Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Note to Jim Demint

Dude, no offense here, but you beat a frigging tree-trunk tonight. Did you really, REALLY, need a victory speech/celebration to punctuate it? I mean, come on. Alright? Enough.


  1. Kind of strange how quiet the liberal blogs are tonight.

    I wonder who get shoved under the bus tomorrow.

    Did any one see Bachman lay out Chris Matthews tonight....I thought he was going to cry.

  2. DeMint is a dick and his opponent had some sort of ties with an organization ran by Joe Wilson. But hey, South Carolina has been extra corrupt since the place was founded.

  3. Russ, you know me. I root for the country to do well regardless of which party is running it. But I have to be honest with you here. I am not impressed by what I've been hearing (or not hearing) from some of these Republicans. They are not being specific as to how they will a) reduce the deficit and b) pay for the tax-cut extension (no, they don't pay for themselves - just ask David Stockman and Alan Greenspan). Maybe your favorite, Paul Ryan, can fill in some of the gaps here. I certainly hope so. I'll be rooting for him, too.

  4. You're right, double b, not exactly a banner season for the palmetto state. But don't feel bad. I had to choose between a dishonorable politician who lied repeatedly about his military service and a wrestling mogul who turned the other way when her "employees" were popping steroids a la Junior Mints....I picked the 3rd party guy.

  5. Bachman is too stupid to lay out anybody.
    I believe it was shown on C-Span when she tried to tie the Smoot-Hawley tariff to FDR/govt/liberalism and not only got the President wrong (it was Hoover) she got the year wrong (1930 not 1933)couldn't even pronounce it, and didn't even appear to understand what a tariff is.

    She has the morals of a Franken or a Pelosi and may be our current dumbest elected official.

  6. I'm trying to think of a dumber one, Oso. I think that if Sharron Angle had won, maybe.

  7. Actually Osi,Bachmann did lay Chrissy out last night.When she asked him if the tingle in his leg was gone after last nights results Matthews cut her off and complained saying "now they are making fun of me." What a friggin wussy.

  8. I saw that Rusty, he also claimed he never said that.

    Obviously PMSDNC can't afford to buy video tape, what with only two or three viewers...

  9. Perhaps now Bachmann can get her "Un-American activities" investigation going.

    They could start with the 80 some members of the "Socialist Democrats" caucus...

  10. I will agree with you, Volt, on MSNBC's election coverage. It was an absolute abomination. You simply do NOT put partisans/activists in the moderator's chair. You just don't do it.

  11. I consider Al Franken to be one of the most moral people in the Congress. I hope he keeps his job as long as he wants it.

    MSNBC only has 2 or 3 viewers? I wonder why I've seen Carl Rove organization commercials on MSNBC? Who do they think they're appealing to? Perhaps they're just throwing some advertising cash MSNBC's way out of the goodness of their hearts?

    Will, I will disagree with you on MSNBC's election coverage. Who are you to dictate to them who they chose to place in the moderator's chair? A news/political commentary channel CAN'T run it's organization the way it sees fit because "it simply isn't done"? I did not know that.

    Maybe we need to bring back the fairness doctrine to reign in MSNBC -- and FORCE them to be fairer to Republicans?

    BTW, given the open primary system in South Carolina, I think it's likely Republican dirty tricks are behind the nomination of Alvin Greene (Republican voters crossed over and voted for Greene to give DeMint an easy win). I think the DeMint campaign was celebrating the fact that they got away with it.

  12. I'm not dictating to anybody, wd. I'm just stating my opinion that an entity which calls itself a "news organization" shouldn't put 5 partisan activists in the role of covering an election event. It's basic journalism 101, dude.

  13. Will, your opinion is wrong. MSNBC has never claimed to be non-partisan, or "fair and balanced".

    MSNBC has carved out a niche for itself and their ratings are growing because people like what they are offering (I know I do).

    Yet, for some reason you think they should throw that away and become a straight news organization. Perhaps their new logo could be "Watch us for the same news coverage you can get on a half dozen other channels". That does not sound like a winning strategy to me.

    Offering the customer something they can't get anywhere else (if there is demand for it, and in this case there is) is marketing 101 me-bucko.


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