Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Trumping Himself?

In my opinion, folks, the Donald Trump of even three years ago would be disgusted at what the present-day replica is saying. I say this, in that, while, yes, maybe he always has been a douche, misogynistic, egomaniacal, etc., at least in the political sphere he always seemed reasonable (pro-choice, anti-Iraq War, moderate on the economy, etc.)......................................................................................................And so, then, what in the hell is he doing here? Birtherism!! I mean, the most obvious explanation is that Mr. Trump is seeking (additional) publicity (he certainly isn't running for President). But, come on. Is this really the type of publicity that he wants? I certainly can't see it helping his ratings AT ALL. NOT EVEN......for "The Celebrity Apprentice".


  1. Will said... at least in the political sphere he always seemed reasonable...

    Hmm... you called him a lunatic when I pointed out (in response to another of your posts) that he was opposed to free trade. He held that position BEFORE he became a birther -- back when YOU SAY he "seemed reasonable". I guess that reasonableness EXCLUDED his views on free trade, huh?

  2. The Donald has "F*^K You" money,enough said.America...what a country!

  3. Overall, wd, he seemed reasonable when he talked about politics (I don't agree on everything with anybody). Compared to today, I'm saying.......And the thing is, Russ, he made his money by building shit, not as some sleazy over the top investment banker. That, in my opinion anyway, is much to his credit.

  4. I'm gonna make a wild guess here and say that Donald Trump has created more jobs,paid more taxes and pumped more money into the American economy then WD,including WD's whole family.So does that make Trump a more valuable American then WD....hmmm,something to think about.

  5. I'm not sure what wd's finances are. But, yeah, he's probably in a somewhat lower bracket (as am I) than the Donald.

  6. 99% of Americans are in a lower bracket then Trump,me included.My point was how the leftwing nuts love to bash the rich and yearn to take money from them to support their social programs without any thought to the contributions the wealthy have made.
    Just say you could list all 350 million Americans begining with the people who bring the most value to the country,I'd guess Trump would be in the top 10% while WD would more then likely be in the bottom 10% along with millions more just like him.

  7. Rusty's comment illustrates exactly the problem with how Republicans think. A person's value is not entirely dependant upon how much money they make.

    This is why the Republicans want to cut programs for the less fortunate. The people who depend on these programs are not just "less fortunate" (financially speaking), they are less valuable as human beings.

    This also explains why Scott Walker's budget, which cuts $500 million from Medicare and similarly large amounts from other programs that help the state's poor -- actually increases funding for one program...

    Walker's budget increases funding for a program to "bury the destitute dead".

    Dead bodies rotting in the gutter might pose a health risk for the rest of the "more valuable" citizens.

  8. Rusty, you're a dick. I made one comment to this thread, and it was to say something POSITIVE about Trump. I agree with him on free trade.

    This "bashing" that you refer to is totally imagined. I didn't make any such comments in this thread.

    BTW Rusty, what about all the times Trump has screwed his creditors out of millions of dollars he owed them by filing for bankruptcy? An ordinary person isn't in a position to make this kind of "contribution".

  9. The "value" to America I was talking about had nothing to do with how much money a person has accumulated,its what the person has given back to improve the country....like creating jobs,building things rather then looking for a handout.I wonder how many people are greatful to Trump for their employment? How many jobs have you created WD?
    Instead of whining about people who have had a modicum of success and looking for the government to take their hard earned income,giving it to you and your ilk in the form of unearned handouts perhaps you could get up off your ass,find some initiative and make a contribution rather then holding your hand out.

  10. I have absolutely ZERO appreciation for the "value" Trump has added to American. He has his reward. He is a very wealthy man with a big fat ego and a hot young trophy wife.

    I wonder if Trump has any appreciation for the workers who toil for him or the consumers who buy his products and services. Without these people Trump would have nothing. Paying customers who stay in his hotels and suckers and idiots who lose money in his casinos and lose brain cells watching his idiotic TV show.

    I wonder if Trump has any appreciation for the taxpayers who provide for the court system he uses to enforce the contracts he enters into or arbitrate the many bankruptcies he files.

    Somehow I doubt it given his current shameless manipulation of Right-wing idiots (believers in the birther nonsense) and the media looking to make a buck off them. Trump is a con man pretending to run for president for the free publicity and wealth that free publicity will generate. Liars like Trump should be reviled, not receive kudos.

    I'm not looking for the government to "take" Trump's hard earned income. I'm looking for the government to STOP allowing wealthy individuals (like Trump) a free ride* and change the tax code so they have to pay their fair share. Everyone is being asked to sacrifice EXCEPT the wealthy. The redistribution of wealth -- from everyone else TO the rich -- churns my stomach.

  11. * OK Trump pays some taxes... make that a substantially reduced in price ride...

  12. Amazing how you leftwing nuts always make the whining point for us.

  13. wd, I'm not a big fan of Mr. Trump, either (especially now with all this birther bullshit). But at least he made his money by building things and NOT as a Wall Street banker.

  14. Let me just say...being in the casino operation business I have absolutly no respect how Trump operated his Atlantic City casinos and I think their lack of success seconds that apprasial.

    But,I also think Donald Trump is one of the most savvied entrepreneurs we've yet seen.His self promotion is beyond belief.His ability to twist the lefts tails is hysterical and the media attention he's gotten is a snapshot of what cable news has become.I say bravo Donald.

  15. I think Rusty's comment speaks for itself... he admires Trump's lying prowess. Why am I not surprised?


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