Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Delivery.....or Pickup

Sarah Palin is trying to score some political traction over this Egyptian crisis (surprise, surprise, huh?). She's especially trying to exploit/make some hay with that 2008 Hillary Clinton ad about President, then candidate, Obama not necessarily being ready for some hypothetical 3 AM phone call (an immediate foreign policy crisis, in other words). The President's "in over his head", seems to be what she's implying...................................................................................................Of course, what Mrs. Palin doesn't realize here is this obvious fact. The American people, in what appear to be overwhelming numbers, flat-out don't trust her with that 3 AM phone call, either. Me, personally - I wouldn't allow her to answer the phone at Pizza Hut......I mean, that's a big time emergency, too, right - running out of Pizza?


  1. As much as it might stun conservatives many liberals enjoy the daily dose of comedy Palin and her clan offers up. Personally I just tune her out, I have enough static in my life already.

  2. I have heard the womans little interview over and over, it's remarkable she is put in these positions of speaking on national TV! Her sentence structure is something I have never heard before, Is it common in Alaska to speak like that? What is her malfunction?? The more she talks the better it gets for dems I guess, right?

  3. I try to be fair and open-minded about people, their ideas, etc.. And, yes, because of that, I tend to give most folks a pretty long leash. The down side of this, of course, is that it readily provides people the opportunity to hang themselves. Enter Sarah Palin.


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