Monday, February 14, 2011


Fox News commentator, Liz Trotta, made what I thought was an utterly inflammatory statement the other day. She referred to the disproportionate number of African-American abortions as a form of, get this, "black genocide"! Nice, huh? And the fact that such idiotic metaphors like this never seem to get challenged. I mean, I forgot who the interviewer was but she (it was a woman, I think) basically put up NO resistance. She didn't, for instance, point out the obvious distinctions here; a) a fetus doesn't have Constitutional rights and b) abortion is a voluntary CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHT/individual decision (yeah, I could see if there was a white power-elite forcing these abortions)....................................................................................................I mean, don't get me wrong here, folks. I, while I am a pro-choice voter, DO respect the pro-life position. And I am also in favor of policies that could potentially reduce the number of these abortions (adoption, family planning, accessibility to birth control/morning after pills, etc.). I just don't see the feasibility OR the morality of mandating that a woman retain a pregnancy that she flat-out doesn't want - never mind, folks, this nasty tactic of vilifying her.


  1. Interesting to that Margret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood was into eugenics and wanted very much to abort black babies in particular...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ...I just don't see the feasibility OR the morality of mandating that a woman retain a pregnancy that she flat-out doesn't want...

    While rape and incest are huge expections it gives me the serious creeps to think anyone would want to. and do, end a pregnancy strictly out of convenience, I mean responsibility needs to play a factor here.

    Far too many people are waiting to adopt right now, then again there are thousands of older kids needing families.

    Screw it, this subject gets me down.

  4. That's a very important point, Volt - and one that shows how the quest for purity (in one's position) is difficult, at best.

  5. I hear you, double b. I think, though, that the saving grace is that 90+% of the women out there don't treat abortion as birth control.....At least I hope that that's the case......Morning-after contraception - I really think that that needs to be a focus here. I mean, I know that that is considered by some on the religious right itself to be abortion but, still.....

  6. Ann Coulter's take on abortion..."abortion allows women to have sex with men they would never marry."

  7. Ann, as usual, overstates it. Yeah, there probably are some woman who overuse the procedure, but are there a lot? - I kind of doubt it.


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