Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The New Star at MSNBC (And, No, I'm Not Being Facetious)

I like Lawrence O'Donnell. I really do. Not that I necessarily agree with everything he's ever uttered, mind you. But at least he, unlike his predecessor, Mr. Olbermann, will occasionally throw his viewership a curve-ball. Take, for instance, Mr. O'Donnell's acknowledgement that there actually was, once upon a time, a reasonable Dick Cheney; the Chief of Staff for Gerry Ford, the Wyoming Congressman, the Secretary of State under the first President Bush (a wise advocate then of NOT going to Bagdhad)......................................................................................................Another example that I could site would be Mr. O'Donnell's recent/staunch defense New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie. Remember back when everybody (including some of O'Donnell's colleagues at MSNBC) was hammering Mr. Christie for his having been out of state during that snowstorm? Well, instead of jumping onto that bandwagon, O'Donnell countered by saying that it was all a bunch of bullshit. According to MR. O'Donnell, there wasn't ANYTHING (extra) that the Governor could have done had he been there in person.......................................................................................................And just last night Mr. O'Donnell did a hard hitting piece on the John Edwards affair; the fact that campaign contributions may in fact have gone to Edwards' mistress, etc.. I mean, he almost went as far as to call the former Presidential candidate a liar (as did his guest). Try, folks, to name just one other partisan who would have been that blunt - hammering his own side, I'm saying. I can't think of very many - you?


  1. Joe Scarborough hammers rethuglicans constantly. He is the only rightie I can stomach..

    See Will, have you EVER heard ANY FOX host hammer a rethuglican?? So MSNBC is not as partisan as the right will have you believe.

  2. I forgot about you, Truth. You definitely hammer the left from time to time......Sue, I don't really consider Mr. Scarborough a partisan. As for MSNBC in general, I agree, it isn't as bad as Fox during their daytime programming. Prime-time programming, however, I'm afraid to say that it is IMHO.

  3. Susie,

    Let me get this straight...

    You believe PMSDNC is unbiased because they have lefties and fake righties BOTH bashing the right?

  4. This probably won't surprise you, Volt, but I very much like Scarborough. I consider him a no-nonsense type of old style conservative (out of the Howard Baker mold, perhaps - principled, but willing to compromise to get things done) who I would totally consider voting for. And, yes, unlike a lot of other politicians out there, left AND right, the frigging guy can actually count!


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