Friday, January 21, 2011

Note to Sarah Palin

Mrs. Palin, dude, if somebody like Newt Gingrich thinks that maybe you've taken it a smidge too far, then, yeah, perhaps in fact ya' have.............Oh, and as far as that political career of yours goes - that's over. You do indeed know that, right? RIGHT?


  1. Maybe she does and thats why Michelle Bachmann has come forward and is putting herself out there as a possible candidate for the presidency?? God help us all.....

  2. Bachmann says that Obama's health-care plan (which, as you know, is something that even I think needs some improvement) is his "crowning jewel of socialism". She also said that Obama himself needs to be "repealed". I'm sorry here, but this woman makes Mrs. Palin sound like Simone de Beauvoir.......And, really, if "Obamacare" is the crown jewel of socialism, what in the hell is Romneycare - cosmetic jewelry?

  3. A single-payer system could be called a "government takeover" and perhaps a "crown jewel" of a socialistic health care insurance system... but leaving in place the for-profit businesses? I think she must be mentally ill.

  4. I hate to say it, wd - but, on this one, I think that we totally agree (the part about Bachmann not being sane, I'm saying).

  5. Ah,the continued liberal fear of conservative women.We do find it comical.
    Not that I'm a big fan of hers but Sue,Will and Wd would wish to be as successfull as she degree,self made money...and her and her husband have raised 23 foster children...thats a bit more then either one of you have accomplished.

  6. Rusty you really don't know me so your assumptions are based on what?

  7. Russ, I'm just basing my opinion on the stuff that's been coming out of her mouth the last couple years - not upon the fact that she's a woman, or a conservative per say......And, for the record, I don't particularly care for Nanci Pelosi, either.

  8. Just based on your ramblings Sue.Not much substance there.

  9. YIKES!!!! that was really rude.....


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