Monday, February 21, 2011

Gregg Allman and Cher

What would be my answer to the question, "So, what's your all-time favorite (as in greatest train-wreck ever) celebrity marriage?"


  1. I'd have to add Brittany Spears and both the marriage to her childhood friend that lasted less than a day and the one where she popped out a couple of kids for that moronic backup singer.

  2. Damned if Britney isn't a mess, huh? LOL.....Still wouldn't mind seeing her naked, though.

  3. OMG....Sandra Bullock and Jesse James....whats the term I'm looking for....what is it again....oh yea,cluster f%&k.

  4. Rush Limbaugh and his marriage to Daryn Kagan. I think that was #4 and Clarence Thomas married him, oops I mean them.

  5. Those are good choices, too, gents......And you'd think that they'd eventually give up, wouldn't you? LOL


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