait a minute, she did.

  14. To be honest with you, I wish that Mrs. Palin would just go back to Alaska. I'm tired of her. And I'm also tired of all the people beating on her. I'm tired of it ALL.......Ford and Carter. Now that was a civil election.

  15. Also, wd, if I knew a conservative blogger who thought that Sean Hannity was awesome and absolutely could do no wrong - do you really think that I would debate that person less vigorously than I've debated you?......I can't think of a single good thing to say about Sean Hannity (except for the fact that he's occasionally affable).

  16. Well, maybe if you said that he was worse than a Nazi or something.......


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