Thursday, November 11, 2010

Note to Joe Miller

Dude, ya' lost. And you've apparently lost decidedly, too. Don't you think that maybe it's about time that you, you know, "manned up"....and accepted it?....For the will of the people (a central tenet of the Tea Party - no?), I'm saying..................................................................................................P.S. Sorry to spell it out for you like this....Get it - "spell it out" for you? LOL


  1. You know as well as I do Will that when it comes to gaining power all the bullshit about liberty and the "will of the people" goes out the door. And understand I talking about both the left and the right.

    Lord Acton is still right.

  2. No, that isn't a central tenet of the Tea party... their tenet is "Let the will of the wealthy and corporations be done". Or, that is the tenet of the tea party politicans. Those duped into voting for them may believe otherwise.

  3. You're right, double b, this guy is definitely not going to go gently into the night......I was being sarcastic, wd. This guy obviously doesn't care at all about the will of the people.


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