Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Note to Donald Trump 3

Word about town is that you, Donald Trump, have an excellent relationship with "the blacks"....It's true, huh? Yeah, well, guess what, I have a friend who just happens to be one of those blacks, and HE....has always had an excellent relationship with "the idiots". Hm, I should probably fix the two of you up some time, huh?......................................................................................................Oh, and, just for the record, he was once in favor of universal health-care and a millionaire's tax, too. AND, he was pro-choice. Lots in common, the two of you!


  1. All you folks on the left need to up you meds.The Donald has all of your knickers in a knot.
    Seriously kids,even if all the present GOP candidates were killed by a meteorite that deflected off The Donalds combover and by attrition he were in fact the chosen one, not one of you would ever vote for him.So why all the angst? I kind of think its because hes throwing darts at Obama and theres not a damn thing anyone can do about it...thats the kind of juice that comes with F*#K You Money.I think you're going to have to learn to deal with it.
    I personally am not a Trump supporter,nor am I a birther,in fact I dont even know a birther.I just find it hysterical a bunch of loonies have been demanding Obama show his birth certificate for the past few years and the White House more or less gave them the finger yet this egomaniac in the course of a month got the supposedly most powerfull man in the world to bend to his will.
    Even more amusing is how all the liberal media has reacted,its like someone shot all their mothers.For example...the past two days any liberal with access to a camera and mic was throwing a race card...christ they were flying like snowflakes in a blizzard.Tisk,tisk liberals.

  2. Rusty, you said...

    "For example...the past two days any liberal with access to a camera and mic was throwing a race card...christ they were flying like snowflakes in a blizzard.Tisk,tisk liberals."

    Indeed, there certainly has been many a race cards thrown by the left. A specialty of theirs, ya think?

  3. Far better to attack racism than pander to racists.

  4. I don't like it when liberals play the race-card, either, gents. But what this Trump guy has been doing I find particularly egregious. It's not enough that he's been shamelessly resurrecting this birther nonsense. But now he's hemming and hawing about how a "guy like Obama" could have gotten admitted into Harvard (he graduated summa cum-laude AT Harvard - but that doesn't seem to matter to Mr. Trump).......And why are you defending him, Russ? He's never even remotely been a conservative before. In fact, he's flip-flopped more that Senator McCain and Mitt Romney COMBINED! AND he's embarrassing the Republican Party.

  5. Damn Will,read my comments.I'm not at all defending Trump.I find it comical this egomaniac can get the left in such a tizzy.As a Republican I find Romney,Pawlenty,Huckabee and the rest boring as watching paint dry.Trump,on the other hand?
    Did you see his speech in Vegas? He was dropping F bombs left and right.Like I said a few times...the Donald has "F*#K YOU" money and he's using it.Only in America my friend.

  6. No matter who's president the state of the union address is usually boring as hell,except that one time when Gerald Ford had the balls to begin his speech by saying "the state of the union is not good."
    Imagine Trump as president giving a state of the union address similar to the talk he gave in Vegas this week.Dropping F bombs left and right...throwing in a couple MF'ers,calling out senators by name,giving the finger to the Chinese.It would be just what America is becoming....a big friggin reality show.Think about it....average Joe and his wife would be glued to the TV.

  7. If it were a movie, Russ, I'd be laughing. If it was Rosie O'Donnell on the receiving end of this zaniness, I'd be rolling over laughing. I just don't happen to find what he's doing now all that humorous.

  8. Wikipedia says that playing the race card is an allegation "that someone has deliberately and falsely accused another person of being a racist in order to gain some sort of advantage".

    When he discussed long-ago debunked "not born in the united states" conspiracy theories -- and (most recently) insinuated that BHO was a "terrible" student prior to being admitted to Harvard -- Donald Trump was pandering to Republican racists.

    You don't like it when Liberals play the race card? I don't like it when "Liberals" who are offended by racist rhetoric (and say something about it) are wrongly (and often dishonestly) accussed of making false allegations.

  9. For an example of me "playing the race card" see my post "Natural Born Birthers" from 5/6/2011.

    And I authored a post on 5/7/2011 titled "Republican Cons and Carnival Barkers", in which I discuss Donald Trump and others who are running fake presidential bids.

    I look forward to receiving your criticisms Will.

  10. The birthers are disgusting, wd. And I personally hold Mr. Trump in disdain for his idiotic contributions to this utter bullcrap. This is one area in which we are in agreement.


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