Thursday, April 21, 2011

Miscellaneous 67

1) We need a new party; a third party and/or a complete and total overhaul of one of the existing parties. And, yes, I want it to be a party that doesn't constantly feel the need to conflate such wildly discrepant topics as "card check" (which I vociferously oppose) and gay marriage (which I vociferously support), drilling in the ANWR (I'm open to it) and abortion (I'm strongly pro-choice), etc.. Enough already with the laundry-lists/blue-plate specials.............2) Imagine being part of a legislature SO EXTREME that even a Jan Brewer would veto your bills. I mean, wouldn't that be embarrassing? Yeah, well, that's exactly what happened this week in Arizona. The normally reliable tea party governor of that state vetoed a) some idiotic birther bill and b) a right to "carry" on college campuses bill. It seems that even she couldn't get behind this bullcrap. And good for her, I say. Good for frigging her.............3) To all of those people who claim that they've never met a birther, my response to that would be BOOM, "you just haven't been looking hard enough." I say this, folks, in that, yes, according to a recent New York Times/CBS News poll, a grand total of 47% of all Republicans say that they don't think that the President was born in America (now, to be fair, maybe some of them aren't aware that Hawaii is actually part of America). That's almost half. So, yeah, keep looking, I guess would be my advice to them.


  1. I purpose a political beer drinking party. The basic tenet is that all problems can be solved if enough beer is used to lubricate the discussion.

  2. I'd pretty much agree to anything, I know that.

  3. Actually I like Brewer. As my several posts on AZ SB 1070 would indicate.

  4. She was right then and she is right on her two recent vetoes.

    Just show's she reasonable.

    Oh, I prefer wine to lubricate the discussion. Keeps you more mellow! ;

  5. Time to resurrect the Whigs.

    Oh my goodness I used the word resurrect on Good Friday.

  6. RN, I actually think that the left made too much out of Arizona's immigration law. While always concerned with abuses in such legislation, the fact that it was essentially a reiteration of Federal law tempers that. And to also have that idiotic Mexican President lecture us, when in fact his policies with Guatemala are far more draconian, that was incredibly irksome, too.............Hey, Russ, didn't honest Abe start off as a Whig?

  7. Rusty - You said...

    Time to resurrect the Whigs."

    Here you go...

  8. I am think the party should be the National Myste Party, which would advocate social issues coupled with a moderate indifference to most other issues.

    The Myste party would resist absolute plutocracy, yet recognize that those with the money will always have the power. It would resist the taking of innocent human life, except for fetuses, because what else are we going to do? It would resist theocratic behavior, yet still allow people to be theists in public, even if that means praying in school. The Party of Myste would allow Christians to be Christians, Jews to be Jews and Muslims to be Muslims. If the president wants a Christmas tree in the Oval Office, he should have one, for Christ’s sake!

    Churches would receive no tax breaks unless they were truly nonprofit. God would not be granted rights denied to any other corporation.

    All bills would be about a single topic if the Myste Party had its way. We should have to peel an apple to eat an orange.

    Though we would not enforce it, the Myste Party would discourage parents from forcing their children to eat spinach. No child wants that crap. They have the right to pursue happiness and live the child’s version of the American dream. Spinach is not it. Do the first 18 years of a child's life not count? Should we not worry when we are making those years revolting to the child?

    This completes the Myste Platform.

  9. Broccoli and brussel sprouts, too, John, while I thoroughly enjoy them now, I found completely and totally disgusting as a kid. Might we also add those 2 SOBs to the platform? Oh, and, yeah, affirmative/I'm in!

  10. The term your looking for isn't "laundry-list" or "blue-plate special", it's "platform". A single idea in the party platform is called a plank. Being a follower of politics, this is something you should know.

    Parties come up with platforms so that perspective supporters know if they can get behind a particular candidate. Do you believe where a specific candidate stands on an issue should be kept secret? Should you only vote for candidates for political office based on their personality?

    I want to know where the candidate stands on an issue before I decide to vote for him or her. I think your idea that political candidates keep their positions secret is dumb and would never work.

    btw, I vociferously support "card check", gay marriage, and a woman's right to choose. I am vociferously support opposed to drilling in ANWR.


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