Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Tipping Point?

Beck may have finally gone too far. Not only, folks, has he thrown George H.W. Bush (a person who, let's face it, the right-wing never really liked) under the bus/into his paranoiac paradigm, he's apparently also thrown "W" there, too. According to this Beck guy, they are ALL; Obama, the Bushes, the communists, the Islamists, etc. planning some sort of world takeover and will be putting us all, ALL OF US, under, not just Sharia law but Communistic Sharia law - Marx meets Muhammad, in other words. I mean, I don't know about you folks, but, to me, this is not even frigging amusing anymore. And the frigging fact that he's even pissed off Bill Kristol, could not that fact alone could be his ultimate death knell?....Oh well, we should all probably be staying tuned, huh (that probably being what he ultimately wants anyway)?


  1. I even think that O'Reilly's getting tired of him.

  2. And to think Berkley wants to adopt Gitmo detainees as people who you'd want to date your daughter...

  3. I've always agreed that there are wackos on the left, Volt (a primary reason why many on that left continue to eschew me).

  4. I didn't know Bill Kristol's opinion was that important. Or did he recently accept an executive position with fox nooz? How crazy can Beck get and stay on the air? As hard as it is to believe, apparently he isn't crazy enough yet.

    I don't know what the hell Voltron is talking about... but it sounds like BS to me.


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