Friday, March 18, 2011

He Actually "Trumps" a Thing or Two

Not that Donald Trump ever had a realistic chance to be President, mind you. But, geez, come on here, a comedy Central roast!! I mean, I know that Obama has gone on the John Stewart Show (also on Comedy Central), and has done such shows as Letterman, etc.. But, I don't know, for Mr. Trump to be on the same stage (I'm assuming) with clowns the likes of Flava Flav and Lisa Lampanelli - that, I'm saying, might be taking it a tad too far....................................................................................................And you know something, in a strange way, it's kind of too bad. This, in that, while Mr. Trump clearly is buffoonish/arrogant as hell, he does have a few things going for him that the other Republicans don't. First of all, Mr. Trump made HIS money by actually building things (well, maybe not him personally but his company, I'm saying) - this, as opposed to simply moving paper around. And, secondly, he was staunchly against the Iraq War to the point where I'm totally convinced - the fellow ain't a neocon..................................................................................................Now, am I saying that I'd at any point vote for Mr. Trump? Hm, probably not. I mean, just the fact that he's an egomaniac would/should give me pause. But to have the fellow in the mix for a while, in the debate (his recent tough talk on China, for instance) - that in fact could be a good thing, folks.


  1. I do hope Trumps runs along with Newt, Romney, Huck, and the ever funny Sarah. Each have their own, special albatross hanging around their necks which is the reason Obama ain't worried and Karl Rove ain't excited about 2012.

  2. Don't forget Bachmann, double b. Word about town is that she's been thinking about it, too......THAT could be uproarious.

  3. Obama came out of nowhere. A republican may do the same. A very strong, rational republican female may have a really good chance. It would have to be someone we are not currently watching.

  4. If the Republicans had any sense, they'd take a look at former Hawaii governor, Linda Lingle. She's competent, smart, and a rugged campaigner. Of course, the fact that she's pro-choice and anti-death penalty pretty much makes her a nonstarter in Republican primary circles. You know, the whole litmus test thing.

  5. Maybe that she is more liberal on social issues would be good for the GOP if it wants to win. On the other hand, the GOP thinks it needs to get back to "Reagan Conservatism" to win the election, even though, if Reagan were running today, the GOP would not want anything to do with his liberal policies. Instead of him, they would insist on having a Reagan Conservative, something he was not.

  6. Methinks, John, that the GOP would rather lose with purity. Reference one Christine O'Donnell.

  7. Methinks you may be right and me glad they have this philosophy, as I would rather them lose that way also.

  8. You're a breath of fresh air, John. Thanks for the visit.


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