Saturday, February 19, 2011

Birth Control Via the Benjamins

This is going to sound extremely impolitic (not to mention, utterly unworkable), but hows about THIS for a stimulus plan? We pay poor, uneducated girls a yearly stipend to NOT have children. I don't know, one or two thousand a year or so - something like that. Sure, it would be expensive, but, think about it, it would probably save money in the long run, cut down on the glut of unskilled workers competing for scarce jobs, resources, etc.. I mean, yeah, I know that it would also cause a lot of controversy; middle-class girls wanting the money, too, political correctness obviously being smacked around, the right and the left both probably going ballistic, etc.. But, hey, if you're looking for something that's majorly outside the box, I'm saying.............So, am I a frigging jerk or WHAT? LOL................................................................................................P.S. The right wouldn't like it because it would be paying people for things that they should be doing anyway (i.e., acting responsibly). And the left wouldn't like it because of the class and racial innuendo. Oh well!

1 comment:

  1. An interesting concept that could be used in some form. As for being politically incorrect I'm for sterilizing any person who willfully endangers their children and ending their custody of those already alive.


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