Thursday, March 3, 2011

Miscellaneous 61

1) It appears, folks, that the surest way to get ahead in some Republican circles these days is to simply say something loathsome about the President. I mean, first it was Newt Gingrich, mindlessly echoing that Dinesh D'souza crap about the President's father, his father's influence over him (never mind the fact that Obama's father died when he was TWO), yada yada. Then it was Pawlenty (by most accounts, a decent and reasonable person prior to this) at CPAC, not exactly embracing the birther bullshit, but not exactly condemning it, either (he instead joked about the President being from Mars). And, now, you've got the seemingly affable Huckabee dipping HIS toe into the craziness, feeding some idiotic right-wing talk-show nimrod additional donkey-shit; saying that the President grew up in Kenya, that he was surrounded by madrassas, etc.. I mean, wouldn't it be awesome if just one of these frigging stooges stood up and defended the President/put his or her own integrity over the damned nomination? I, for one, would totally love to see that (yeah, yeah, I know, I'm not a Republican primary voter).............2) I'd also like to inform Mr. Huckabee, an actual "apology" generally includes the words either "sorry" or "apologize". And, no, they're not as usual delivered in such a defensive manner, either ("poor me, poor me, the liberal media won't ever cut me a break, yada yada"). Just for some future reference, I'm saying.............3) Charlie Sheen said that he was "caught off guard" when social services took his children away. Hm, I guess, that, in his world, rampant drug and shacking up with prostitutes isn't a significantly large enough tea leaf to read.............4) I gotta admit it, though, when Mr. Sheen told that interviewer, "Yeah, I'm on a drug. It's called Charlie Sheen!", an extra-large belly-laugh flat-out DID occur. I mean, yeah, I'm totally sorry about it but.......


  1. Hucks selling his book and had to supply the needed chum for the frenzy.

  2. I saw a significant portion of the Charlie Sheen interview, which for some reason was replayed by Lawrence O'Donnell on his program. One of the women CS was living with is a model, the other is an adult film star. Perhaps you could call them prostitutes, in that they're having sex with CS for money... but I don't think they are (currently, at least) having sex with any other men for money.

    Anyway, I agree that he certainly should not have been surprised that his ex-wife acted to remove the children from his home after that interview aired.

    It might be "awesome" if one of them put his or her own integrity over the nomination, but it doesn't seem likely it will happen. Apparently a majority of Republican voters believe Obama isn't a natural born US citizen...

  3. You folks have short term memory loss,it was'nt all that long ago when libs had to make their street cred by saying something rotten about W.

    Could one of you leftys please explain your obsession with all things Hitler? Just yesterday another elected official...a Democratic Senator from Ohio named Sherrod (dont call me Shirley)Brown compared the GOP in WI to Hitler and for good measure threw in Stalin also.I'd wonder if these dems keep photos of Hitler in their wallets?

  4. I don't short term memory loss. W was a rotten president. It isn't our fault you perceived legitimate complaints as attacks. Also, I don't recall any smears against W that were completely fabricated like the imaginary (and silly) birther conspiracy.

    Secondly, I think Cons doing Hitler comparrisons outnumber Liberals doing the same. And if that isn't true, it surely is NOT more Liberals than Conservatives doing it.

    BTW, comparring someone to Hitler means you think that person is BAD... so why the hell would Liberals have a picture of him in their wallets (which implies an admiration for him)?

  5. The thing is, double b, Mr. Huckabee apparently didn't even read his own book, in which he clearly delineates how Mr. Obama grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii. Duh, huh?......You're right, wd, those 2 current chicks aren't technically hookers (the adult film star - who knows). But Mr. Sheen has in fact "done" many, MANY, hookers - more than enough, I'm thinking, to legitimately question his parenting skills.......Russ, I didn't know about the Sherrod Brown thing. But, yes, if he's throwing around Hitler analogies, I'd be more than happy to throw him onto the shit-pile, too.

  6. Also (and to support what Rusty was saying), I can remember a lot of Bush = Hitler type hyperbole over the years. Just on Lydia Cornell's blog alone (not so much Lydia herself), I'm saying. Remember this one, Russ - the "Reich Wing" this, the "Reich Wing" that?......As to which side does it more, wd, I don't really know or care. I'm much more interested in focusing in on individual malfeasance in this regard.

  7. Rusty said... Just yesterday another elected official... compared the GOP in WI to Hitler.


    "I'm NOT comparing what's happened to the workers in Madison or in Columbus to Hitler and Stalin but I am saying that history teaches us that unions are a very positive force in society that creates a middle class that protects our freedom" ~ Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio).

  8. Now,now WD dont cherry pick what Shirley Brown said...your quote was after he was caught using comparing the WI GOP to Hitler and Stalin...once again WD,you can have your own opinion but you cant have your own're foiled again.

  9. Yikes,I just read on Mediaite that Chris Matthews went after this Shirley Brown guy about the Hitler reference.Refreshing.

  10. After? I don't think so. What I posted was the initial comment. And, even though Senator Brown explicitly said he was NOT making a Hitler comparison, he later issued an apology, saying " speaking about this, I should not have mentioned the hostility of tyrants, like Hitler, to unions. I don't want my mistake to distract from the critical debate in Ohio...".

    Perhaps "Shirley Brown" (whoever that is) comparred the WI GOP to Hitler and Stalin... Serrod Brown did not. The non-cherry picked information I provided earlier wasn't my "opinion", but a factual account of what Senator Brown actually said.

  11. WD,I would never call you a liar...but you do always stretch the truth towards the left,but thats pretty typical.

  12. If this Shirley Brown was,as you say was not making a comparison to Hitler why on earth would he reference Hitler.I dont think that dog hunts WD,but your welcome to continue to try and justify the remarks.Me thinks you may very well have one of those pictures in your wallet.

  13. This happens a lot with these folks; politicians, pundits, etc.. "I'm not saying that I'm comparing these folks to Hitler BUT..........." It's kind of like a way that they can have their cake and eat it, too.


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