Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Haven't Seen It - No Desire to

What would be my answer to the question, "So, what do you think of that new hit show, Glee?"


  1. I haven't seen it either, no desire to. I'm gonna check out American Idol tonight for the first time this season. I used to have an addiction to it but in the past 2 seasons it took a back seat to MSNBC.

  2. Okay, I will freely own up and say I not only watch Glee but enjoy the storyline, the characters, and the music. For the first half of its first season I avoided it like the plague, my wife loved it from the beginning but it just wasn't my style.

    The change came when my son had friends over for several weeks jointly working on a massive school project that required the use of the family room. I started watching the show with my wife and was hooked.

  3. Beach Bum I think that's cute!!

  4. There are 2 things working against me on this one, guys; a) my overall disdain for pop culture and b) my pitiful attention span.......I suppose, though, that I should at least try it ONCE prior to popping my mouth off. LOL

  5. What you should do is put up a link to it....


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