Monday, January 3, 2011

Two Dicks Don't Make a Something

There aren't a lot of folks who love animals more than I (an 18 year vegetarian) do; dogs, cats, bunnies, guinea pigs, hamsters - basically anything that's cuddleable (yeah, Sarah Palin, I can make up new words, too). But, I gotta give it to you here. Even I was taken aback last week when Tucker Carlson said that he thought that Michael Vick should have been EXECUTED for those dog fighting/animal cruelty offenses of his. I mean, seriously, it's not like Michael Vick murdered a bunch of human beings or anything like that...................................................................................................And, really, folks, what in the hell is going on with Tucker Carlson IN GENERAL? Not, mind you, that I was ever a humongous fan of the guy's. But he seemed for the most part to be reasonable (I recall his opposition to the Iraq War, specifically). Is he WHAT NOW, trying to draw attention to himself? Is this what a person who's been fired from the other two cable news channels, and who's presently backing up Sean Hannity, does to try and stay relevant? I mean, this, folks, was SO over the top that Mr. Carlson actually had to be lectured by Hannity himself (this took place on tonight's show). Wow, huh? Now that is what I call humiliating.


  1. Carlson's just pissed his career is in the trash. Fox won't even give him a show leaving him to appear as some lame guest on Hannity.

    Seriously, politics aside he looks like some generic kiss ass overly eager for attention. Being fair and balanced Ron Reagan junior would be the democratic version.

  2. Honestly, double b, if my career ever degenerated to the point of having to be Sean Hannity's backup, I would hope that I'd have the common sense and decency to retire, or, hell, maybe just focus on the print side, something!!

  3. Certainly this guy should never be allowed to own a dog ever again. I believe in second chances and rehabilitation, but I have a serious problem with people who torture animals.

    Various stories I've read mention drug use and gambling, neither of which I really give a damn about. It's been said that dog fighting was a part of the culture he was raised in... even so he certainly must have know it was illegal. But fine, he did his time and paid some hefty fines.

    But what about the reports of brutal executions by hanging, drowning, electrocution and shooting? It sounds to me like Vick is a sadist. I don't know if such a person can actually be cured.

    I don't care for President Obama's interjecting himself into this story. The only reason Vick is back playing professional football is because there is money to be made, NOT because his new employers give a damn about giving people who made mistakes second chances.

    I don't believe Vick should have been executed, but I do believe he may have gotten off a little to easy.

  4. Vick is a dick - no question, wd. And, yes, he's possibly a very sick man, too. I just thought that Mr. Carlson was way over the top in saying that Mr. Vick should have been "executed". That's all.


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