Monday, February 28, 2011

Thou Shalt Not (Apparently) Defend ACORN

I've suggested in the past that the "liberals" on Fox appear to be taking dives from time to time. Here, folks, is yet another example of that.. O'Reilly was interviewing (debating with, actually) these two liberal college professors (some black dude from UCLA and that bobble-headed semi-regular bimbo from Occidental) and the topic of ACORN came up. O'Reilly, in his usual hackneyed and brutish manner, started ragging on ACORN, those idiotic Breitbart tapes (you know, the ones where the idiot was posing as a pimp), especially. And, I'm telling you, those two supposed liberals - THEY JUST FRIGGING SAT THERE. I mean, I was literally yelling at the television, "The tape was doctored, the tape was doctored!"........................................................................................................Look, folks, I'm not necessarily saying that I'm a huge fan of ACORN here. I especially don't like the way the they've treated some of their own employees at times. And I definitely don't want Federal money going to them (not just them, mind you, but ANY advocacy group). But what's fair is fair and the doctoring of videos flat-out isn't fair.


  1. How have they treated some of their own employees at times? I am in favor of federal money going to ACORN, only problem, ACORN doesn't exist any longer.

  2. I seem to recall documented cases of ACORN not paying minimum wage, and of others not allowing their own workers to organize. A hypocrisy thing, in other words......You know why ACORN doesn't exist, wd? It's because of people like Barney Frank caving in and deciding not to support them anymore......This, though, yes, I do agree with Mr. Frank on this one.

  3. ACORN provided service to help out lower income folks... in addition to registering them to vote... which is why Republicans hated the organization.

    You're in agreement with the Republicans on this? It's a bad thing if poor people vote?

    As for the accusations against ACORN you "seem to recall", they are false. According to Steve Kest, executive director of ACORN, "ACORN has never paid its workers less than a minimum wage or sued to be exempt from minimum wage laws".

    In regards to "not allowing their own workers to organize", Kest said, "at one point there were workers at one of our offices who wanted to form a union, and we invited all of our workers in and pledged complete neutrality... [but] they decided not to pursue [the union]...".

    These lies were part of a smear campaign from Republican Party operative and professional dissembler Rick Berman.

    The fact that these accusations came from Berman says to me that ACORN was completely innocent of all of the charges.

    ACORN going out of business was a blow to democracy, which is why the democracy-hating Republicans voted to defund.

    I defended Barney Frank when you attacked him in your 7 part blog about how Fanny & Freddie were significantly to blame for the housing bubble... because you were wrong and Barney Frank was right.

    But Rep. Frank was WRONG to abandon his previous support for the organization. He skipped the vote (in which ACORN was defunded), but later said he would have voted for the motion had he been present. I guess the politican that gets it right 100 percent of the time probably doesn't exist, but this flip-flop by Rep. Frank was quite disappointing.

  4. ACORN provided service to help out lower income folks... in addition to registering them to vote... which is why Republicans hated the organization.

    You're in agreement with the Republicans on this? It's a bad thing if poor people vote?

    As for the accusations against ACORN you "seem to recall", they are false. According to Steve Kest, executive director of ACORN, "ACORN has never paid its workers less than a minimum wage or sued to be exempt from minimum wage laws".

    In regards to "not allowing their own workers to organize", Kest said, "at one point there were workers at one of our offices who wanted to form a union, and we invited all of our workers in and pledged complete neutrality... [but] they decided not to pursue [the union]...".

    These lies were part of a smear campaign from Republican Party operative and professional dissembler Rick Berman.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. my comments are being sent to your spam folder.

  7. ACORN provided service to help out lower income folks... in addition to registering them to vote... which is why Republicans hated the organization.

    You're in agreement with the Republicans on this? It's a bad thing if poor people vote?

    As for the accusations against ACORN you "seem to recall", they are false.

  8. ACORN provided service to help out lower income folks... in addition to registering them to vote... which is why Republicans hated the organization.

    You're in agreement with the Republicans on this? It's a bad thing if poor people vote?

    The accusations you seem to recall against ACORN are false. According to Steve Kest, executive director of ACORN, "ACORN has never paid its workers less than a minimum wage or sued to be exempt from minimum wage laws".

    In regards to "not allowing their own workers to organize", Kest said, "at one point there were workers at one of our offices who wanted to form a union, and we invited all of our workers in and pledged complete neutrality... [but] they decided not to pursue [the union]...".

    These lies were part of a smear campaign from Republican Party operative and professional dissembler Rick Berman.

    The fact that these accusations came from Berman says to me that ACORN was completely innocent of all of these charges.

    ACORN going out of business was a blow to democracy, which is why the democracy-hating Republicans voted to defund.

    I defended Barney Frank when you attacked him in your 7 part blog about how Fanny & Freddie were significantly to blame for the housing bubble... because you were wrong and Barney Frank was right.

    Rep. Frank was WRONG to abandon his previous support for the organization. He skipped the vote (in which ACORN was defunded), but later said he would have voted for the motion had he been present. I guess the politican that gets it right 100 percent of the time probably doesn't exist, but this flip-flop by Rep. Frank was quite disappointing.

  9. ACORN provided service to help out lower income folks... in addition to registering them to vote... which is why Republicans hated the organization.

    You're in agreement with the Republicans on this? It's a bad thing if poor people vote?

    The accusations you seem to recall against ACORN are false. According to Steve Kest, executive director of ACORN, "ACORN has never paid its workers less than a minimum wage or sued to be exempt from minimum wage laws".

    In regards to "not allowing their own workers to organize", Kest said, "at one point there were workers at one of our offices who wanted to form a union, and we invited all of our workers in and pledged complete neutrality... [but] they decided not to pursue [the union]...".

