Saturday, December 18, 2010

Closet THIS, John McCain

There isn't a lot that comes out of Washington (D.C.) these days that inspires me. But I have to confess it here, the fact that the Senate voted 65-31 this morning to end that insidious policy of don't-ask/don't-tell, I did get a little bit of a lump in my throat overall. I mean, sure, I'm still a little pissed off that it took the better part of two decades to make this change (not to mention the fact that 31 recalcitrant Republicans continued to try and derail it) but, still....Overall, folks, a very good day for freedom in America.....................................................................................................Alright, now let's pass the START Treaty. We're on a roll here.


  1. Damn right! It's about time progressives had something to celebrate, and it might start a movement if we'd just trumpet our successes instead of nodding and saying, "Well, it was the right thing to do."
    Every disappointment or setback has had liberal bloggers down in the dumps, ready to cast Obama to the wolves, when in fact he's gotten quite a lot accomplished, given the shitty hand he was dealt and the lack of support from his base OR cooperation from the other side of the aisle.
    This is monumental, and we ought to be proud of those who made it happen!

  2. Very inspiring indeed. As for those 31 Senators who voted no, they forever will be on the wrong side of history, IMO.

  3. Is it me, or is McCain the undisputed king of stall tactics? Seriously, whnever something highly polarizing comes up, he's there slamming on the brakes even after he's had months of preparation.

  4. My biblethumping, chickenhawk brother probably had a heart attack. If he didn't I plan on calling him soon and try to bring one on.

  5. Will: Finally getting rid of DADT was a good accomplishment.Sorry to tell you Senator McConnell is ready to derail the START Treaty...said something about there hasn't been enough time to study it and some of the verification clauses make him "nervous." Went on to say that trying to rush it through will force him not to support it....

  6. Mr. McConnell, while not as obviously obnoxious as Tom DeLay, is every bit as underhanded. To so cavalierly go against the advice of 5 former REPUBLICAN Secretaries of State is just despicable.

  7. said something about there hasn't been enough time to study it

    Why???? ... it has been in the US Senate since April 2010. It was signed April 8, 2010 couldn't the turtle faced hack spend even a couple of evenings reading it?

    Oh right he had all those filibusters to keep track of making sure NOTHING got done so the republiscum drive to destroy the middle class (you know, the one Reagan started it in 1980) is on track.

    National Security be damned it seems according to their new mantra of NOTHING getting done.

    Sorta like the big FUCK YOU they sent to the 9-11 responders, for the health care the 9-11 responders.

    Republiscum, real good at flapping their gums expelling hot air, not so good at accomplishing any thing GOOD for the middle class and country.

  8. What the Republicans have done during this lame-duck session is totally perplexing. Discriminating against gays, seemingly wanting to start another arms race with Russia, turning their backs on 9/11 first responders (this, after having used them for props for 9 years). I'll admit it. I'm not a big fan of the Democrats, either. But this here stuff - not only is it bad substantively, it's bad politically.


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