Friday, March 4, 2011

You Scratch My Back, I'll............

No, folks, it isn't technically prostitution; Hugh Hefner shacking up with those bimbs in his mansion, buying 'em all sorts of shit and them pleasuring him (eww, huh?). But, come on here, people! What in the hell else COULD you call it? I mean, it is in fact a transaction, no - them gaining materially and him sexually? And the fact that they're also pimping themselves on television. THAT!! I'm telling you here, it's almost enough to make you want to leave home, boy..............................................................................................Not even an ounce of shame, for Christ!


  1. I ain't a prude in any way or shape and one time I figure Hugh was the pinnacle in ultimate coolness but now the guy looks like a perverted zombie.

  2. Yeah, double b, the train has definitely left on that guy's coolness.


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