    These lies were part of a smear campaign from Republican Party operative and professional dissembler Rick Berman.

    The fact that these accusations came from Berman says to me that ACORN was completely innocent of all of these charges.

    ACORN going out of business was a blow to democracy, which is why the democracy-hating Republicans voted to defund.

    I defended Barney Frank when you attacked him in your 7 part blog about how Fanny & Freddie were significantly to blame for the housing bubble... because you were wrong and Barney Frank was right.

    Rep. Frank was WRONG to abandon his previous support for the organization. He skipped the vote (in which ACORN was defunded), but later said he would have voted for the motion had he been present. I guess the politican that gets it right 100 percent of the time probably doesn't exist, but this flip-flop by Rep. Frank was quite disappointing.

  10. ACORN provided service to help out lower income folks... in addition to registering them to vote... which is why Republicans hated the organization.

    You're in agreement with the Republicans on this? It's a bad thing if poor people vote?

  11. Poor people need help in registering to vote? Are you saying that poor people are stupid?

  12. The accusations you seem to recall against ACORN are false. According to Steve Kest, executive director of ACORN, "ACORN has never paid its workers less than a minimum wage or sued to be exempt from minimum wage laws".

  13. In regards to "not allowing their own workers to organize", Kest said, "at one point there were workers at one of our offices who wanted to form a union, and we invited all of our workers in and pledged complete neutrality... [but] they decided not to pursue [the union]...".

    These lies were part of a smear campaign from Republican Party operative and professional dissembler Rick Berman.

  14. When you log into blogger the first thing you are shown is the "dashboard". Click "comments". The next page that comes up shows your published comments.

    Right above the word "published" there are two links: "published" and "spam". Click "spam". If you mouse-over a comment in the spam folder two links appear in the lower-right hand corner: "delete" and "not spam". If you want to publish the comment click "not spam".

  15. Finally, in regards to Barney Frank -- I defended Rep. Frank when you attacked him in your 7 part blog about how Fanny & Freddie were significantly to blame for the housing bubble... because you were wrong and Barney Frank was right.

    But Rep. Frank was WRONG to abandon his previous support for the organization. He skipped the vote (in which ACORN was defunded), but later said he would have voted for the motion had he been present. I guess the politican that gets it right 100 percent of the time probably doesn't exist, but this flip-flop by Rep. Frank was quite disappointing.

  16. Wikipedia says, "...there has been a trend of decreasing voter turnout in most established democracies since the 1960s. In general, low turnout may be due to disenchantment, indifference, or contentment". Also, "There have been many efforts to increase turnout and encourage voting".

    That is where ACORN came in. Their goal was to encourage people to vote. I'm FOR encouraging people to vote (whatever their economic status)... I didn't say I think poor people are stupid.

    Voter turnout is FAR from 100 percent... you have got to know this! Attacking someone who supports voter registration efforts by saying they're calling people who need "help" stupid... that Republican BS tactic won't fly with me.

  17. If these same disenfranchised voters were far more likely to vote Republican, would you be just as enthusiastic about them registering?.....And I hate to tell you, but ACORN twice (1995 and 2003) sued the state of California for exempting itself from the minimum wage (they were paying its folks $16,000 a year for 54 hour weeks). The 2003 ACORN brief stated, "A person paid limited sums of money will be in a better position to empathize with and relate to the low income membership and constituency of ACORN." The National Labor Relations Board found that it had violated the law......And in 2001, ACORN refused to recognize the Industrial Workers o the World union - this, after its Seattle workers signed the cards.

  18. If these same disenfranchised voters were far more likely to vote Republican...

    Will, your question makes no sense. They are NOT, why the hell should I suppose that maybe they would? Are you saying that you agree with Republican efforts to suppress voter turnout?

    Next I'll respond to your (unsourced) allegations against ACORN. If you don't see my response it's because blogger deleted it...

  19. Previously I said... In regards to "not allowing their own workers to organize", Kest said...

    Who's Kest? You didn't ask... my previous comment (which blogger deleted) contained that information...

    The accusations you seem to recall against ACORN are false. According to Steve Kest, executive director of ACORN, "ACORN has never paid its workers less than a minimum wage or sued to be exempt from minimum wage laws".

    Steve Kest, the executive director of ACORN, says your allegations aren't true. The Pulitzer Prize-winning independent non-profit ProPublica agrees that the allegations are false (I presume, since they published his denials and didn't say they found any information that contradicted him).

  20. Previously I said... In regards to "not allowing their own workers to organize", Kest said...

    Who's Kest? You didn't ask... my previous comment (which blogger deleted) contained that information...

    The accusations you seem to recall against ACORN are false. According to Steve Kest, executive director of ACORN, "ACORN has never paid its workers less than a minimum wage or sued to be exempt from minimum wage laws".

  21. I can't respond. Blogger won't let me. What I tried to post was information contradicting your allegations (which I don't believe).

  22. I can't believe that you made me go back and retrieve this shit.'m sure that you're going to say that they're all lying, and that this Kest guy is a total high bastion of virtue, but there they are. I've got more, too............And here's the 1995 case marker; ACORN v Department of Industrial Relations, 48 Cal. App. 4th 298, 300-01 (Cal. App. 1st district 1995).

  23. No, I DON'T agree with voter suppression. But neither do I agree with tax dollars going to a bunch of partisan stooges going door to door to drum up business for the Dems. I don't particularly like EITHER of those things.

  24. P.S. I just lost a comment to Blogger, too. Service Unavailable 503 - something like that. I have no idea what the problem is.


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