Saturday, December 25, 2010

Play it Again, Marilyn

I was watching "The Misfits" today and I'm telling you here, that scene between Marilyn Monroe and Montgomery Clift, outside the bar at night, his head all bandaged up from a fall at the rodeo earlier that day, her trying to comfort him, THAT, folks, is one hell of an incredible scene. I especially liked it when he asked her, "Who do you depend on? WHO?" and she responded with, "I don't know. Maybe all there really is is just the next thing, the next thing that happens. Maybe you're not supposed to remember anybody's promises."......I'm telling you here, folks, it was almost visceral, the entirety of it. Kudos, all around, to Clift, Monroe, Arthur Miller (the screenwriter), and John Huston (the director). Like they often say in Hollywood....and elsewhere, they just don't make 'em like that anymore.


  1. I think The Misfits is very underrated... I've never seen Marilyn so enraged or Gable so vulnerable ... A must see..

  2. ...they just don't make 'em like that anymore.

    I really hate it when people over analyze everything but I have noticed a few important differences between old and modern movies. If I watch something on Turner Classic Movies I usually have to actually sit down and follow the plot and character development to understand what is going on.

    In most newer movies which are far more special effects driven you don't need a long attention span. Frankly I've seen recent movies on DVD here at my house where I could start a load of laundry, throw something in the oven, and answer the phone and still not lose anything important.

  3. Sort has an almost existentialist undercurrent...but out of respect for BB we will just say Marilyn M left me breathless. :)

  4. We're showing our age, gentlemen. 50 years from now another guy will site some dialogue between George Clooney and Tilda Swinton and say, "They just don't.....

  5. Sadly it is said the physical excertion of making The Misfits is what killed Clark Gable.

    I hope for his sakes that included a few "sessions" with Marilyn Monrow. What a way to go.


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