Friday, February 25, 2011

The Shift Part 1

The construct of what it is to be a liberal has unquestionable changed. Just look at me, for instance. I'm in favor of the top tax rates going back to 39.6%. I was in favor of the extension in unemployment benefits. I was in favor of (at least in principle) the Wall Street reform. I've credited President Obama for saving (at least for now) the American auto industry. I'm in favor of more R&D (though, yes, I would much prefer the private sector to direct it). I've conceded that this Wisconsin governor SHOULD negotiate/compromise with the unions. I'm not opposed to a strong (within reason) safety net for poor people. I voted for Obama. I voted for Kerry. Yes, I did vote for Jody Rell in 2006 but, COME ON, an occasional moderate pro-choice Republican - INDULGE ME!!.....................................................................................................Oh, and, yeah, then we have all of those social, civil liberties, and foreign policy issues. Damned if I'm still not a frigging FLAMING liberal (not that all of these issues neatly lend themselves to left versus right, mind you) when it comes to these. Hmm......................................................................................................Bottom-line, folks, you'd think that with a "resume" like this, I'd at least be considered a reliable center-left contributor, a person that you could at least rely on to negotiate with. You'd think that and, yet, I've continuously been seen by many people on the far-left as a conservative (a "Reich Winger" one rather loathsome individual contributed) and/or traitor. It really does kind of make you wonder, doesn't it?


  1. Will, I feel your pain. This is the price you pay when choosing to engage in political dialogue. If its any consolation, there are reasonable conservatives who are being branded Marxists Liberals by the extreme far right. Political discussions are no longer give and take on philisophical they have become personal and deeply internalized...people feel they are being attacked personally. Hence, this drive toward idealogical "purity." I admit I get sucked in by this mentality occasionally. Any concession or attempt at reason ussually prompts attacks of some sort. For what its worth, I enjoy your post. I appreciate the effort you put into it.

  2. You're right about it happening on the right, too, and I apologize for not mentioning that. Ike and Teddy Roosevelt, Gerry Ford, guys like that - they'd be frigging laughed out of the Republican party today.

  3. Will, I think you are much too sensitive. Yes you do lean center left on most issues, but you also lean a little to the right in some of your opinions like how you reacted to the Hitler post. If you had read it you would see I did not call anyone Hitler. Don't be so afraid of Hitler analogies, he was an evil man but there can be evil like that pop up in America at any time if we don't pay attention. What's wrong with saying that? Our country is full of corrupt A-holes, our country is corrupt. Why is so hard for people to open their eyes and see it, and say it?

    Ya know Will, I respect you tremendously, you are one of the good guys, but I think you are looking through rose colored glasses when you look at the country.

  4. Sue, yes, Hitler outlawed unions (all unions - even private ones). But he also took over health-care and the educational system, and outlawed all private gun ownership. Does this mean that Congressman Weiner, who advocates a single payer health-care system, is Hitler. Does it mean that politicians who advocate gun control are Hitler? Does it mean that politicians who are against school vouchers for inner-city kids are Hitler? Of course not! No, no, and no........Look, I am more than ready to cry, UNCLE!, on this Walker guy. I do not defend him and I absolutely wouldn't vote for him. But he's basically advocating the same position as FDR, George Meany, and Jimmy Carter (didn't he sign a bill that eliminated collective bargaining in the Federal work force?). Not exactly Hitleresque, in my opinion.......Oh, and you're a good person, too, Sue. Just take a lesson from Herb Score - a great pitcher with the Indians who blew out his arm for only throwing fastballs......Guys and our sports analogies!

  5. No, nobody has to wonder, all they have to do is read your blog.


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