Friday, April 1, 2011

Mousa Kousa?

Seriously, folks, THAT'S HIS NAME? Oh well, at least he'll no doubt get along with some of my chums; Roswell Boswell, Horace and Deloris Morris (and their son, Boris), Wayne, Duane, and Blaine Swain (the Swain brothers), Lloyd and Floyd Boyd (the Boyd brothers), Kyle and Lyle Pyle (the Pyle brothers), Bradley Hadley, (Snortin') Morton Horton, Milton Hilton, Terry, Larry, Mary, Jerry, Cary, Harry, Barry, Sherrie, and Gary Berry (the Berry clan - Barry Berry obviously got teased the most of 'em), Kent and Brent Dent (the Dent brothers), Gordon Jordan, Jordan Gordon, Jason Mason, Mason Jason, Mickey and Dicky Hickey (same-sex marriage, Connecticut style), Moe and Joe Poe (ditto), Mike and Ike Pike (unrelated - though, yes, they've obviously bonded), Janet Planet (Van Morrison's first wife - HOT, at least in 1971), Dirk and Kirk Burke (brothers AND jerks, both of 'em), Bill, Phil, and Jill Hill (all unrelated), Clyde Hyde, Lester and Esther Hester (and their son, Chester), Owen Bowen, Jade and Slade Wade, Clinton Hinton, Valerie Mallory, Fern Byrne, Rob Cobb, Wesley and Leslie Nestle (heirs to nothing), Dante Bronte (one of the not so famous Bronte brothers), Gale and Dale Hale, Bunny Tunney, Sally Talley, Drew and Hugh Pugh (the Pugh brothers), Mitch "the bitch" Fitch, Denny and Lenny Benny (the Benny brothers), Troy Koy, Paul Hall (a specialist in mall security), Mel and Del Bell (the Bell brothers), Jake and Drake Blake (the Blake brothers), Jake and Blake Drake (the Drake brothers), Barney Carney............


  1. Oh my! One of your more profound analyzes, sir.

  2. Thank you, my good man. I was going to add Ralph Malph and Marcy Darcy to the list but, as you may already know, those 2 are fictional characters.

  3. Oh my! One of your more profound analyzes, sir.

    I had no idea what the hell he was talking about. It's a list of people with odd sounding names (most of whom I've never heard of)?

    I guess he thinks it's impressive that he was ale to come up with so many of them -- that is, if they are all real people (I'll take your word for it that they are).

  4. The real question is, what will we find first - WMD or your sense of humor?

  5. Dervish,

    You are reading way too much into it.

    You are seeking the meaning to life in a quirky post.


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